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Best emulator for games

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It uses DLL files to make the program believe it's running in a Windows environment. It's emulating windows. Yes, there are actual DLL files that are part of WineX - you don't get them with the CVS, however, because of licensing issues. And it's a reason the CVS version of WineX doesn't work so well. It emulates a windows environment by translating the commands into ones that Linux can use, it's the same thing that any other emulator does. It takes certain commands, and makes them into ones Linux can use. WineX is a programing running on your computer. If you follow the PID and PPID trail, the process for the game you're playing depends on the wineserver. The wineserver is making the program believe it's in a windows environment. It's emulating windows. Just because it's not inside a window does -not- mean it's not running in an emulator. "Access Layer" or "Compatibility layer" is truly just another way of saying "emulator". I suggest you check out the actual code for winex and another emulator, you'll see they're both translating instructions into something the O/S can actually use. As I said before, an emulator does not have to emulate an architecture. It can emulate any piece of software or hardware.


But who truly cares. We care argue all we want, and nobody will agree, meanwhile we've completely lost Urza who just wanted to know what to use to play his games.

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Like I said - when we go offtopic in such a way we just confuse the n00bs.


I guess I'm not innocent though...


Urza: Cedega is the best option, ignore the discussion as to whether or not it is an emulator - for your purposes it is ;) So run along to www.transgaming.com

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WindowsXP is a good emulator



No, it's a bootsector virus. :cheesy:


* SoulSe runs away before an Evil Mod :tm: catches him going offtopic...


D*rn Soulse! I have come a long way to educate computer enthousiasts that Windows is not a virus but a BUG:




So you see Windows is *not* a virus.


Now *stop* spreading all this FUD, you hear me? :cheesy:

Edited by Darkelve
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