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Old guy, Linux brain

Guest pgk3734

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That's the problem with today's computer users. People want it to be as simple as a stereo when a computer is actually a very complex tool (heck.. even the name should give you a clue to what it actually does.). And then people uses it irresponsibly and then complain when they got hacked, virused, or worse.

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Im somewhere between gmac and zerow really. I think people who cant change a wheel or recharge a battery shouldnt drive. (physically disabled people exempt of course)


But I used to work with people like this, people who cant even change lightbulbs or charge a battery. (honestly - I know it sounds unlikely but Im teling the truth - some of these people had lived witrh servants all their life and others as a minimum fully serviced appartments)


If you cant change a wheel yourself you get ripped off. Personally I dont see anything wrong with some garage profiteering from someone who doesnt have a spare. Its just stupid ... its basic and it takes 1 minute to learn and if you dont learn it you deserve all you get. Sometimes that will be death because these sort of people are the same ones who will be in the midde of a dessert or blizzard in an unserviced car and not have charged the cell phone.


Its unfortunate ... but how can you feel sorry for someone in this position?


If you still feel sorry then these are the same people who had the oil warning light on for the last 500 miles.....


Not knowing what an OS is.... is similarly basic.

Some people dont know and dont care. They get exploited by MS and its the same thing. These people just shouldnt be using computers.


In a way they are exploiting YOU.

.... but the computer thing really isnt that different....


Lets face it unless your a guy and its a pretty girl or the other way round and someone asks you to change a tyre but refuses to learn ... then you'd think twice. Now the next time theyre 100 miles away and have a puncture and call you to drive over and fix it for them you start getting tired of it.


What is so different about a computer. ???


Note Im not saying that everyone should be able to fully service a car.... but certain basics that can save your life should be universal.


The computer is the same


Its a tool and like zerow says the name should give a clue :D

If people really are not interested enough to understand the consituent parts then they shouldnt really use it. There are set-top boxes for internet access and game consoles and consumers should expect top turn them on and them work.... but not a general purpose computer.


Many people can drive cars and can change a wheel or swap a bulb etc.

This is fine, they take care of the basic safety and are not interested in how an engine works but are interested enough to know that when the warning light comes on not to keep using it.


These are fine ... like fred_the_fish says not everyone wants to buy A KIT-CAR but you have to distinguish between those who ignore the flashing warning lights and those who are willing to at least realise it takes oil and water every so often.

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Gowator - I quite agree, I was just pointing out (from my experience) peoples wants and needs with a computer.


And personally, yes I do think this is wrong and should be rectified. - My father know's how to do general car diy stuff, I've learnt from him (and then I learnt even more when I got a motorbike and had to learn the fast way when things went wrong), however many many many friends of mine don't have the first clue about what an altenator does etc..


However, most people today can't be bothered to take the time to learn these things - as I said, they have a mechanic they can take the car too, and its easier for them to through £200 at a mechanic than spend 5 hours themselves on a weekend learning whats going on, and thus whats gone wrong, and thus what they need to do to fix it. Inherent laziness maybe, but they have no desire to "waste time" on things that they know someone else can do for them.

Edited by fred_the_fish
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Aye, and this again brings us to one of the big challenges facing Linux - particulary on the desktop. People don't want to be challenged, they want everything done for them and the computer must 'just work'.


What they don't realise is that some distros (and especially Mandrake) are now at the friendliness-level of Windows (if not past it).


I find the Mandrake Control Centre to be the most important tool worth mentioning here - it is intuitive (more so than Windoze's Control Panel IMO), it is highly capable and provide n00bs (or people who couldn't be bothered) with the resources to achieve things that traditionally took some reading and learning time.


The Drakes are the most important thing that ever happened to desktop Linux, IMHO.

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It depends what users mandrake wants....


For the people who wanna just drive they dont need wizards...

all they need is someone to install it and for the software to keep working... (Like OS-X) .. however this is something Mandrake has been notoriously bad at. (upgrades vs installs)


They dont need an internet connection wizard becuase it comes with the ISP contract and cable modem.... etc.


This is IMHO a different market....

For those who wanna learn then I think the Wizards are bad because it prevent you learning. Once you use them they confuse matters if you try and fix things later by hand....


Point in question ... my eth0 hangs on everyboot since i installed 10.0 and used the wizard...

If Id installed it myself Id know what to edit.


Im not against DRAK's but they need documenting so a user can learn what they do and even modify it if they choose. I find editing things that the DRAK wizards created a real pain. From XFree86Config's to interfaces or firewalls.


Even SAMBA is donme in some way that webmin cant edit afterwards.


This is a real issue.... I dont mind using the wiz to save time and tune later but I have no intention of throwing 5% of my diskspace away by using diskdrake. The wizards are designed to be EASY and that means not detailed!


If I use one i want to be able to take off where it left off - not have to delete it and start afresh.

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