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Counter-Strike "Pro Mode"


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Not sure if youve seen it but there is a group of people at ukterrorist.com thinking about putting out a server side patch called pro-mode. It contains several fixes, patches and changes to counter-strike's appearance and gameplay.

From Ukterrorist.com pro-mode

What are the problems that it should fix?


* Radar transparency - a long standing problem. cl_radar_transparency as a value from 0-100 which would relate to a transparency % for the RADAR. A selection of radar background colours would also perhaps be suitable. Possible even in inbuilt toggle so people can change radar at a keypress.


* Weapon recoils - less recoil period, and decreased recoil for firing while moving. In particular with rifles and pistols. If deagle recoil were improved, its power would have to be decreased somewhat or its rate of fire decreased, otherwise it would be overpowered. However, that change would be preferable to the randomness we have now


* Removal of jumping slowdown - an unnecessary change brought in to combat bunny hopping which had been largely stopped in 1.3 with the restricted air accelerate, to a degree where bh was no longer an issue anyway


* Removal of weapon switch delay - a change that was totally in favour of making the game easier for new people to play. Well done valve, people have bought the game now, so it is not needed


* Removal of shield - nice idea Valve, but we don't want it


* Decreased rate of awp fire - there's nothing worse than someone getting an initial fair awp shot off, then unscoped shooting 2 people who jump past him out of pure luck. The weapon was never designed to be used this way and while it's nice to get those kills, it's a detriment to the game because it's just another random factor


* HLTV - combine it with a higher quality voice transmission so that commentators can be talking about the game as it's happening and players can choose to have ineyes view of the commentator, so they can see what the commentator is talking about. Also fix the sound issues regarding HLTV and make it a more accurate representation of ineyes viewing


* Game scoring - reintroduce CO rules with a few changes. Every time the bomb is planted, both the current round timer and the game timer is frozen. This would make eco rounds viable in CO, giving the Ts a chance to plant and incentive to do something other than a lemming rush. If a player suicides, he gets no money in the next round.


* Standardised server settings - enforce maxrate 25000, minrate 8000 (for isdners). updaterates 101 and 40 (again, for isdners). Set round times, 2 minutes or so.



Less vital changes


* Removal of dead bodies - I don't want them sitting on a floor and I certainly don't want them floating through floors to the depths of the earth. What was wrong with bodies just disappearing?


* Change of commands for zooming and silencer - it's nice to zoom, it's irritating to put the silencer on at the wrong moment


* Variety of crosshair choices - let's face it, nobody likes the current one



Other issues with cs


* Flashbang bugs - unflashing yourself yadda yadda


* Sound bugs - grenade switches cutting out awp sounds


* Model bugs - players not looking in the direction they are really facing


* Hitbox bugs - only really appear on some servers, the majority of "hitbox bugs" are just random recoil not hitting who you are aiming at, or screwed around interp settings


* FPS bugs - let's face it, recording demos should not lead to such huge fps drops, it never did in the past


Personally I think there are some good points about it, but the majority is basically a bunch of people who cant accept the game and the way it works. Things like decreased awp fire rate, no shield, removal of jumping slowdown sound to me like the sort of things a noob who thinks they are l33t would say should be changed. There are many ways to counter awps and shields, and the jumping slowdown stops bunny-hopping, something which noobs used to do back in 1.3.

Then there are the things like bugs (sound, demo, hitbox etc.), radar transperancy etc. which sound like a great thing to do. And Ive got no problem with that. Optional stuff like changing of silencer/scope buttons, disappearing dead bodies etc. can be selected by the user, everyone has an opinion. I have personally never had a problem with putting on a silencer instead of a scope, and I enjoy the bodies being there, it gives you an idea of where the killer could be, and makes the whole thing seem cooler :D


What does everyone else think! Is pro-mode CS cool or uncool!? :juggle:

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