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building new computer

chris z

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just wanted to let anyone who might care know........


the beast has been built. actually, i did it 2 weeks ago. been up & running without any problems whatsoever since. installed MDK9.2 & it detected all hardware without a problem. i'm still giddy with the speed, power, & over all improved performance compared to the old box. it's like going from an old VW bug to a Maserati. so, if anybody ever wants to use the hardware specs i posted, or something in the same ballpark, i can vouch for the fact that it all works flawlessly. now, what to do with all of this space on the empty partitions? B)



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Whenever I read these kind of "I'm building a new system..." posts I always get the urge to upgrade/build a new system myself.


I also noticed that a lot of people are changing their views on the priority between cooling and noise. It wasn't long ago when everyone said "cool, cool, cool". Now, increased importance is being placed on the quietness of the system.


My current upgrade plan is only for quietness. I am running an XP2000+ on an ECS K7S5A Pro and have been really happy. I added a couple of case fans about a year ago for cooling but now find I want more quiet. So I am looking at replacing my OEM HSF with a Scythe Kamakaze (it fits on the MoBo) and putting my HDDs in silent enclosures. My cases fans will be replaced with Silent/Ultraquiet Zalman Fans and fan controllers, and all my IDE cables will be replaced with round cables.


Does anyone have other methods of reducing noise in their system?

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just wanted to let anyone who might care know........


the beast has been built. actually, i did it 2 weeks ago. been up & running without any problems whatsoever since. installed MDK9.2 & it detected all hardware without a problem. i'm still giddy with the speed, power, & over all improved performance compared to the old box. it's like going from an old VW bug to a Maserati. so, if anybody ever wants to use the hardware specs i posted, or something in the same ballpark, i can vouch for the fact that it all works flawlessly. now, what to do with all of this space on the empty partitions? B)



Thanks for posting a progress report Chris, I myself started another thread on which motherboard is best for Mandrake 10 Powerpack edition.


I have Mandrake 9.2 running on an nForce2 board (ASUS A7N8X Deluxe 1.04) and had to add noapic nolapic acpi=off in the bootloader parameters to prevent lockups / freezes. This minimized the lockups a great deal but did not completely eliminate it.


I have also researched quite a bit, even thinking of getting an Intel based board but now I probably will go with SOYO... with the VIA KT400 or KT600 chipset.

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I've been browsing some older threads here, and it seems that in some of them (7 month old thread) that the KT400 is considered obsolete compared to nForce mobos. Will the newest distros - mdk 10 OE or Suse 9.1 - still have probs with nForce boards? ie: will nForce boards still require extra work?


Do I need to get sata? I mean, is it a noticable difference between sata drives & regular old ata drives? any probs with sata and the latest distros? I burn alot of CDs and DVDs, so maybe sata would benefit me.


btw - the hardware shop I get all my stuff from considers Maxtor drives to be low-end. I like them though, haven't had any problems with any. They also said they consider Gigabyte mobos to be low-end, and they no longer carry abit board (they never carried soyo).

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SATA is much easier to connect up than those old IDE ribbon cables, but in terms of speed/performance, not much. SATA is just put on top, it's actually an ATA100/133 IDE drive at heart.


But from years of mucking with those cursed ribbon cables, SATA is a welcome sight. :D It should work with linux no problem.

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the Soyo motherboard i settled on (see link) is the KT400 chip set & i had (nor have) nary a problem with it, installation, setup, detection, &/or performance wise. i settled on the KT400 chipset due to a combination of budget restrictions & my own personal computing needs. i didn't have to screw around with APIC at all. i do have it turned off now, not due to any problems or freezes (there were none) but because i don't use any power saving features other than having my monitor shut off after a given amount of time, so i just use the APM feature for that. i was intially gonna go with an ABIT mobo, but after researching i discovered that Soyo at least has some form of Linux support offered, versus none with the ABIT, so that was the icing on the cake. whatever you decide on, just take some time to research & use as much Linux friendly hardware as you can find & you should be ok.



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It seems that heatsinks are excellent coolers... I haven't used them yet..maybe some of you have? I was researching them a little bit. Maybe they' re pricy?

Since they have no moving parts, they are quiet ...


I have a NEC 1300A. They can write and read quite some things. CD-I's are even listed. They cost around 100 euro (here in Belgium in anyway). The 2500 is now out. But that was mentionned since someone has it it seems.

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