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New rc3 release?


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Thanks for the tip, D - I might get to play tonight then, because I plan to install it on a different computer from the one that's downloading, and I have cd1 and cd2 already. We'll see how the evening goes.


Hey, I just noticed on DistroWatch that Mandrake 9.0 is listed as official starting today. :)

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You will need CD3 for development programs.


I posted a link to the contents in a previous message.  Don't ask which one.




That sucks severely...


I installed RC3 and was able to compile things just fine with that, and I didn't use CD3.


Oh well, if I need it, I'll get it later.

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Got all three CDs and went ahead with installation. No problems whatsoever, and it looks great! I didn't think I'd like the new icons at first, but they are really pretty cool. It only took 18 minutes to install from "insert disk 1" to the time I started typing this, so that's not bad. Gotta do some tweaking now, but things are looking really good so far. :D

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Same here and its working nice. A surprise was Opera. I downloaded and installed it and it worked like a charm. No library problems. Gnome is nice. Opened a terminal and it was setup and ready to go in my fav config. Loads very fast too. KDE I haven't checked much. Opened a terminal and tried to set the background to a new color but it wouldn't switch. Took easily twice as long to start too. But I'll play with it more.

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