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Help to install NVU!


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never tried NVU, but since it's a tar.gz file, untar the file to a location of your own choice & look for a "README" &/or "INSTALL" file(s). one or both of them should provide you with proper installation instructions. they don't seem to provide much info on their website. but you probably know that already, huh? B)



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without ever having used this particular app, i really can't offer exact instructions on how to install it. generally, with a tar.gz file, if your're using KDE or Gnome, you can just right click on the tar.gz file & choose "ark" "gnuzip" or some other unzipping program to untar it. or (preferred method), in terminal as root , do the following......


tar -xzvf nameofpackage.tar.gz


hit enter


(where nameofpackage is the exact name of the tar.gz file......CaP SenSitIVe!)


then you'd issue the following commands.......


as user.....










as root.......


make install




but, PLEASE NOTE.......depending on how the app was compiled, what dependencies it might need, if there's any specific installation path, etc, those commands might not install it properly. so, again, the only things i can suggest (in lieu of somebody else helping that has actually used this package) is to look a bit further for install or readme docs. sometimes they are buried in a subfolder of the directory. or, you can always try Google......... :unsure:



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From reading the nvu website, downloading the file and trying to run it. I think what you are supposed to do is untar and gzip it and then cd into the directory and run it with ./nvu


However, the website explains that it has been compiled under gcc2.95 and will not work with systems based on gcc 3.3. Guess what Mandrake 9.2 and above is based on gcc 3 not gcc 2. Therefore it will not work. To make it work your going to have compile from source, there is alink explaining how to do this but it involves cvs and a few steps. It's not as straight forward as ./configure, make, make install. But instructions are provided.


The URL for builidng from souce is http://www.nvudev.org/sourcecode.html

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without ever having used this particular app, i really can't offer exact instructions on how to install it. generally, with a tar.gz file,  if your're using KDE or Gnome, you can just right click on the tar.gz file & choose "ark" "gnuzip" or some other unzipping program to untar it. or (preferred method), in terminal as root , do the following......


tar -xzvf nameofpackage.tar.gz


hit enter


(where nameofpackage is the exact name of the tar.gz file......CaP SenSitIVe!)


then you'd issue the following commands.......


as user.....










as root.......


make install




but, PLEASE NOTE.......depending on how the app was compiled, what dependencies it might need, if there's any specific installation path, etc, those commands might not install it properly. so, again, the only things i can suggest (in lieu of somebody else helping that has actually used this package) is to look a bit further for install or readme docs. sometimes they are buried in a subfolder of the directory. or, you can always try Google......... :unsure:






It dosn't work. When i write in ./Configure it says "Bash: No such file og directory".


Why do's it came up?


Tanks for help.



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What you have downloaded are the binaries and not the source. You don't need to do any compiling. It's all ready to go :)


In the NVU folder is a shellscript you can use for starting the program. To test it open a terminal, cd to NVU and run it ( ./NVU)


If it works, you can make a link in /usr/bin to NVU so it's in your PATH.

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