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Mageia's Distrowatch Ranking


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Hi all,


It's sad for me to watch the activity drop off on this great forum. I have learned so much from the many great people here.


Whilst I don't using mandriva these days, and I have never tried out Mageia, I certainly miss the great installer, the beautiful bootloader art and the familiar desktop of Mandriva's KDE.


But over the recent time I have watched in awe as Mageia has moved into 2nd place on distrowatch's ranking.


I hope this is a sign of how great the spin off into Mageia has been. And I hope that it's sustainable.


My only question is, "is Mageia supported enough to provide a secure system these days?"

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I don't believe a lot of the ranking info over at distrowatch. Many times previously heard about the "head over to distrowatch and click to make our distro hit number 1 on the list". So in reality makes the figure misleading and meaningless.


If Mageia is picking up, then that's a good sign. For me it didn't offer anything interesting, it just looked like Mandriva rebadged and I believe each distro should have it's own mark on the world - and not to just stay looking the same with a different name. Maybe it's different now, but I'm unlike to try it to find out. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I'm sure people will have a different one than mine. All distros go through a flux of popularity at some point in their existence and some more than others.

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I have been using Mageia solely since Mageia-1 first came out and then Mageia-2 when it first came out.

I couldn't be happier. It is stable and reliable and is still more Mandriva than Mandriva is today.

I have a couple of minor niggles with it but they are relatively minor.


e.g. 1. Mahjongg-3D still has not been ported even into Mageia-2 yet.


2. The application Audacious in Mageia-2 has lost a feature that existed in Mageia-1, namely that the ability to increase the size of it when xmms style is chosen. In M-1 it was possible via an option called <Scale>. In M-2 for some reason this option was removed with the result the application is tiny on my 24" monitor and looks ridiculous. Regardless of how much others prefer so called more modern styling, I still prefer the original xmms style. And since xmms has been apparently been dropped, I was delighted to discover (after considerable searching) that Audacious included the Xmms look.


3. With regards to APC Backups, although <apcupsd> has been ported to Mageia-2 its mate <gapcmon> has not. At the moment I have installed the relevant package from Mandriva. It is a bit like having a car with no installed lights of any kind....You can drive it around in the day and get by without the lighted instrument panel or trafficators but at night you can't travel much without a lot of difficulty.


4. In M-1, I use the Elegance look and I use the <Allow widget on screensaver> to add the Analogue Clock. I can then increase the size of the clock for best appearence to my taste. In M-2, I cannot resize the clock at all from its quite small size.


One little feature that I found new in M-2 that was not in M-1, was that when one reached kdm login I could use the keyboard <Enter> to click in rather than have to use the Mouse. Since I live alone and no one else has access to my computer, I have have a password free account so I only have to click through.


I have tried using Mandriva2011 on a different hard drive but even after a couple of weeks trial I was not impressed at all. I tried the much vaunted Mint same reaction. Same with Kubuntu.


Cheers. John.

Edited by AussieJohn
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I got started with Linux on this board back in 2003. Without Mandrakeusers ( now Mandrivausers ) I would have been totally lost. Many thanks to all and anyone who may still be watching this.


I am still running Mandriva 2010.2 and it is working fine for me so far. The constant updates have finally quieted down, so I suspect that soon it will be necessary to upgrade. I think I will try Mageia when I do that.




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'Evnin all. :-)

I have a suggestion that things might be improved here if instead of having a sign up saying that says something like "there is no current thread" was replaced by just leaving the last thread up until a new one comes up.

Many newcomers probably get the incorrect impression that the site has gone dead and so move on.

Also the Mageia forum seems to be very popular. I think it is even more popular than the earlier Mandriva used to be so most no longer have to look outside the Mageia Forum for help. One reason that I prefer to mostly come here is because I don't like to be lectured by a rather self opiniated authortarian type of individual who seems to have the knack of addressing most members as if he was some school master lecturing students. I don't get treated like that here.

By his manner I suspect he is probably about 16 to 18 years old, if not then he certainly acts like one. I am too old to get into verbal "fist fights" now days and I just move on even ignoring private emails from such individuals.


However fortunately ISADORA is there to provide a welcoming and encouraging atmosphere and often makes much appreciated visits over to here at MUB. Plus many of the former regulars from here are over there and helping as much as they can the same as they always did here. It is always nice to see many of the past members of MUB keep coming by even though they have moved to Mageia usage.


Hello XBOXBOY, if you were to try Mageia-2 I am sure you would not be disappointed. As I said in my previous post, Mageia-2 has become the Mandriva that should have been so if you had faith in Mandriva in the past then I am sure you will gain great faith in Mageia and not have to worry about uncertainty as to where it is headed. Remember that nearly all the former producers of Mandriva started Mageia and even more of former members have joined the team.


Hello Ian, I am truly quite surprised that you haven't. tried Mageia. Were you to do so I think you too would be impressed.

Hello also to Banjo, Daniel and Jim Kerr.

Cheers for now. John.

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Hello Ian, I am truly quite surprised that you haven't. tried Mageia. Were you to do so I think you too would be impressed.


I did, the first release, but it looked just like Mandriva, and I was expecting it to have it's own unique look and feel.

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I don't like to be lectured by a rather self opiniated authortarian type of individual

I think I know to whom you are referring. Although my reaction to some of his posts is not dissimilar to yours, he does seem to help many people. I believe that he has been involved in the German Mandriva/Mageia communities for several years, but his "Teutonic" style probably can be annoying to some people. :)



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Hello Jim. I agree with your two posts entirely.


Hi Ian. I think that it was probably too much to expect Mageia-1 to have a noticeable new look and feel during its first iteration after breaking out on its own.

I think Mageia-2 has established its own identity to a very marked degree now.


Cheers. John.

Edited by AussieJohn
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