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Need to add HDMI monitor - actually HDMI wireless


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Running Mandriva 2010.2 and using a GeForce 210 video card (if more hardware info is required, please let me know what). Monitor is a Hyundai B90a on the vga port (recognized by system and running fine - hope to upgrade soon to dvi monitor, though).


What I am looking to do is to feed the HDMI output from the GeForce (same as I am seeing on the monitor) through a wireless HDMI (Philips) to my TV. Let me say well in front that I am no expert on video, hdmi, etc. In any case, I have attached the HDMI wireless to the GeForce graphics card HDMI port, but the Mandriva system does not recognize it as a monitor, so it appears that I will not be able to use the 'configure your desktop' monitor section to make the hdmi live.


How do I go about activating the HDMI output?? I am assuming that HDMI is HDMI, so configuration is not relevant - but of course that could be way wrong too. Hopefully this is dead simple, and someone out there with some hands on can provide guidance..... I'm guessing that I will have to go in and manually edit a file or two.


Regards -- Roger

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You will need to install the proprietary Nvidia drivers to get the HDMI to work. I had to do the same with my laptop, and then via pulseaudio you will also be able to choose HDMI for the sound output to go to the TV.

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Thanks. Sounds like there is work to do..... I also read that the ASUS GeForce card will support 2 monitors, but either 2 digital or 2 analog (not 1 vga and 1 HDMI). That would indicate that the dvi monitor needs to happen first so I can see what I am doing.


Regards -- Roger

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