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DVD Burner Access


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I installed a DVD burner which the system recognizes - control center hardware manager sees it and I can configure it. TEAC DV-W524GS on sr0. "Allow every user to mount and unmount" is checked. The same 2010.2 worked fine on my old IDE DVD burner, but it seems to be having trouble on the sata DVD burner


The problem is that I can only seem to access the drive once. After I boot the system, I can insert a disk, the little usb type connection icon on the bottom right of the screen comes up, the device is identified, and it gives me the options for action on the device. This happens only once. If I remove the disk and insert another, then the USB icon comes up but the 'devices recently plugged in is blank'. I put in a DVD and tried to play it, but the application faulted out saying that I did not have access to the file. I am thinking it is not an access privileges issue, since I left su access on after using the control center and the problem still exists. I can also insert a memory stick into a usb slot and it is ignored. I guess any hot plugged device, after the 1st, is ignored.


My current guess is that it is a mount issue, but I don't know how to go about resolving it. Hopefully it is something really simple....


Thanks -- Roger

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Well, I thought that maybe shifting the sata port on the motherboard from 'master' to 'slave' or data might help. Now I get 'Message from syslogd @ localhost (and date time) disabling IRQ #22. The good is that the USB stick always is recognized, but the DVD burner is completely gone and the system seems slowed down.


Any suggestions on how to resolve this. Just wondering if there are hardware incompatible DVD burners, with Teac being one of them??


Thanks -- Roger

Edited by rogerh
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I have shifted the sata cable back to 'master' until I hear back from here on what the problem is with my configuration or drive, and will just not use the DVD/CD drive. At least system performance is back after the cable shift.


Thanks -- Roger

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Does anyone have a sample on how the DVD burner should be configured within the Control Center hardware configurator for the burner? It seems since I have switched from IDE to SATA the system will no longer allow access to the DVD burner.


Any help would be appreciated.


Regards -- Roger

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