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A probable big ask.. Mandrake 9.2 CD's


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Greetings members. I have a big ask. Does anyone have Mandrake 9.2 cd's? If so would you be willing to image them and upload to my dropbox? Image them and point me to where I can collect. Or point me to where I can find Mandrake 9.2 available for download.





Thanks In Advance..



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Thank you Jim :thumbs: :D

You've probably found them already, but the repo's are also available;




and the updates:




A year or two ago, distrib-coffee attempted to ensure that they had every release of Mandrake/Mandriva available, hence:




I don't think they've quite got everything, but it's the best place to check, for anyone looking for old Mandrake/Mandriva releases.



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Can I be so rude to ask why the old distro?

There could be any number of reasons. I still have an old PII, with Mandrake 9.2 installed. I keep it because it was the last release that fully supports a 22 year old parallel port printer that I have as a backup. I haven't had to use it for years, but I do boot up the system from time to time and check that it still works.



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Can I be so rude to ask why the old distro?

Nothing rude about asking :) I'm trying to help a user on another forum get his nvidia card working again on his Mandrake 9.2 install. He needs 9.2 because it supports a particular printer. Just wanted to go through the install and refresh my memory so I can guide him should re-installing be the only option left.
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You've probably found them already, but the repo's are also available;




and the updates:




A year or two ago, distrib-coffee attempted to ensure that they had every release of Mandrake/Mandriva available, hence:




I don't think they've quite got everything, but it's the best place to check, for anyone looking for old Mandrake/Mandriva releases.



Interesting I might fill in some gaps I have in my collection..:D
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