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I cannot change the default login screen


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I've just installed 2010.1 on my laptop and am using Gnome. If I go to System>Administration>Login Screen, a box comes up giving me some control over login, but I cannot change the default background screen. I've been using older Mandriva releases and could always change this to a custom screen, but I don't know how to do this now. Can anyone help?




[moved from Software by Greg2]

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If it's using the new version of GDM, then no, you cannot change it. This is becoming more commonplace now, and is the same for Ubuntu and OpenSUSE which are some distros I've used recently which are using the new version of GDM.


No theming support, and I don't know if there will be but I hope so, because I liked also changing the themes.

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If it's using the new version of GDM, then no, you cannot change it. This is becoming more commonplace now, and is the same for Ubuntu and OpenSUSE which are some distros I've used recently which are using the new version of GDM.


No theming support, and I don't know if there will be but I hope so, because I liked also changing the themes.


Maybe that's it. The inability to control aspects of my machine are what drove me away from Windows. Of course now I absolutely love Linux because of all that I can do, and security, and support, etc, etc. No theming support sucks. Hopefully this will change.

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