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Secure file transfer


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proftp, sftp, better still chroot the ftp. create a jail. best of all, dont do file sharing.

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Normally you would set trhe permissions so that they can only access their homefirectory. So if you have a group users for al your users, then I suppose you would set the permissions of the directories that have as group users to execute(in teh group-part..so permissions(x is userpart): x10) and nothing more. Ofcourse if they can also belong to other groups, you have to look at those groups too and I suppose do the same ). This will let them exceute everything they could ealier, but they can't write to or read the directory-contents except of their own home-directory. In every home directory stuff with group user doesn't need to have any permission for the group-part.

Am I right?


I was wondering. Can you limit useraccess like this (to their home-directory ..the easy way then). The home-directory is normally a partition. Can't you set permissions on the partition-part? But I think the above is better and if this is also possible ..a combination.


Is it filesharing on a lan, or the internet. What king ease of use do you want? Else like linux_leaner said ..secure ftp or so...

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I was wondering. Can you limit useraccess like this (to their home-directory ..the easy way then). The home-directory is normally a partition. Can't you set permissions on the partition-part? But I think the above is better and if this is also possible ..a combination.


thats why i mentioned chroot, a jail. look into it. that is, if you must do file sharing, your safest answer.

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