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Which tablet to consider for Linux (Mandriva)?

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I'm thinking of buying a graphics tablet. I've used one Aiptek model in the past, but I was not very happy with it's operation in Linux.


I wanted to ask your advice on the make and model that would work in a modern Linux (I've got the latest Mandriva Free installed). I would at least like to have the pressure option work on the pen. The function keys would also be nice.


If you have any experience or have heard any comments from other users, I would appreciate your input.


I've at least found Trust tablets and Wacom's bamboo tablets in local stores.





[moved from Hardware by spinynorman]

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Thanks willie, that sounds good! Bamboo seems to be a good choice!


Does anyone know this brand?



I'm not convinced their tablets would operate fully in Linux. It's just that they have some on offer at a local store. The clerks at the store would not know if there are any linux drivers out there...

Edited by dude67
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Have you got a laptop with Mandriva on? Ask them if you can test it by connecting it to your laptop. Alternatively, take a Mandriva LiveCD with you, ask if you can boot one of their computers from it and test if the device works.

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Well, I made some inquiries to Trust customer care and this is what I got:


Dear customer,

Thanks for your contact.


We regret to inform you that Trust Computer Products are generally developed for use with Windows® operating systems only, and therefore no drivers or installation instructions for Linux operating systems are provided. Nor is in fact the use of our products with Linux in any way supported.


Best regards,


I'd recommend to stay clear of all Trust products for the lack of support for Linux systems. I think I'll go with the Wacom Bamboo.

Edited by dude67
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If you test it there is a chance it might work. I would expect some hardware vendors to state that, but there is every chance it might work it would just need to be tested first of course.


Trust aren't particularly the best quality products out there, rather cheap and cheerful.

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BTW it was a similar comment from Canon customer care that pushed me away from their printers. They said they would have no support for Linux systems. And I haven't bought a Canon since.

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