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what does sh-4.0# mean?

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I am using Mandriva 2010 and have made the error of trying to switch from KDM to GDM, now when I boot up in Mandriva I just get the little blue circle going around and around and around. When I try safe mode it loads until it says single user and then the following comes up sh-4.0#. I know I have done something pretty stupid, how do I get my system back to normal? I have tried putting in startx but that gives me a red screen with the little blue circle going round and around! There is probably a very simple answer, as there always is.



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I'm sorry but GDM in Mandriva 2010 is not the same version that should be with Gnome 2.28 since the theming can still be done. So the advice about disabling gdm is wrong.


Your best bet would be using MCC to switch back your display manager to KDM and see if it improves your problem or not.

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