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Everything posted by bunnadik

  1. Why not login as root then? (See this if your login manager doesn't display the user root http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/sh...hreadid=182949) The other solution is to change your UID to 0 (zero) through the user manager or edit (as root) /etc/passwd and change the third value of your login entry. - Peder
  2. (This is sort of a "Bump") From what I can tell the problem is that XDMCP doesn't work with XKB (at least not in my setup). When I run X locally (through startx or g/k/xdm) it reads /etc/X11/xorg.conf to find 'Option XkbLayout" "fi" ' but when I access X through XDMCP the displaying PC has no knowledge about this. Is there some way to make XDMCP read and export the server's (well it's technically the client since X has the reversed server-client model) xkb info? - Peder
  3. I have users using Cygwin to log into X from their windows PC's. The problem I'm having is that they get an english charset instead of swedish and I can't seem to find any entry to change that. I've tried Xnest from my linux PC and I get the same error so it isn't Cygwins fault. - Peder
  4. I had two with SSL, although one wasn't used by anyone, and four non-SSL. I'm afraid I'll have to reinstall the server to get it to work. - Peder
  5. *bump* Anyone with ideas? - Peder
  6. Are you sure? I've had this server up and running since end of March with name based SSL virtual hosts. I tested this on another MDK-10.1 server: NameVirtualHost *:443 <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName www2.myserver.org DocumentRoot /var/www/html/ssl ServerAdmin root@myserver.org ErrorLog logs/ssl_error_www2_log <IfModule mod_log_config.c> TransferLog logs/ssl_access_www2_log </IfModule> SSLEngine on SSLCipherSuite ALL:!ADH:!EXPORT56:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP:+eNULL SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/apache2/server.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/apache2/server.key CustomLog logs/ssl_request_log \ "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b" RewriteEngine On RewriteOptions inherit </VirtualHost> This worked flawlessly. I don't know why the apache docs claim "Name-based virtual hosting cannot be used with SSL secure servers". Further down they say "If you're planning to use multiple ports (e.g. running SSL) you should add a Port to the argument, such as *:80" indicating (to me) that SSL does work in name-based hosting. The only thing I did recently is to install the latest security fixes from Mandriva but I can't see anything there that should affect apache/openssl. - Peder
  7. I shut down apache (along with most other services) to run chkrootkit and avoid false positives regarding hidden processes. When I restarted apache it wouldn't start, complaining about [emerg] (13)Permission denied: couldn't grab the accept mutex After a couple of restarts I saw it complaining about dead semaphores so I used ipcrm to remove them, and I even rebooted eventually, but still the same errors. I found that if I start apache without SSL it works. I'm running MDK 10.1 with these: apache-conf-2.0.50-4mdk apache2-mod_php-2.0.50_4.3.8-2mdk apache2-mod_perl-2.0.50_1.99_16-1mdk apache2-manual-2.0.50-7.2.101mdk apache2-mod_proxy-2.0.50-7.2.101mdk apache2-modules-2.0.50-7.2.101mdk apache2-mod_disk_cache-2.0.50-7.2.101mdk apache2-mod_suexec-2.0.50-3mdk apache2-mod_ssl-2.0.50-4.1.101mdk apache2-2.0.50-7.2.101mdk apache2-common-2.0.50-7.2.101mdk apache2-mod_cache-2.0.50-7.2.101mdk I have a couple of virtual hosts, some of them requiring SSL. - Peder
  8. bunnadik

    Postfix + sasl

    You need to install the plugins : urpmi libsasl2-plug-plain urpmi libsasl2-plug-crammd5 urpmi libsasl2-plug-digestmd5 urpmi libsasl2-plug-gssapi Note that I still haven't got it working though. - Peder
  9. See if this helps : Add the following to [global] section of smb.conf: use sendfile = no large readwrite = no max xmit = 16644 Taken from http://bhhdoa.org.au/pipermail/ck/2005-January/002376.html - Peder
  10. Add a line "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0" to /etc/sysctl.conf and run 'sysctl' This stops forwarding between your NIC's. - Peder
  11. My guess is that your new MB has another NIC than the old. When you've got ti working by "Add new connection..." do a 'lsmod' as root and see which NIC module is loaded (let pretend it's via-rhine). Then 'echo via-rhine >> /etc/modprobe.preload' - Peder
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