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Steve Scrimpshire

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Posts posted by Steve Scrimpshire

  1. From the first post: What is "Ubunut"? Is that some giant, genetically-engineered German squirrel?


    So, more like tutorials, how-tos and software reviews?

  2. There are issues with the java plugin on 64-bit systems, but I just installed the 32-bit Firefox and used the 32-bit java-plugin.


    (If I remember correctly, I was able to work around the problems with 64-bit Flash. I'm not running 64-bit ATM.)


    There are equally as many pkgs available for 64-bit and 32-bit AFAIK. Even if not, you can always install *.src.rpms. It may have been my imagination, but the 64-bit install seemed to me to be quite a bit faster.

  3. What model number was it?



    Sony DRU500AX


    Just suddenly, one day I discovered Linux wouldn't recognize any media I put in it as burnable media. It would format it, but then say it could not be burned to. Media types I had burned to 100s of times before. (There was about a year or so since I had last burned a DVD on it.)

  4. From the article:

    "...But it does not excuse the painfully obvious cue from Microsoft that the drives in question have apparently been preformatted as NTFS. "


    That's the only thing (that the article mentions) that makes them "not Linux compatible" which is quite an exaggeration, since all you have to do is delete that partition and create a new Linux-compatible one. I don't see the big deal...they are saving most of their customers the time it takes to format a drive, which on large ATA drives can be quite a while.


    [edit]: I did discover recently that my Sony DVD burner is no longer Linux-compatible (I used to be able to burn DVDs with it, but apparently the Linux kernel has surpassed the firmware on it). I tried moving the drive to my wife's computer to upgrade the firmware on it, but it still didn't work...so I just bought a new one (not Sony).

  5. I seriously doubt there is any hurry to develop a 64-bit java plugin. I've heard varying reports on this.


    ...put the java installation in /opt, which in my machine is in a separate partition so i can share it among multiple distros (or skip partitioning it when i do a reinstall)...i put most of my "unzip and use" applications in /opt to save installation time.


    Man, in all my years of Linux and the way I like to experiment with different distros and installing/reinstalling constantly, I cannot believe I never thought of doing this. ramfree, why did you never release this golden nugget of knowledge to the community before? Man, I could put java there, firefox2 from mozilla.org, and many more...

  6. I'm not on my linux box at the moment, but you may have to change your launcher's command (right-click the icon you click on to launch konsole and select Propertires) to something like this:

    konsole --caption ''


    (That's two single quotes with nothing in between them, not one double quote)

  7. total used free shared buffers cached

    Mem: 158604 156024 2580 0 1476 103664

    -/+ buffers/cache: 50884 107720

    Swap: 457812 108 457704


    In case ianw wasn't completely understood, when Linux finishes using memory, it caches it instead of returning it to 'free' status, so if you look at your output of free:


    free: 2580

    cached: 103664


    So, you actually have 2580 + 103664 kbs of free RAM or 106244 kb free, which is 66.99% free. Not too shabby for a box running apache and mysql.

  8. subroutine &main::ui_table_row called at ./config-lib.pl line 79. <- that line is not really the error (unless there were differences between the 3 files), the error is that it can't find the subroutine ui_table_row

    Maybe try comparing the #include lines in the three files, or see if the subroutine is supposed to be in that file and is missing, or see if you can copy a good one over from the other Mandriva box, but it sure does sound like you are missing some Perl module and the error is not really in the file itself.


    I would go to the Mandriva box that works and do a


    rpm -qa | grep -i perl


    and compare it to the same command on the broken box and try to get the same Perl RPMs installed and see if that solves the problem.


    I know you said "I have even ensured they all have exactly the same perl modules installed", but that's exactly what it sounds like the problem is.


    You can also try running this repair script: https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=10447


    Maybe the one machine just somehow is missing some files from a pkg.

  9. Just to be sure, since you only have one post...Are you running this script on a remote web host or your own Linux server you have physical access to?

    If it's a remote web host, Apache may have written the file as user 'nobody' and you will have to contact support at your web host to get them to change the owner and/or permissions.


    If it is on your own Linux server, you can su to root in a console and read the file or change the ownership of the file so your regular user can read it.

  10. How is it a very good thing to not be able to easily administer your system?


    Ok. I still can't get my user to be able to add/delete/modify files in external disks. I added my user to the plugdev group, which was suggested on a site I found in google.


    ohms@ohms-laptop:/media$ cd /media/disk/
    ohms@ohms-laptop:/media/disk$ touch newfile
    touch: cannot touch `newfile': Permission denied
    ohms@ohms-laptop:/media/disk$ groups
    nogroup adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev users lpadmin scanner admin
    ohms@ohms-laptop:/media/disk$ cd ..
    ohms@ohms-laptop:/media$ ls -l
    total 28
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root		6 2008-01-02 15:41 cdrom -> cdrom0
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root root	   48 2008-01-02 15:41 cdrom0
    drwxr-xr-x  5 root root	 4096 2008-01-13 18:19 disk
    drwxrwx---  1 root plugdev  8192 2008-01-12 22:56 sda1
    drwxrwx--- 12 root plugdev 16384 1969-12-31 18:00 sda8
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root root	   88 2008-01-05 17:06 usbdisk


    Any ideas?

  11. Edit:

    Well, fstab doesn't matter, because those aren't my external partitions...just my windows partition and my /share partition. But hotplug or whatever it is, doesn't allow a regular user to write to the external drives, so help with that would be great. I don't see an /etc/hotplug directory.

    End Edit


    (Original post which doesn't apply to my external, but I'd still like help with fstab and/or a Control Center.

    I've decided to try to go to Ubuntu full-time on my laptop. One major problem I'm having is that there is not (or I cannot find) a Control Center like MCC. A good example of what I might need it for is that Ubuntu set up all my external drive partitions so that only root has the ability to write to them (and I don't understand fstab enough to fix it, especially with Gutsy's new way of writing fstab). Here's an example of what my external partitions look like in /etc/fstab:

    # /dev/sda1 -- converted during upgrade to edgy

    UUID=3A1091101090D3EB /media/sda1 ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 1

    # /dev/sda8 -- converted during upgrade to edgy

    UUID=4775-CED8 /media/sda8 vfat defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 1


    Well, I guess the upgrade to Edgy changed 'em.

    ohms@ohms-laptop:~$ cat /etc/issue

    Ubuntu 7.10 \n \l


    ohms@ohms-laptop:~$ uname -r


    ohms@ohms-laptop:~$ uname -a

    Linux ohms-laptop 2.6.22-14-386 #1 Tue Dec 18 07:34:24 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux


    Any help? I really wouldn't mind some kind of graphical control center (I thought Ubuntu was good for n00bs).

  12. So, let me get this straight....I can install with the One CD (Free), which includes some 'non-free' stuff and have a broken X and working wireless, or I can install with Official and have a broken wireless and working X, or I can buy the PowerPack and have both (maybe) work?


    That's my point. We're going backwards. So, if Mandriva wants to remain completely 'open', why include 'non-free' in Mandriva One? Double standards are just confusing, not helpful.

  13. Ok, so 2008 is not Beta. That makes it even worse.


    As for the question about why upgrade when what I had worked...Like I said: "I typically urpmi myself up to the latest release with little or no problems, but..." (emphasis added)

    (And I've done this since 8.1) This post was meant to be a warning about the direction Mandriva seems to be heading.


    I like Mandriva. I've tried other distros and keep coming back. Ubuntu is a close second and, from reports I have heard from friends, is constantly improving, while Mandriva seems to be going backwards. Maybe in a week or two, I will go buy some more blank CDs and install Ubuntu again. Or maybe I will use the Ubuntu CDs I have to install again. There is still that one fatal flaw to me...I love urpmi and apt/yum/whatever package managers are just so inferior IMHO...but maybe it's just that I have so much more experience with urpmi.

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