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Everything posted by DOlson

  1. DOlson

    SS:SE ??

    I think you totally misunderstood me. You said this: This is the final game I have been waiting for, once I have the game installed, Windows is toast:) Then I said: It is comments like yours that make me furious at the people who bitched and moaned about "oh no, more FPS games!!!" Now, your English may not be as good as a normal English person, but please, read that again. Did I say I was furious at you, or at the people who wished that SSam2 wasn't being ported? Make the logical connection please... You said you'll get rid of Windows when you get SSam2.... That makes me happy, and at the same time, makes me mad at the people who were complaining about Serious Sam being ported. Do you not understand that? For you to turn around and scream at me to go **** myself is just childish. I'll have to suggest you to learn how to read English. If you were the one who was bitching about "oh no, not more FPS games!!!" when the announcement was made, do you not think that it would be stupid for you to say you'll get rid of Windows when it is released? And would it have not made more sense for me to say "Then why were you complaining when they announced that they were porting it?" Yes, that would have made sense, IF you were one of the people that pissed me off. Here is the summary for you: A lot of people complained on OTHER FORUMS when Ryan announced the ports of these 3 FPS games. They pissed me off because PEOPLE LIKE YOU want those games ported. And why should you not be allowed to have the ports of games you want, just because some people out there feel that Linux has too many FPS games already? DO YOU GET IT? Here's a summary of the summary: I AM ON YOUR SIDE. And a final note, and I can't stress this enough: LEARN HOW TO READ ENGLISH IF YOU'RE GONNA POST ON AN ENGLISH FORUM.
  2. DOlson

    SS:SE ??

    It is comments like yours that make me furious at the people who bitched and moaned about "oh no, more FPS games!!!" Ryan said on IRC that you will need the Windows CD. I'm gonna look for it next time I'm out. Also, he said it on his website, icculus.org: Serious Sam: The Second Encounter seems relatively solid (er...as solid as The First Encounter, at least), so after I clean up a few things, I'll put this out for beta. You'll need the retail Second Encounter disc, which was 20 bucks brand new, and should be 5 to 10 bucks in the discount bin by now.
  3. DOlson

    Karting Race

    Try looking on http://fmod.org/ and seeing if they have the version you need.
  4. DOlson


    Well, that will be the case, since it doesn't look like the port will ever be done... Note that this will also render your purchase of none effect. :P
  5. my brother and I used to play LotR2 all the time. and Age of Empires was a fun one too. Maybe I'll give this game a try when I have a bit more cash in me pocket. Be warned: my nostalgic thoughts may be only my own... Maybe you won't make the connection, but for me, it sure reminds me of it... BTW, they will be releasing a demo, but trust me, the demo SUCKS compared to the full game. For one, there is no music, at least not on the beta demo, so that really detracts from the environmental feeling... But maybe it'll be enough to get your attention. I was really quite disappointed by the demo, put it that way.
  6. Hmm.. checking the TuxGames page about MOHAA, it costs 45 bux for the linux version. That's kind of a bit much for just the installers isn't it? Or does it include the windows version, with the linux installers? AHAHAHA! Look at RTCW. The installer disc is $5, and the game with the installer disc is $45 of $50 or whatever. I'd never recommend TuxGames if they charged $45 for an installer. Heh. I'll talk to Michael and see if they'll sell just the installer, but they may not. I dunno. The $45 most definately has the game data and the Linux installer. I am 99.99% sure it'll be the WinCD packed with an installer disc - and your purchase will count as a Linux sale, and if you use dolson as your referrer, I'll get a 5% donation from them. :) Oh, and by the way, I don't think TuxGames has MOHS up on their site yet (last I checked, anyhow). So it'll be MOHAA only for $45, and I hope they'll sell the expansion as well. I'm sure it'll happen.
  7. DOlson


    This port is taking a long time. Let's have a vote: Which will we see first, MiG Alley for Linux, or Duke Nukem Forever for Windows? I vote: DNF
  8. I haven't played it for Windows, but I am a beta tester, and will be listed in the manual. :) I can tell you that this game REALLY rocks, and I'm buying it too. Netplay is fun. The game reminds me of the days when I used to play games like Lords of the Realm 2 and Age of Empires... But it's not quite the same. I like it better, actually. By the way, the game runs in FreeBSD as well.
  9. That's right! http://icculus.org/battlepong/ Also, check out: http://battlepong.sf.net/ Great stuff.
  10. I haven't tried installing any of these new ports... So I have no basis for knowing. I DO know that you used to have to install the old WordPerfect (not the one they ported using wine, but the one that had a native executable) as a user because installing as root create some security concerns. But thanks for answering the question, even if you did question my sobriety... Well, WordPerfect is FAR from a game man... And installing anything as root can cause security problems... That's why you don't run as root on a regular basis. But anyhow, as I said, all the games I've tried work just fine. They usually just use ~/.something for saving the prefs and saved games in. It's great.
  11. If you mean MOHAA and MOHS, they are going to be just installers, from what I am hearing, so you will need the Windows version to play. If you care about getting counted as a Linux sale and don't already have the games, order them from TuxGames, or if you do, send emails out telling them you use the Linux version, once they are released. :)
  12. Pre-Order??? I don't pre-order ANYTHING. I'm morally opposed to paying for something that isn't available yet. The only things I'll pay for in advance are deposits for labor to be done. I WILL buy a copy of MOHAA when the Linux part is available, though. Does anybody know,... ???; There are a lot of game ports coming out,... for example we now have CVS access to FreeSpace 1&2,... and Neverwinter Nights is coming out soon. MOHAA is now running natively in Linux. But,... How many of these titles can be installed as root and made playable across the entire system and how many must be installed in the /home directory of the user who is going to play them??? I have a fairly generous amount of space made available in my /usr partition, and my /home partition was designed to be holding some wine/winex stuff and user data, but not really for holding Linux binaries... So what's the deal with installation of some of these ports??? Can they be installed in the /usr partition or are they user-specific executables??? 1) Fine. Don't preorder it. I don't care. It was just a suggestion. If TuxGames lists it, it will be released. Period. 2) What are you smoking? Name one game that requires you to install it into your home directory. And I don't mean some crap game that you just download like Egoboo. I mean games like Quake 3, UT, etc. I install EVERY game I have into /usr/local/games/. If it doesn't go there, it doesn't go on my system. So far, I haven't had to reject any games. I guess you just have to know what your doing to do it right.
  13. 1) I understand you. But this *is* a free game, so I'll play it. It's unlikely that the US army will recruit me because of any intense brainwashing in this game, since uhh... well, I'm not in the USA. 2) You can't yet, since it's not totally done yet. Don't you worry, I'll be posting here as soon as it's out. :)
  14. It sounds like we're getting Spearhead too!!!!!!!! The Spearhead expansion has a crashbug in the renderer on some maps, but otherwise seems to be as functional as the original Allied Assault at this point. When it's done, I'll make the binaries for Allied Assault and Spearhead available. You'll need some way to extract the data files from the original retail discs (which might mean using Wine or Windows). Hopefully TuxGames will come up with a good solution, so hold off on buying the game until we all figure out what's what. From icculus.org
  15. Yeah, you're right, sorta, but I assumed he had asked about Medal of Honor. Also, I thought that you could but America's Army on CD already? Maybe not. Most people would just download it anyhow.
  16. I really doubt that they'll box a separate Linux version. But you never know... Anyhow, worst case scenario would be that you gotta get the data files from a Windows install, just like RTCW, unless you buy direct from TuxGames. They usually will throw together an installer that will work to get the data files. IF they do that, then the disc would prolly be $5.
  17. JaseP: Go and pre-order Medal of Honor: http://www.tuxgames.com/details.cgi?referr...son&gameref=104
  18. Also, make sure you actually chose to install PunkBuster when you installed the game.
  19. The only game that doesn't work well in Linux period is Terminus. You *can* get it to work, but it takes effort. All the other games work just fine, at least the ones I own, which includes Myth 2. BTW, I think I'm installing Debian over my Mandrake partition... And FreeBSD over my Debian partition. My wife's PC will still run Mandrake though, so I can continue my tutorials, and ensure that they work on BOTH distros now, instead of only Mandrake. I do have a couple more tutorials/articles to make before I switch, including syncing Palm Pilots and I forget the other ones. But anyhow, I'm not leaving the games section here, and I'm not abandoning Mandrake entirely (my Mandrake 8.2 server has been up for 167 days now).
  20. Oh yeah, and someone was supposedly porting MiG Alley... I wonder what's happening with that? Maybe icculus.org ported that?!?!?
  21. For the final port, lets take guesses: My guess is: America's Army
  22. Make sure you install any updates. Oh, and get MOHAA next!!!!!! I will get it as soon as I find out if it's gonna be a downloadable client or what.
  23. It's only a matter of time before we get to play this! * LinuxWorld, Day Two (posted 2003-01-23 11:24:14 by icculus): We are still duct-taping the dead DDR mat, but we've got a second dance ninja here while we feed Brandan (the PyDDR author) oxygen and water to keep him going. PyDDR is moving to icculus.org Real Soon Now. Oh, and Surprise Number Two: Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, running natively on Linux. Come check it out in Booth #9. --icculus. Someone tell Transgaming to kiss my ass and focus on some other game. BTW, if you missed the announcement from Day One, it was that Serious Sam The Second Encounter is running natively now.
  24. Pfft. You can get it working. Ask on IRC or something. The icculus.org boys know all.
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