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Everything posted by DOlson

  1. DOlson

    Game controller support

    HJLane posted a link to my Hammerhead FX game pad tutorial... I see no reason why it wouldn't work, as it works for me and many others.
  2. You know, you may be on to something. Let's boycott BioWare too, because they didn't port Baldur's Gate 2. Also, let's boycott Volition because they didn't port Summoner. Oh yeah, and how about Raven, because they didn't port Soldier of Fortune 2. Oh, and Maxis, because they didn't port Sim City 4. Let's not buy Alpha Centauri because we never got Gettysburgh. Let's not buy Creatures 3 because we never got Creatures 2. Oh and don't forget to boycott Pontifex 2, especially after how we were treated with Pontifex 1... Oh, and Tribes 2 - don't buy that crap! Sierra didn't port Lords of the Realm 2. Don't buy Myth 2 either, since we didn't get a port of Myth 3, the bastards. And whatever you do, DO NOT SUPPORT EA BY BUYING MEDAL OF HONOR!!!! They won't port Triple Play Baseball, so let's vote with our wallets and show them who's boss!
  3. Yeah, go ahead and boycott the companies that DO support Linux to any extent. Go off and play Warcraft III or Diablo 2 or some shit from a company that doesn't support Linux at all. What the hell is wrong with Linux users? They make me sick. Sometimes I just want to switch to Mac to get away from this "kill people on your own team" attitude.
  4. I asked about it, but it doesn't seem likely. Most companies think that they are losing money on their software that way, which makes no sense to me. :( I'm hoping someone like, oh, maybe ravage, will whip up a good installer. But I dunno if it'll happen, given that no one made a RTCW installer like the one TuxGames sells. I shoulda ordered that today, but I forgot. :(
  5. They did release a fix for UT/Linux, or someone did, but I'm not sure where it is at this present time. I really don't care. I rarely play those games online, and the vast majority don't run on Linux anyhow. I don't know about UT2003 though, but it makes sense that if they fixed it for UT, they oughtta have fixed it for UT2003... Why don't we email them about it? Actually, they've probably got their attention on it now, since it got posted to Bugtraq.
  6. Fine. No one said you had to support Linux companies. I didn't, nor did anyone else. I may go that route as well, I'm not 100% sure yet. But TuxGames will also include installers, which to ME, may be worth the extra little bit, since I don't have Windows or Wine on my computer to attempt extracting the necessary data from the CDs. Not to mention that the games may both come in DVD cases.
  7. I haven't ordered anything yet either. But I'm going to. Soon. I just have to justify the expense, heh.
  8. DOlson

    Karting Race

    Just put the file in the directory with the game and then run the game. That should work, if it's the right version.
  9. I'm not sure. The beta installers all should expire. It's a policy that makes sense. There are timely updates, so if it expires, just run loki_update. The main idea is avoiding bug reports for outdated games.
  10. The Freespace installer works and all, but the binary doesn't for me. I'll have to recompile it I guess.
  11. That's nice. Chunky's Unreal installer worked for me with Unreal Gold, but I like the looks of that one... hehehe. I'm gonna try it in a little while. I shoulda checked his page more often. Nice to have a Freespace installer.
  12. Fire up loki_update and upgrade the game. :)
  13. Tell that to Transgaming. The last I checked in their store, the cheap bastards didn't have an option to buy their crappy Kohan "ports" as anything other than a download. We're talking > 600MB here. Marble Blast is probably no larger than 50MB, which IS practical. More practical than them pressing CDs just for the 20 Linux users out there. By the way, I've downloaded Slackware Linux over 56K, as well as Mandrake 8.2, which took me what, 5 days each? It's not practical, no, but it is doable. If Marble Blast is more than 300MB, I'll buy it for you.
  14. AFAIK, since I didn't buy it yet, you just pay over the net and download the game. No waiting involved. That's a good idea, IMHO, for games that are < half a CD-ROM... Anything bigger, or close, should be on CDs. It's really nice to not have to pay shipping or wait for a nice little game like this or say, Candy Cruncher. :)
  15. DOlson

    Karting Race

    If you're in KDE, open konqueror to that directory, then press CTRL+T, and it'll open a console in that directory.
  16. Marble Blast is now available for Linux, for US$14.95. You can download a demo too. It uses the Loki Installer, which is nice. If you like the demo, buy the game, and let's show Garage Games that Linux users are worth it. Screenshot ripped from Linuxgaming.net, hehe:
  17. Important! The more Linux users that sign up, the better chances they'll release the Linux port of this game! I signed up sometime last week, and I thought it was already posted here, but I guess not... So, here's a link: http://beta.s2games.com Here's the obligatory screenshot links: http://www.s2games.com/screens/fullsize/20...20030127/13.jpg http://www.s2games.com/screens/fullsize/20...20030127/16.jpg http://www.s2games.com/screens/fullsize/20...20030127/23.jpg If you wanna know what type of game this is, it's really two types: Choose to be a commander, and you will play an in-depth RTS game, researching technologies, mining resources, and issuing orders to your units. Choose to be a warrior, and you will play an intense game of first person combat, wielding your weapon of choice to strike down the enemy. This sounds, and looks, really really cool. I'll buy it if it's ported. EDIT: I should point out that one of the developers does all his coding in Linux, so it's a matter of demand, AFAICT, if we get the game or not. And there's probably a good chance that this would be an in-box port, so PLEASE sign up and test it! It doesn't cost anything, and plus, you'll get to try it before you buy it. :)
  18. DOlson

    SS:SE ??

    Heh, that's cool. I don't have much time lately, but I'll update it shortly.
  19. DOlson

    SS:SE ??

    I beg to differ... Scroll down past the commercial games grid, and you'll see a small amount of decent free games. http://icculus.org/~dolson/mdkxp/?c=games
  20. from what i understand there won't be. seem since it's not multiplayer and they don't need linux servers to run it's servers, they aren't going to give it to us. I was emailing back and forth with Bob Bates for the last couple months, and he wasn't sure about a Linux port, and it seems like it's for sure not happening. Can't say I didn't try. :( <tongue-in-cheek, pissed off>Oh well, we already have too many FPS games for Linux anyhow, so maybe they are trying to do us a favor and not contribute to the overpopulation of FPS games.</tongue-in-cheek, pissed off>
  21. Available for a limited period only, the Medal of Honor collection includes both Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and Medal of Honor Allied Assault: Spearhead. This bundle is discounted from the regular price, and will only be available whilst the games are pre-release. As soon as they become available, this special offer will end. Please use me as your referrer if you order this. To do so, use this link, or put my name in the comments field when you order: Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and Spearhead bundle deal If you don't believe in pre-ordering, fine. But if you do, and you don't have these games, now's your chance. :)
  22. DOlson


    That could very well be, but I thought they had to do it for a school project or something. Maybe not, I honestly don't remember. But anyhow, it'd sure suck to not get this port, after it being announced on the Linux gaming sites and all... We need some flight sim games.
  23. DOlson

    SS:SE ??

    Fine by me. But I said read, not speak. ;)
  24. DOlson


    Overall, I would agree, except given WHO is supposedly porting this game. And considering that their website has been redone and has no mention of MiG Alley on it...
  25. DOlson

    SS:SE ??

    That's great and all, but to basically sit there and complain about ports is just retarded. People want Linux gaming to "take off" yet they bitch because WC3 isn't ported and released instead of Medal of Honor. It sure as hell doesn't make any sense. If you don't want the game, then fine, but don't go off on rampages and bitch everywhere publicly possible just because it's not a game you want. There ARE people out there who do want those games. "why are icculus.org porting MORE FPS games???" "Linux has TOO MANY FPS games." "they should be porting something else." "Linux doesn't need Serious Sam 2" Those are all comments that I've heard various places, repeated so many times it's getting quite old. If YOU want different ports, email companies, get the source code, sign NDAs, do whatever it takes and port it yourself. If you can get a game to go GPL, contact Ryan, and he'll find some people to port it I'm sure. Also, LGP has mentioned that they won't port FPS games unless for good reason, and yet with every announcement, they still get crap thrown at them because they're porting games that they can actually afford instead of pulling a Loki. Seems that these people just won't ever be happy. If you just sit around bitching about how they shouldn't bother porting a particular game or a particular genre, then you're not a part of the solution.
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