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Posts posted by aioshin

  1. hi...


    Did anyone here tried chikka sms messenger and able to run under linux without a problem, either via wine, crossover or java browser plugin..??.



  2. at bash prompt, you can fire-up gimp... assuming /home/user/picture.jpg

    type $gimp-2.2 picture.jpg

    and that will open the picture using gimp 2, or if you already managed to install other grahpics viewer, then you can also try that..


    well, you can use the windowz way, I mean gui.. bcoz your inside your desktop manager that is why those applications run under bash$, bcoz those graphical interface are ready to initialize, but if your under init 3, you cant run those applic... same with windows 98, if your inside pure DOS mode, not a dos prompt inside windows, you cannot also run those commands...

  3. yeah, check if alsa really run as a service..open a terminal window, then as a root type

    #chkconfig --list alsa ......... then check if 5: on, if not...

    #chkconfig --add alsa

    then try

    #alsaconf --------- the alsa configuration tool


    hope that helps B)

  4. I also found this Rpm.  here and was wondering , if I install this Rpm, do I still need the Compiler?





    well, as I noticed, when you install RPMs, via RPM manager or urpmi, it will prompt you to install also those needed packages.as dependencies.. .. rpm.pbone.net is also listed under the easy urpmi page.. as update, so you may try to add it....

  5. try to change your NIC, since you have there extra working PC.. try also to change the cable .... you mention earlier that you cant ping that box, maybe connection problem


    try to issue $/sbin/ifconfig

    verify if you have your NIC detected and if thereś an IP on it

  6. u may try this... assuming u installed already samba-server using rpm or tar.gz


    backup your orig smb.conf file...

    as root#mv /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.orig

    then create a file smb.conf as root and put it in the same localtion of smb.conf.orig

    write the txt below in your smb.conf


    workgroup = whatever

    netbios name = test-samba-server or whatever you like to put here

    server string = anonymous lan file server

    security = share

    browsable = yes

    host allow = 192.168.1.



    path = /sharedfolder

    comment = test-only

    read only = no

    guest ok = yes


    then restart samba...

    #/etc/init.d/smb restart



    gui for samba.. try webmin, its a browserbase tool

    and like I said, try to visi www.samba.org

  7. I have not yet tried NFS, they say its good to use if your boxes are all linux... but if u have a windows in your network, well, you have to use samba server in you linux in order to share and save files from your windowz to your linux box... I think you have tried that already.... maybe you should try visiting www.samba.org.. a lot of info there


    also... you can try ssh server of your linux when transfering file, you just need an sftp client software for your windows...

  8. try.................at the command line or shell, login as root then edit the file below..

    assuming u know vi,... if not use mc ..

    cd /etc/httpd/conf/


    then select httpd2.conf


    find those listed below


    #BindAddress *





    Listen 8001



    note:// the part.. listen tells that your apache2 will listen to your local interface in port 80, well if you want it to be seen publicly, you can replace that IP with your Public IP

    ... btw, this is assuming u'r using apache2..


    you can start and stop apache from your terminal window as root by typing

    #apachectl start

    #apachectl stop


    #/etc/init.d/httpd start | restart | stop

  9. / refers to /root partition where the /usr /var /mnt etc..etc resides, /home of course your linux users home directory, you can specify not to format it so you may not lost your data stored on it during your previous mandy, well, if your XP file system was set to NTFS, i think during the installation , mandrake will recognize it as ntfs, or if its FAT, vfat, so you may leave it as is... mount the / as root partition... well if your format it, all of ur previously installed program will be lost, but no probs, whats the use of urpmi anyway... hope i had you a little help

  10. hi to all, this was posted I think very long time ago... since no one tried to figure out how to solve this, aside from spiedra, so I just told myself, nevermind, I?l just share my files to a windowze box and print the file from there.... actually, I was googling and googling but all says that lbp800 canon is a pure win printer... until when I read just this morning the post of Sellis, I wondered, what if I'll try again looking for my printers driver, besides, its been along time, maybe someone has come-up how to solve my printer problem... and so.. Oh my god, I stumbled to this link... http://mywebpages.comcast.net/heretrythis/hp3100/psemu.html

    It really solves my problem,... hehe, its really amazing coz, you will see there "March 04".. that? my birth date... hehe, btw... by just following the guide lines... now I can print anything from my Mandy10.1 to the Canon LBP 800 connected to a windows 2000 pc...


    whoever creates the Idea... thanks...


    I just wondered, how come I never find this before.... maybe, I'm just a lazy googler... :cheesy:



    and.. hehe, I've just noticed...This was my first post.... :mr-green:

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