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Posts posted by aioshin

  1. does anyone encountered this error... google shows several error similar to this, but I still unable to fix it...


    here's the scenario.... I have LE2005 act as a dial-in server.. with a usr 56k data/fax external, right now I'm using win2k, coz I can't connect using my mdk10.1 at home,

    when at linux, trying to connect using kppp, dialing on my LE2005 at the office, im sure it'l accept the credentials I used since its the same username and pasword that I used when logging from win2k, the kppp dialog box shows loggin on to network but several seconds later or maybe a minute, it will disconnect, with error "ppp timeout". Checking the var-log-messages, it shown that time it discon, signal 15... terminating. I already google about this error and also tried those suggested fix but still got the same error..

    OK, when logging via terminal, I can successfully login, I can even do remote admin on that LE2005 box, but how come I cannot connect on regular kppp session?



  2. :wall::wall::wall:

    ohhh.... I dont know what anymore options to try :screwy:

    I have tried different versions of mplayerplugin, currently am using 3.00 instead of using the latest which is 3.15 ( I used 3.15 but it will crash the borwser when viewing quicktime movie, that's why am trying lower version)), right now I can finish viewing a quicktime movie trailer from apple, but watching CNN is still a problem, it wont load the video images, all that I can see is only gray color.. ahh, what should I do about it?


    I boot my 10.1, found out that I have 2.85 ver. of mplayerplugin, ( I never had a problem with it) so I also tried the said version on 2005 but no luck.... I tried gtk1 and gtk 2 but same results.


    I tried also the suggestions of aomighty but still no fix..


    What else should I have to do?

    here's my current browser plugin

    QuickTime Plug-in 6.0
       File name: mplayerplug-in-qt.so
       mplayerplug-in 3.00
       Video Player Plug-in for QuickTime, RealPlayer and Windows Media Player streams using MPlayer
       JavaScript Enabled and Using GTK2 Widgets
    MIME Type  Description  Suffixes  Enabled
    video/quicktime  Quicktime  mov  Yes
    video/x-quicktime  Quicktime  mov  Yes
    image/x-quicktime  Quicktime  mov  Yes
    video/quicktime  Quicktime  mp4  Yes
    video/quicktime  Quicktime - Session Description Protocol  sdp  Yes
    application/x-quicktimeplayer  Quicktime  mov  Yes
    application/smil  SMIL  smil  Yes
    Windows Media Player Plugin
       File name: mplayerplug-in-wmp.so
       mplayerplug-in 3.00
       Video Player Plug-in for QuickTime, RealPlayer and Windows Media Player streams using MPlayer
       JavaScript Enabled and Using GTK2 Widgets
    MIME Type  Description  Suffixes  Enabled
    application/asx  Media Files  *  Yes
    video/x-ms-asf-plugin  Media Files  *  Yes
    video/x-msvideo  AVI  avi,*  Yes
    video/msvideo  AVI  avi,*  Yes
    application/x-mplayer2  Media Files  *  Yes
    application/x-ms-wmv  Microsoft WMV video  wmv,*  Yes
    video/x-ms-asf  Media Files  asf,asx,*  Yes
    video/x-ms-wm  Media Files  wm,*  Yes
    video/x-ms-wmv  Microsoft WMV video  wmv,*  Yes
    video/x-ms-wmp  Windows Media  wmp,*  Yes
    video/x-ms-wvx  Windows Media  wvx,*  Yes
    audio/x-ms-wax  Windows Media  wax,*  Yes
    audio/x-ms-wma  Windows Media  wma,*  Yes
    application/x-drm-v2  Windows Media  asx,*  Yes
    audio/wav  Microsoft wave file  wav,*  Yes
    audio/x-wav  Microsoft wave file  wav,*  Yes
    mplayerplug-in 3.00
       File name: mplayerplug-in.so
       mplayerplug-in 3.00
       Video Player Plug-in for QuickTime, RealPlayer and Windows Media Player streams using MPlayer
       JavaScript Enabled and Using GTK2 Widgets
    MIME Type  Description  Suffixes  Enabled
    video/mpeg  MPEG  mpg,mpeg  Yes
    audio/mpeg  MPEG  mpg,mpeg  Yes
    video/x-mpeg  MPEG  mpg,mpeg  Yes
    video/x-mpeg2  MPEG2  mpv2,mp2ve  Yes
    audio/mpeg  MPEG  mpg,mpeg  Yes
    audio/x-mpeg  MPEG  mpg,mpeg  Yes
    audio/mpeg2  MPEG audio  mp2  Yes
    audio/x-mpeg2  MPEG audio  mp2  Yes
    audio/mpeg3  MPEG audio  mp3  Yes
    audio/x-mpeg3  MPEG audio  mp3  Yes
    audio/mp3  MPEG audio  mp3  Yes
    video/mp4  MPEG 4 Video  mp4  Yes
    application/x-ogg  Ogg Vorbis Media  ogg  Yes
    audio/ogg  Ogg Vorbis Audio  ogg  Yes
    application/ogg  Ogg Vorbis / Ogg Theora  ogg  Yes
    video/fli  FLI animation  fli,flc  Yes
    video/x-fli  FLI animation  fli,flc  Yes
    video/vnd.vivo  VivoActive  viv,vivo  Yes
    application/x-nsv-vp3-mp3  Nullsoft Streaming Video  nsv  Yes




    what about on 2006, how's ur viewing on video using firefox? or any browser?

  3. I never encountered any hylafax error on my 10.1 Fax Server, everyday it receives several fax messages and then route it to the users emails, though the Hylafax Fax server that I installed came directly from hylafax.org, an rpm for redhat 9 then, but the hylafax client that I am using are those from mandriva.....


    well, am not yet using 2006, but just recently I installed Hyla on my le2005 desktop and It did'nt gave me problem... and again, I did not install the halyfax server from mandriva, I installed the one found at hylafax.org, the rpm for rh9...



    Found encoder: base64-encode

    /usr/sbin/faxsetup: line 790: capture: command not found

    Looks like /usr/bin/uuencode does not support base64 encoding.


    try to check this




    Warning: /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts does not exist or is not a directory!

    maybe you need to install ghostscript if you have' nt yet...

  4. tried what you have said but did'nt see any configure option.... also when trying to open a quicktime/apple trailer, it kills the browser again..


    I'll try to recompile it again tommorow and try thus other options available... I still dont know how come it happen, it did'nt occur on my box on 10.1

  5. the problem:


    1. when trying to watch CNN Video, I can hear the sound, but no video, all that I can see is the gray portion after buffering, what could be wrong on this? see attached image below cnn-sample.png


    2. I can play apple.com trailers but in the middle of the action, it just stop, or sometimes the browser just shutdown without warning.


    the browsers I used are mozilla 1.76 and firefox 1.0.7, though it shows that the needed plugins were installed already(see attached image2.png) , and also, when testing the plugin with mplayer plugger testing ground, I was able to see those video clips on their site... on my previous mdk10.1.. I'd never got this problem, mine now is LE2005, and manually compiled the mplayerplugin... any ideas to solve this? TIA



  6. Dude normally, when a cron job is completed, the error message (if available) and the output of the cron job is mailed to the root.


    You can check it out by viewing /etc/crontab

    there'll be something listed like







    i'd like to add, make sure postfix runs on your system and alias root to your regular email account in order for you to recieve that email on that regular email acct of yours... or you can directly replace the part..



  7. When I browse the network from my windows box, I see the samba server, but when I double click on it, I get the dredded "cannot connect".


    are you trying to connect from a windows 98 ? coz if your trying from win2k or XP, it will prompt you for a username and password, which is the username that you will enter should exist on the linux box and also on smbpasswd... if from windows 98, you should logon ( locally) on a username that also exist on your Mandy 2006 samba server...


    also check if firewall is not the one responsible....

  8. i have 10.1 with 3.2 and thac's 3.4 and 2005 with kde 3.3 and thac's 3.4, tho if you search this forum you can find lots of info how to fix the problems you'll encounter, but I have this one problem that had never been fixed...(dunno if this happens to others or just me) in 3.2 or 3.3, (default mandrake/mandriva package) when you install a new package, after installing, automatically the new package will be seen on the mandrake applications menu or where ever it belongs, but with thac's kde 3.4 on 10.1 and 2005, you have to do a "update-menus" command before the newly installed software be seen in in the menu where it belongs.. though it can be invoke already via command line... if you want to have the default mandriva 3.4 package, better upgrade to 2006

  9. I dont know if it has a features that check the MD5 automatically, but you can always check the md5 manually... like if you are downloading linux-iso from torrent, you can always check the MD5sum manually then compare it to its website MD5sum list but if you'v downloaded a software that does not have a legitimate source of MD5sum to compare with, then its up to you...


    Is there a good torrent downloading software for linux?


    google torrent client for linux and google will be happy to show you all

  10. Does it? can you block outgoing traffic on a per application basis?

    That's really what most windows software firewalls are useful for: you let application A access HTTP on the internet on port 80, but you don't let application B have access to an external HTTP server.

    With IP tables you can block access to port 80 altogether, but then firefox won't work anymore.


    well, its not windows now, its linux... that is why we have users and root, and you dont use your linux desktop as root, that's why its recommended to be as regular user, so it wont be able to harm your system, unlike windows, your always logging on your desktop as root, unless you know what you are doing..


    About blocking port 80, in windows, yes it can block particular application to access port 80 while iptables... well you only need to block port 80 (incoming) in your linux if you have a web server running on it and you dont want outsider to access it...


    Actually, you can manually edit your iptables or shorewall to do a per port blocking, and it does not need to be a programmer to do it, as long as you will take some time on reading the manpage or visit its main website for some usefull info.


    This is a pretty big security risk the linux community has been ignoring or pretending iisn't there. It's OK as long as you use "safe computing practices", but we all know people don't do that.

    that's not the fault of linux


    How do you know that nvidia driver you're downloading from nvidia doesn't email nvidia information about which kernel you're running or which nvidia card you're using?

    I dont know how that happen unless you have an MTA (sendmail/postfix) running on your linux Box, but you have the option to disable that.. by doing $netstat -an | grep tcp it will show you all tcp ports listening on your machine.. if you have port 80, then you have a webserver running, port 25 for smtp...


    How about this cool software that you built from sources you don't understand because you're not a programmer?


    almost all open source software has a README or even a forum


    How about that linux game you downloaded from bittorrent?

    is it an Opensource game or not?, if not and you are not sure about it, then dont download it, avoid pirated software to be installed on linux


    Checkout the thread about how much people ignore bad rpm signatures to see how some pretty knowledgeable people can leave their guard down when it comes to getting potential malware.


    as I've said, its not the fault of linux

  11. you can also do it like this... assuming that you have a user=xpuser and password=xpuserpassword and a shared folder named sharedfolder on your XP Machine


    now in your linux box, open your konsole, as regular user, create a directory inside your linux home dir named xpshare, then do the command below in your konsole

    $smbmount //xpmachine/sharedfolder /home/user/xpshare/ -o username=xpuser%xpuserpassword


    that should mount the sharedfolder on xpshare, you can then browse it locally via konqueror, create new files on it (if xpuser has the right to write as how you set it on your XP Machine)


    but, if you still experienced the said problem, try to check your log file, it'll show you some hints on troubleshooting

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