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Posts posted by AgelessStranger

  1. I know what happened. You need to shut down the adsl thing that you set up in the first place. If you can get your system to boot, go to MCC and in the services menu uncheck "on boot" for adsl and also stop it from running.


    I had exactly the same problems. Setting up adsl using thr MCC was really buggy for me as well. I can't remember how I got it to reboot cleanly I think I pushed esc and entered interactive startup, when It tried to start ppoe I said "No way Jose" and the system booted cleanly (I think, 49% certainty!).

  2. I don't think I can help but if this is a modem that you have an admin page that is accessed by going to or something similar, then you will probably not be able to configure it with any other browser than IE. Sometimes Netscape will work but probably not. Hopefully your modem is configured correctly. Try this.


    The default gateway and your hostname go in /etc/sysconfig/network:



    GATEWAY= # or the IP address of your modem



    The default gateway should be set to the IP address of the ethernet port

    on the modem - the same one you ping. The computer uses it as a 'last

    resort' when it doesn't know where to send a packet, i.e. a network that

    is not in the routing table.


    If you have this set, then something is removing it...


    Try typing the following as root:

    route add default gw eth0

    (or whatever the modem IP address is - the convention is to make it the

    .1 node, and the rest of the network 2. through to .254 but that doesn't

    really matter, as long as all hosts, i.e. the computer and modem, have a

    different address)


    If you type route -n now, there should be another entry at the bottom of

    your routing table something like this: UG 0 0 0 eth0


    And try to connect - you should find it works


    Good luck!

  3. Hi

    I just got an iRiver T10 1gig flash music player. I got it because it is the only one that I could find that plays .ogg. So I made the stupid assumption that, if it plays ogg, it should work under linux.....WRONG! I plugged it in and linux wont even detect it. The actual player knows that it has been connected to the computer. My girlfriend got an ipod shuffle and it is detected perfectly under linux.


    I am using Linux Mandrake 10.0 OE.


    If anyone has had any luck getting one of these to work.. or even a similar iRiver to work any tips would be much appreciated!



  4. Hi all


    I have after much mucking around managed to get 90% of the way through setting up my LAMP platform (Makndrake 10.0).

    I used the rpms for Apache(installation CD), php(installation CD) and MySQL(from the MySQL website, both the client and server rpms). I know that they are all working as I can look at php scripts in the /var/www/html directory. I can also use mysqladmin from the command line to look at its stuff and it is running as a service.

    However I cannot use php to 'talk' to mysql. I get this error


    #1044 - Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database foo'


    I am not too sure if MySQL is not working properly or if I just need an rpm (like the apache-php rpm) to fix things up.


    Thanks in advance


  5. Tried dhcpcd is not a bash command either.


    Followed this guide




    and then used:


    route add default gw eth0


    to change the default gateway.


    I also had to re edit (and add my DNS addresses) my /etc/resolv.conf as something is over writing it with:


    search localhost


    I know that this is something from the MCC that I have done.


    So ADSL is working at the moment (YAY), but I think that it wont be working after I reboot. So one last question.


    Where does all the stuff that you do in the MCC with regards to networks and internet get stored?





  6. ifconfig


    eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0C:41:22:23:AE
             inet6 addr: fe80::20c:41ff:fe22:23ae/64 Scope:Link
             UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
             RX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
             TX packets:17 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
             collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
             RX bytes:60 (60.0 b)  TX bytes:762 (762.0 b)
             Interrupt:19 Base address:0xd800
    lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
             inet addr:  Mask:
             inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
             UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
             RX packets:50 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
             TX packets:50 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
             collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
             RX bytes:3296 (3.2 Kb)  TX bytes:3296 (3.2 Kb)


    cat /etc/resolv.conf



    There is nothing in this file. It does exist, but there is nothing in it. Isn't that supposed to hold the primary and secondary DNS info? This may sound dumb but do I need that to connect to the intrnet? I did have the two DNS numbers that my ISP gave me in there but deleted them when things were not working (I had a similar problem with dial up, deleted the numbers in that file and things were cool).


    Also, in regards to turning off the firewall, I went into MCC and selected firewall in security. It had the first box checked (allow everything) and all the others were grayed out, this means that the firewall is off right?

  7. Hi

    I am currently posting from windows (After nearly a full year of extremely limited use).


    I am currently trying to install a DLink DSL302G ADSL Modem in Mandrake 10.0 OE.

    I have a LINKSYS LNE100TX (ver. 5.1) Ethernet card.


    I got these two products as I have read that this is the easiest combination to set up in Linux.


    I have gone into MCC and I can see the Ethernet card when I look at the hardware list so I would assume that this is ok. I ran the config tool here and selected the following:




    then i left everything else blank (ie DNS, etc).


    After this did nothing for me at all, I read some stuff and tried to use MCC to configure a new connection.



    Use the Ethernet card

    DHCP (Also tried PPPOE later on)


    Nothing seems to work. The modem works fine under windows so cabling/hardware is probably not an issue.


    My real question is this:

    Is there a guide (or can someone show me the steps they took, one by one) to installing a simple ADSL modem on an Ethernet card, preferably using MCC. I dont have a network, it is just one box, connected directly to the modem via the Ethernet card.


    One other question is, can I get rid of all the stuff that I have done in MCC to do with these connections and start from the beginning? I wonder about this, as I had Dial up previously and I don't know if this is affecting my new connection (The dial up was running from the serial port, not the Ethernet card, using KPPP)


    Also, after I muck around with the network settings in MCC, when I reboot I cannot startx. To get it going again I have to re-compile the Nvidia driver. I don't know if this is just an annoyance or something more sinister.


    Sorry about the length of this post.





  8. Hi


    Just wondering if there are any programs out there that are good for PDF publishing. I have some lecture notes that are in PDF format and I want to edit them. Kghostview is no good for this, neither is Xpdf. I have tried to open them in open office but nothing happens after I select the filter.


    Thanks in advance


  9. Hi


    Today when I tried to open openOffice the openoffice splash screen comes up, then the blue line races across the bottom, then I am getting this error message box that says the following:


    OpenOffice.org cannot be started due to an error in accessing the
    OpenOffice.org configuration data.
    Please contact your system administrator
    The following internal error has occurred: GetStorage, name: "No Content!"



    It has been running fine up until now. I did a search on this website but came up with nothing.




    Thanks in advance


  10. Hi

    I am using Mandrake 10.0 OE and cannot get ghc to install on my computer. I have tried almost all of the linux rpms from the haskell homepage and one other one that I got from somewhere else. I have tried the following:


    [root@localhost Haskell]# rpm -i ghc-6.2.1-1.i586.rpm

    error: Failed dependencies:

    gmp is needed by ghc-6.2.1-1

    libreadline.so.4 is needed by ghc-6.2.1-1


    I HAVE installed libreadline.so.4 :wall:


    rpmbuild --rebuild (for the source package)


    [root@localhost Haskell]# rpmbuild --rebuild ghc-6.2.1-1.src.rpm

    Installing ghc-6.2.1-1.src.rpm

    warning: user simonmar does not exist - using root

    warning: group GHC does not exist - using root

    error: Failed build dependencies:

    happy >= 1.13 is needed by ghc-6.2.1-1

    ghc >= 4.08 is needed by ghc-6.2.1-1

    haddock is needed by ghc-6.2.1-1


    well I dont have ghc 4.08 do I :screwy:


    and the





    fails here, I cant remember the error :cheeky:


    the last one was reccomended in the readme file that came in the .tar.bz2 file


    Any help would be much appreciated

  11. Hi

    I had a problem earlier with mandrake not loading kde, I fixed this by running XFdrake as root and playing with the settings then using startx. Now I have had the exact same problem so I did the smae thing but now XFdrake thinks that my graphics card (Gforce4 440mx) is to blame. When I try to do the test thing it says

    EE nvidia(gforce)

    try changing parameters


    ok no amount of parameter changing has helped. I still cannot use startx.

    I even edited the XF86config-4 file to get rid of the nvidia drivers.


  12. Hi

    I am having problems with my java classes. Here is what happens


    [josh@localhost ass1]$ javac ./Minimise.java

    [josh@localhost ass1]$ java ./Minimise.class

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: //Minimise/class


    So having poked around at suns sight for about two hours, then searching here, I think that my problem is in the CLASSPATH and PATH settings.


    Can someone please write me (in relatively simple terms) a how to about changing /adding CLASSPATH and PATH variables. I also need to be told where the .bashrc file is as I can only find one in /etc/ so is this the one I edit or some other one?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated


  13. ok I used the rpmbuild --rebuild command (thanks for that one) but it still had an error:

    Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.51467 (%install)

    oh well I got another rpm with the i586 architecture so I think I´ll use this one.


    one quick question where does rpmbuild put the rpm that it creates?


  14. Yeah I thought that it might be the wrong one as all the other rpms I have used had i586 in them. I have got another rpm file (from haskell.org) the name of it is hugs98-Nov2003-1.src.rpm I am sure that this is the source rpm and this is the one that throws the error. With source rmps does the command line guide you through the build process? Thanks

  15. Hi

    I trying to install the hugs RPM (hugs98-Nov2003-1.i386.rpm) and when I use rpm it says that it failed because dependecies libreadline.so.4 are not there. So I got the rpm for the readline library and installed it. Now in the /lib and the /usr/lib there are libreadline.so.4.0 files and the hugs rpm will still not install (it still gives the same error message). I have searched for the hugs rpm and the libreadline.so.4 file and cannot find anything useful. Any help would be much appreciated.

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