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Posts posted by phunni

  1. Perhaps I'll take another look at madwifi - although I've managed to get a stable system but getting pacman to not auto update kernel, ndiswrapper and fglrx...


    I figure if I do these manually when I'm confident they'll work then I'll be OK. I think my recent ndiswrapper problems were due to the kernel being updated but the driver not...

  2. If you're card is atheros chipset based, maybe try if madwifi will work under Arch. Doesn't use ndiswrapper at least, and might save you having to buy another card.


    I tried madwifi first off - but it wouldn't work at all...


    I guess I could give it another go, but this wasn't that long ago so I'm not all that confident...

  3. I'm a Java dev and I never felt dirty being so...


    The main advantages are the standard open source ones - e.g. bugs being found/fixed more quickly etc...


    It also means that other people will develop their own JVMs which will have various different advantages. Since they will also be GPL'ed then the best of those improvements will find their way back into Sun's JVM. There will be people adding their own proprietry features, but I think Sun's JVM will still be the main one ...

  4. I fixed in the following way:


    1) Downgraded ndiswrapper. This got rid of the invalid driver message, but when doing "lspci" I saw no mention of the card...


    2) So I moved it to a different pci slot


    All fixed now (currently doing a MASSIVE update - which I'm nervous will break everything...), but I'm wondering whether I can upgrade ndiswrapepr again... Is it possible that the pci failure came as a result of the upgrade?

  5. I have tried doing a reinstall and reconfiguration - no joy. One of the first things I tried was simply downgrade both the kernel and ndiswrapper assuming that previous version would work as they had done before - but not...


    I guess I could try and hunt down a differnet .inf file and see if I can get any joy that way - it#s just a pain in the arse since I have to download on my laptop and then transfer it to the Desktop - sometimes I wish I still had a floppy drive!

  6. I have a card which uses an atheros chipset. I've been using a driver which I downloaded ages ago and has worked flawlessly for a while.


    I recently did a pacman -Syu which included a kernel upgrade and an ndiswrapper update. My kernel is currently and my ndiswrapper is 1.26-1


    Since the upgrade my networking has failed - the card no longer seems to work at all. This isn't all that surprising since ndiswrapper -l lists the driver as follows:


    ndiswrapper invalid driver!

    net5211 driver installed


    I'm at a loss to understand how to move forward when I know I have a perfectly valid .inf file - but I'm getting nothing out of the card at all...


    Any ideas?

  7. I nearly wet my pants when I first saw this - and it's cheap! It may not be news for some of you - but it's not been posted here yet and needs more profile imho...


    It runs Linux, is 100% open and can play games, movies and MP3s... It can also run a bunch of emulators - in fact it can run anything Linux can...


    Main Site


    UK site - horrible site, but has more details

  8. I have a wireless network card (not sure which make...) which I've been using succesfully with ndiswrapper for a few months now...


    The last week or so, I've had occasional problems with my network which have all been resolved by restarting the network. Today I booted up my computer and, when it tried to start the network, I was told that irq #16 was being disabled and then (not surprisingly) the network failed to start.


    I rebooted and all seems to be well - this time... What kind of things do I need to be looking at to get to the bottom of this problem and have a more stable, reliable network connection?

  9. May have found a solution - X-Develop looks like the daddy for mono development on Linux.


    One problem - it's $149... I really don't do enough development at home to justify that - because, you know, I have a life...


    So anyway, on an (ahem) unrelated subject... I think I may have found a solution to the "what will we do with the google ads money" issue...

  10. most of them must have been either developed for mono on windows, or done using a text pad and a command line compiler...


    Monodevelop might hae been OK for some things in previous releases, although I've laways found it unstable and of limited use...


    In fairness, though, it's only 0.11

  11. All I want to do is a little C# development on Linux... Nothing complex or special - just something nice and simple...


    So, I installed monodevelop - this is the IDE everyone mentions whenever you talk about .Net on Linux. That's because it's just about the only one...


    Unfortunately it's rubbish! I know it's because it's still early days and I'm sure it'll be brilliant (although if they only GTK# GUI tools I'll have to kill someone...), but it isn't today...


    There are some fantastic tools for windows - especially sharpdevelop - but nothing decent for Linux at all that I can see...


    I'm very frustrated...


    OK - rant over...

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