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Posts posted by griptypethyne

  1. I have put in a lot of effort trying to get compiz working on gnome. After much googling I formed the opinion that it was not possible with Mandriva Free. I therefore decided to try and get beryl going. I did not succeed but quite by chance discovered that agl was working on gnome :unsure:


    I am not entirely sure how I did it but here is my report.


    First I installed Mandriva One to confirm that my hardware (Geforce 420) supported agl.


    I then went back to Mandriva Free and installed the plf 8774 driver. agl worked on kde but not gnome. Reading the various forums this seems to be every one's experience.


    After installing and trying to run beryl my system locked after logon. After three years with Linux I no longer panic and reinstall the system :D Instead I entered <ctl><alt><backspace> to get back to gdm. Sometimes problems are related to one user so I tried logging on as another user with a gnome session. The logon was successful. I opened a window and then noticed it fade in and out. Excitedly I tried <ctrl><alt> -> and the cube rotated :lol2:


    I have since carried out some experiments and this is what I have found:


    My system freezes if I try and logon to my original user with agl on.


    If I logon to the user on which agl works, make sure agl is on, create a new user, re-boot and logon to the new user agl/gnome works.


    My conclusion is the agl on gnome works only if the user is created *after* compiz has been installed and agl turned on.


    Not sure if that really helps or not. Maybe installing beryl (urpmi) changed a permission and allowed agl to work. Whatever the reason, I can confirm that on Mandriva Free agl does work on gnome.


    Sorry if someone has posted the definitive solution and I have missed it.

  2. I searched for kde-config files and found one in the kde3.5.4 directory. I ran


    echo `/opt/kde3.5.4/bin/kde-config --path exe`


    and the result was




    I edited the execpath line in startkde to


    exepath=`/opt/kde3.5.4/bin/kde-config --path exe`


    However when I re-booted kde3.5.4 started.


    Ooooppp!!! Sorry. Finger trouble.


    Last line in previous message should read 3.2 started.

  3. I edited .xinitrc and set it as follows::



    # © 2000-2002 MandrakeSoft

    # $Id: xinitrc-xinitrc,v 1.2 2002/09/10 05:53:43 flepied Exp $


    # Set a background here because it's not done anymore

    # in Xsesion for non root users

    if [ "`whoami`" != root ]; then

    xsetroot -solid "#21449C"



    #exec /etc/X11/Xsession $*


    export QTDIR=/opt/kde3.5.4

    export KDEDIR=/opt/kde3.5.4

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/kde3.5.4/lib

    export PATH=/opt/kde3.5.4/bin:$PATH

    export KDEHOME=~/.kdetest

    # Tried startkde and exec startkde for following line.

    #exec startkde




    When I booted kde 3.2.3 started.


    I next looked at startkde (full listing below). I noticed a line


    exepath=`kde-config --path exe`


    From a terminal I ran

    echo `kde-config --path exe`


    The result was

    /root/.kde/bin/:/usr/bin/ ----- when su root


    /home/dad1/.kde/bin/:/usr/bin/ ---- when su <user>


    which presumably is the location of kde 3.2.3. Maybe I need to modify this line to point to the config file for 3.5? Or may be I set exepath directly?



    ********* startkde listing ********************************







    # When the X server dies we get a HUP signal from xinit. We must ignore it

    # because we still need to do some cleanup.

    trap 'echo GOT SIGHUP' HUP


    # we have to unset this for Darwin since it will screw up KDE's dynamic-loading



    # Boot sequence:


    # kdeinit is used to fork off processes which improves memory usage

    # and startup time.


    # * kdeinit starts the dcopserver and klauncher first.

    # * Then kded is started. kded is responsible for keeping the sycoca

    # database up to date. When an up to date database is present it goes

    # into the background and the startup continues.

    # * Then kdeinit starts kcminit. kcminit performs initialisation of

    # certain devices according to the user's settings


    # * Then ksmserver is started which in turn starts

    # 1) the window manager (kwin)

    # 2) everything in $KDEDIR/share/autostart (kdesktop, kicker, etc.)

    # 3) the rest of the session.


    # The user's personal KDE directory is usually ~/.kde, but this setting

    # may be overridden by setting KDEHOME.



    test -n "$KDEHOME" && kdehome=`echo "$KDEHOME"|sed "s,^~/,$HOME/,"`


    exepath=`kde-config --path exe`


    for prefix in `echo "$exepath" | sed -e 's^/bin/^/env/^g;s^:^ ^g'`; do

    for file in "$prefix"*.sh; do

    test -r "$file" && . "$file"





    # Activate the kde font directories.


    # There are 4 directories that may be used for supplying fonts for KDE.


    # There are two system directories. These belong to the administrator.

    # There are two user directories, where the user may add her own fonts.


    # The 'override' versions are for fonts that should come first in the list,

    # i.e. if you have a font in your 'override' directory, it will be used in

    # preference to any other.


    # The preference order looks like this:

    # user override, system override, X, user, system


    # Where X is the original font database that was set up before this script

    # runs.





    # Add any user-installed font directories to the X font path




    if test -r "$kde_fontpaths" ; then




    for fpath in `grep -v '^[ ]*#' < "$kde_fontpaths"` ; do

    rfpath=`echo $fpath | sed "s:^~:$HOME:g"`

    if test -s "$rfpath"/fonts.dir; then

    xset fp+ "$rfpath"

    if test "$rfpath" = "$usr_fdir"; then



    if test "$rfpath" = "$usr_odir"; then








    if test -n "$KDEDIRS"; then

    kdedirs_first=`echo "$KDEDIRS"|sed -e 's/:.*//'`








    # We run mkfontdir on the user's font dirs (if we have permission) to pick

    # up any new fonts they may have installed. If mkfontdir fails, we still

    # add the user's dirs to the font path, as they might simply have been made

    # read-only by the administrator, for whatever reason.


    # Only do usr_fdir and usr_odir if they are *not* listed in fontpaths

    test -d "$sys_odir" && xset +fp "$sys_odir"

    test $do_usr_odir -eq 1 && test -d "$usr_odir" && (mkfontdir "$usr_odir" ; xset +fp "$usr_odir")

    test $do_usr_fdir -eq 1 && test -d "$usr_fdir" && (mkfontdir "$usr_fdir" ; xset fp+ "$usr_fdir")

    test -d "$sys_fdir" && xset fp+ "$sys_fdir"


    # Ask X11 to rebuild its font list.

    xset fp rehash


    # if the user has overwritten fonts, the cursor font may be different now

    # so don't move this up


    # Set a left cursor instead of the standard X11 "X" cursor, since I've heard

    # from some users that they're confused and don't know what to do. This is

    # especially necessary on slow machines, where starting KDE takes one or two

    # minutes until anything appears on the screen.


    # Set the background to plain grey.

    # The standard X background is nasty, causing moire effects and exploding

    # people's heads. We use colours from the standard KDE palette for those with

    # palettised displays.


    xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr $bkg


    [ ! -d $kdehome/share/config ] && mkdir -p $kdehome/share/config


    if [ ! -e /dev/dsp ] && [ ! -e $kdehome/share/config/kcmartsrc ] ; then

    echo "[Arts]" > $kdehome/share/config/kcmartsrc

    echo "StartServer=false" >> $kdehome/share/config/kcmartsrc


    magicdev &

    if [ "`whoami`" = root ] ; then

    cd /usr/share/mdk/kde/root-interface/

    for i in *; do

    if [ ! -e /root/.kde/share/config/$i ]; then

    cp -fr $i /root/.kde/share/config/



    cd -



    #if [ -f ~/.drakfw ] && [ -f $kdehome/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml ] && [ "$(cat $kdehome/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml | wc -l| awk '{print $1}')" -eq "2" ] ; then


    # cp -fv /usr/share/mdk/kde/bookmarks.xml $kdehome/share/apps/konqueror/

    # perl -pi -e "/\[KonqMainWindow Toolbar bookmarkToolBar\]/ .. /^\s*$/ and s/Hidden=true/Hidden=false/" $kdehome/share/config/konquerorc

    #elif [ ! -f $kdehome/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml ]; then

    # [ ! -d $kdehome/share/apps/konqueror/ ] && mkdir -p $kdehome/share/apps/konqueror/

    # cp -fv /usr/share/mdk/kde/bookmarks.xml $kdehome/share/apps/konqueror/



    if [ $(grep "META_CLASS=desktop" /etc/sysconfig/system) ]; then

    if [ ! -e $kdehome/Autostart/openkmenu.desktop ] && [ ! -e $kdehome/Autostart/.openkmenu ]; then

    [ ! -d $kdehome/Autostart ] && mkdir -p $kdehome/Autostart

    cp /usr/share/mdk/kde/openkmenu.desktop $kdehome/Autostart/ && touch $kdehome/Autostart/.openkmenu


    rm -f $kdehome/Autostart/openkmenu.desktop


    elif [ -e $kdehome/Autostart/openkmenu.desktop ]; then

    rm -f $kdehome/Autostart/openkmenu.desktop





    if [ ! -e $kdehome/Autostart/alignment-icons.desktop ] && [ ! -e $kdehome/Autostart/.alignment-icons ]; then

    [ ! -d $kdehome/Autostart ] && mkdir -p $kdehome/Autostart

    cp /usr/share/mdk/kde/alignment-icons.desktop $kdehome/Autostart/ && touch $kdehome/Autostart/.alignment-icons


    rm -f $kdehome/Autostart/alignment-icons.desktop



    export HELP_BROWSER="kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing"

    export BROWSER="kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing"

    export DESKTOP="kde"

    # David - 2.1.1-4mdk - To be able to use the Windows key to open the K menu

    # laurent kde 2.2-22mdk test windows-key




    machine_type=$(uname -m)

    if [ $machine_type != "ppc" ] && [ $machine_type != "sparc" ] && [ $machine_type != "alpha" ] ; then





    # Get Ghostscript to look into user's KDE fonts dir for additional Fontmap

    if test -n "$GS_LIB" ; then


    export GS_LIB



    export GS_LIB



    # Link "tmp" resource to directory in /tmp

    # Creates a directory /tmp/kde-$USER and links $KDEHOME/tmp-$HOSTNAME to it.

    lnusertemp tmp >/dev/null


    # Link "socket" resource to directory in /tmp

    # Creates a directory /tmp/ksocket-$USER and links $KDEHOME/socket-$HOSTNAME to it.

    lnusertemp socket >/dev/null


    # Link "cache" resource to directory in /var/tmp

    # Creates a directory /var/tmp/kdecache-$USER and links $KDEHOME/cache-$HOSTNAME to it.

    lnusertemp cache >/dev/null


    # In case of dcop sockets left by a previous session, cleanup



    echo 'startkde: Starting up...' 1>&2


    # the splashscreen and progress indicator

    ksplash --nodcop


    # We set LD_BIND_NOW to increase the efficiency of kdeinit.

    # kdeinit unsets this variable before loading applications.

    LD_BIND_NOW=true kdeinit +kcminit +knotify

    if test $? -ne 0; then

    # Startup error

    echo 'startkde: Could not start kdeinit. Check your installation.' 1>&2

    xmessage -geometry 500x100 "Could not start kdeinit. Check your installation."



    # finally, give the session control to the session manager

    # if the KDEWM environment variable has been set, then it will be used as KDE's

    # window manager instead of kwin.

    # if KDEWM is not set, ksmserver will ensure kwin is started.

    # kwrapper is used to reduce startup time and memory usage

    # kwrapper does not return usefull error codes such as the exit code of ksmserver.

    # We only check for 255 which means that the ksmserver process could not be

    # started, any problems thereafter, e.g. ksmserver failing to initialize,

    # will remain undetected.

    test -n "$KDEWM" && KDEWM="--windowmanager $KDEWM"

    kwrapper ksmserver $KDEWM

    if test $? -eq 255; then

    # Startup error

    echo 'startkde: Could not start ksmserver. Check your installation.' 1>&2

    xmessage -geometry 500x100 "Could not start ksmserver. Check your installation."



    echo 'startkde: Shutting down...' 1>&2


    # Clean up



    artsshell -q terminate


    echo 'startkde: Running shutdown scripts...' 1>&2


    # Run scripts found in $KDEDIRS/shutdown

    for prefix in `echo "$exepath" | sed -e 's^/bin/^/shutdown/^g;s^:^ ^g'`; do

    for file in `ls "$prefix" 2> /dev/null | egrep -v '(~|\.bak)$'`; do

    test -x "$prefix$file" && "$prefix$file"





    echo 'startkde: Done.' 1>&2



    I edited .xinitrc and set it as follows::



    # © 2000-2002 MandrakeSoft

    # $Id: xinitrc-xinitrc,v 1.2 2002/09/10 05:53:43 flepied Exp $


    # Set a background here because it's not done anymore

    # in Xsesion for non root users

    if [ "`whoami`" != root ]; then

    xsetroot -solid "#21449C"



    #exec /etc/X11/Xsession $*


    export QTDIR=/opt/kde3.5.4

    export KDEDIR=/opt/kde3.5.4

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/kde3.5.4/lib

    export PATH=/opt/kde3.5.4/bin:$PATH

    export KDEHOME=~/.kdetest

    # Tried startkde and exec startkde for following line.

    #exec startkde




    When I booted kde 3.2.3 started.


    I next looked at startkde (full listing below). I noticed a line


    exepath=`kde-config --path exe`


    From a terminal I ran

    echo `kde-config --path exe`


    The result was

    /root/.kde/bin/:/usr/bin/ ----- when su root


    /home/dad1/.kde/bin/:/usr/bin/ ---- when su <user>


    which presumably is the location of kde 3.2.3. Maybe I need to modify this line to point to the config file for 3.5? Or may be I set exepath directly?



    ********* startkde listing ********************************







    # When the X server dies we get a HUP signal from xinit. We must ignore it

    # because we still need to do some cleanup.

    trap 'echo GOT SIGHUP' HUP


    # we have to unset this for Darwin since it will screw up KDE's dynamic-loading



    # Boot sequence:


    # kdeinit is used to fork off processes which improves memory usage

    # and startup time.


    # * kdeinit starts the dcopserver and klauncher first.

    # * Then kded is started. kded is responsible for keeping the sycoca

    # database up to date. When an up to date database is present it goes

    # into the background and the startup continues.

    # * Then kdeinit starts kcminit. kcminit performs initialisation of

    # certain devices according to the user's settings


    # * Then ksmserver is started which in turn starts

    # 1) the window manager (kwin)

    # 2) everything in $KDEDIR/share/autostart (kdesktop, kicker, etc.)

    # 3) the rest of the session.


    # The user's personal KDE directory is usually ~/.kde, but this setting

    # may be overridden by setting KDEHOME.



    test -n "$KDEHOME" && kdehome=`echo "$KDEHOME"|sed "s,^~/,$HOME/,"`


    exepath=`kde-config --path exe`


    for prefix in `echo "$exepath" | sed -e 's^/bin/^/env/^g;s^:^ ^g'`; do

    for file in "$prefix"*.sh; do

    test -r "$file" && . "$file"





    # Activate the kde font directories.


    # There are 4 directories that may be used for supplying fonts for KDE.


    # There are two system directories. These belong to the administrator.

    # There are two user directories, where the user may add her own fonts.


    # The 'override' versions are for fonts that should come first in the list,

    # i.e. if you have a font in your 'override' directory, it will be used in

    # preference to any other.


    # The preference order looks like this:

    # user override, system override, X, user, system


    # Where X is the original font database that was set up before this script

    # runs.





    # Add any user-installed font directories to the X font path




    if test -r "$kde_fontpaths" ; then




    for fpath in `grep -v '^[ ]*#' < "$kde_fontpaths"` ; do

    rfpath=`echo $fpath | sed "s:^~:$HOME:g"`

    if test -s "$rfpath"/fonts.dir; then

    xset fp+ "$rfpath"

    if test "$rfpath" = "$usr_fdir"; then



    if test "$rfpath" = "$usr_odir"; then








    if test -n "$KDEDIRS"; then

    kdedirs_first=`echo "$KDEDIRS"|sed -e 's/:.*//'`








    # We run mkfontdir on the user's font dirs (if we have permission) to pick

    # up any new fonts they may have installed. If mkfontdir fails, we still

    # add the user's dirs to the font path, as they might simply have been made

    # read-only by the administrator, for whatever reason.


    # Only do usr_fdir and usr_odir if they are *not* listed in fontpaths

    test -d "$sys_odir" && xset +fp "$sys_odir"

    test $do_usr_odir -eq 1 && test -d "$usr_odir" && (mkfontdir "$usr_odir" ; xset +fp "$usr_odir")

    test $do_usr_fdir -eq 1 && test -d "$usr_fdir" && (mkfontdir "$usr_fdir" ; xset fp+ "$usr_fdir")

    test -d "$sys_fdir" && xset fp+ "$sys_fdir"


    # Ask X11 to rebuild its font list.

    xset fp rehash


    # if the user has overwritten fonts, the cursor font may be different now

    # so don't move this up


    # Set a left cursor instead of the standard X11 "X" cursor, since I've heard

    # from some users that they're confused and don't know what to do. This is

    # especially necessary on slow machines, where starting KDE takes one or two

    # minutes until anything appears on the screen.


    # Set the background to plain grey.

    # The standard X background is nasty, causing moire effects and exploding

    # people's heads. We use colours from the standard KDE palette for those with

    # palettised displays.


    xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr $bkg


    [ ! -d $kdehome/share/config ] && mkdir -p $kdehome/share/config


    if [ ! -e /dev/dsp ] && [ ! -e $kdehome/share/config/kcmartsrc ] ; then

    echo "[Arts]" > $kdehome/share/config/kcmartsrc

    echo "StartServer=false" >> $kdehome/share/config/kcmartsrc


    magicdev &

    if [ "`whoami`" = root ] ; then

    cd /usr/share/mdk/kde/root-interface/

    for i in *; do

    if [ ! -e /root/.kde/share/config/$i ]; then

    cp -fr $i /root/.kde/share/config/



    cd -



    #if [ -f ~/.drakfw ] && [ -f $kdehome/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml ] && [ "$(cat $kdehome/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml | wc -l| awk '{print $1}')" -eq "2" ] ; then


    # cp -fv /usr/share/mdk/kde/bookmarks.xml $kdehome/share/apps/konqueror/

    # perl -pi -e "/\[KonqMainWindow Toolbar bookmarkToolBar\]/ .. /^\s*$/ and s/Hidden=true/Hidden=false/" $kdehome/share/config/konquerorc

    #elif [ ! -f $kdehome/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml ]; then

    # [ ! -d $kdehome/share/apps/konqueror/ ] && mkdir -p $kdehome/share/apps/konqueror/

    # cp -fv /usr/share/mdk/kde/bookmarks.xml $kdehome/share/apps/konqueror/



    if [ $(grep "META_CLASS=desktop" /etc/sysconfig/system) ]; then

    if [ ! -e $kdehome/Autostart/openkmenu.desktop ] && [ ! -e $kdehome/Autostart/.openkmenu ]; then

    [ ! -d $kdehome/Autostart ] && mkdir -p $kdehome/Autostart

    cp /usr/share/mdk/kde/openkmenu.desktop $kdehome/Autostart/ && touch $kdehome/Autostart/.openkmenu


    rm -f $kdehome/Autostart/openkmenu.desktop


    elif [ -e $kdehome/Autostart/openkmenu.desktop ]; then

    rm -f $kdehome/Autostart/openkmenu.desktop





    if [ ! -e $kdehome/Autostart/alignment-icons.desktop ] && [ ! -e $kdehome/Autostart/.alignment-icons ]; then

    [ ! -d $kdehome/Autostart ] && mkdir -p $kdehome/Autostart

    cp /usr/share/mdk/kde/alignment-icons.desktop $kdehome/Autostart/ && touch $kdehome/Autostart/.alignment-icons


    rm -f $kdehome/Autostart/alignment-icons.desktop



    export HELP_BROWSER="kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing"

    export BROWSER="kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing"

    export DESKTOP="kde"

    # David - 2.1.1-4mdk - To be able to use the Windows key to open the K menu

    # laurent kde 2.2-22mdk test windows-key




    machine_type=$(uname -m)

    if [ $machine_type != "ppc" ] && [ $machine_type != "sparc" ] && [ $machine_type != "alpha" ] ; then





    # Get Ghostscript to look into user's KDE fonts dir for additional Fontmap

    if test -n "$GS_LIB" ; then


    export GS_LIB



    export GS_LIB



    # Link "tmp" resource to directory in /tmp

    # Creates a directory /tmp/kde-$USER and links $KDEHOME/tmp-$HOSTNAME to it.

    lnusertemp tmp >/dev/null


    # Link "socket" resource to directory in /tmp

    # Creates a directory /tmp/ksocket-$USER and links $KDEHOME/socket-$HOSTNAME to it.

    lnusertemp socket >/dev/null


    # Link "cache" resource to directory in /var/tmp

    # Creates a directory /var/tmp/kdecache-$USER and links $KDEHOME/cache-$HOSTNAME to it.

    lnusertemp cache >/dev/null


    # In case of dcop sockets left by a previous session, cleanup



    echo 'startkde: Starting up...' 1>&2


    # the splashscreen and progress indicator

    ksplash --nodcop


    # We set LD_BIND_NOW to increase the efficiency of kdeinit.

    # kdeinit unsets this variable before loading applications.

    LD_BIND_NOW=true kdeinit +kcminit +knotify

    if test $? -ne 0; then

    # Startup error

    echo 'startkde: Could not start kdeinit. Check your installation.' 1>&2

    xmessage -geometry 500x100 "Could not start kdeinit. Check your installation."



    # finally, give the session control to the session manager

    # if the KDEWM environment variable has been set, then it will be used as KDE's

    # window manager instead of kwin.

    # if KDEWM is not set, ksmserver will ensure kwin is started.

    # kwrapper is used to reduce startup time and memory usage

    # kwrapper does not return usefull error codes such as the exit code of ksmserver.

    # We only check for 255 which means that the ksmserver process could not be

    # started, any problems thereafter, e.g. ksmserver failing to initialize,

    # will remain undetected.

    test -n "$KDEWM" && KDEWM="--windowmanager $KDEWM"

    kwrapper ksmserver $KDEWM

    if test $? -eq 255; then

    # Startup error

    echo 'startkde: Could not start ksmserver. Check your installation.' 1>&2

    xmessage -geometry 500x100 "Could not start ksmserver. Check your installation."



    echo 'startkde: Shutting down...' 1>&2


    # Clean up



    artsshell -q terminate


    echo 'startkde: Running shutdown scripts...' 1>&2


    # Run scripts found in $KDEDIRS/shutdown

    for prefix in `echo "$exepath" | sed -e 's^/bin/^/shutdown/^g;s^:^ ^g'`; do

    for file in `ls "$prefix" 2> /dev/null | egrep -v '(~|\.bak)$'`; do

    test -x "$prefix$file" && "$prefix$file"





    echo 'startkde: Done.' 1>&2

  4. Sorry, I did not frame my question very well. I have not gone beyond building kde. I have not edited any system files because it is not clear to me what changes need to be made.


    ISTM that startx -> initrc -> xsession


    xsession runs icewm by default. That suggests to me that the xsession script first tries to run the gui specified by the user. I assume that that is where I should call the new script. I have not yet determined where that is. Once I have been pointed in the right direction I can begin experimenting again ;)

  5. I am running mdk10.1.


    I have just finished building kde 3.5.4 using konstruct. My problem is that I cannot start the new version of kde.


    Folowing the konstruct README I created a shell script


    #! /bin/sh

    export QTDIR=/opt/kde3.5.4

    export KDEDIR=/opt/kde3.5.4

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/kde3.5.4/lib

    export PATH=/opt/kde3.5.4/bin:$PATH

    export KDEHOME=~/.kdetest



    I assume that I must now edit one of the initialisation scripts to run the new script, but this is where the instructions get vague and googling does not help.


    So, please, what do I do next?


    Please do not suggest that I upgrade to Mandriva 2006 :D . I am running the latest versions of gimp, digikam and other packages. Installing 2006 would mean not only downloading three isos but rercompiling all of my applications.

  6. Nearly there but I need some more help.


    Running digikam-hotplug from a terminal (logged on as user) works.


    The problem is that usbcam does not call digikam-hotplug. Th usbcam script fails because the $ACTION and $DEVICE variables have not been set. I have asdded ACTION="add" to the script but am having problems determining the device name.


    proc/bus/usb/devices lists the camera.


    lsusb gives


    Bus 002 Device 015: ID 04a9:3073 Canon, Inc.

    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:0000

    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000


    If I go to /dev/usb there is a character device lp15.


    If I add DEVICE="lp15" I get a "Device Not Found" message. I am sure that I have seen HOWTOs on this subject but at the moment cannot seem to enter the correct combination of keywords into Google.

  7. I am now making progress. Until a few hours ago I had seen the name dcop but did not know what it was. Now, after entering dcop --help from a terminal (no man oage) and googling "dcop tutorial" things are starting to become clearer.


    I entered

    dcop --user $USER


    and it gave me a list of applications using dcop - including digikam.


    I then ran

    dcop --user $USER digikam-3604


    and it listed the available functions for digikam process 3604.


    Finally I tried

    dcop --list-sessions --user $USER


    and it told me I had one session.


    My next step will be to try and control digikam fom a terminal using dcop. If that works that will prove that the problem is not with digikam or dcop but is in the usbcam or digikam-hotplug scripts.


    I will not bore you with any more details but will post a message when I have solved the problem B)

  8. 10.1 is really archaic- should be fine for server usage, but for desktop stuff...

    Simply upgrade to 2006, or to anther distro.


    My ISP has just upgraded my DSL to 2 megs so downloading the 2006 ISOs is not really a problem ... except that I have only 1GB so it would take three months :D I am waiting for my local electronics retailer to sell 2006 packages. He sold 9.1 & 10.1 so I assume that 2006 will appear eventually. Then I will buy a new hard drive and do a clean install.


    Back to 10.1...


    Some googling revealed that if I run dcop from a terminal it will give me a list of applications that use dcop. I tried this and the error message was


    ERROR: Couldn't attach to DCOP server!


    When I started this thread I was stuck. At least I now have a lead to follow.

  9. Sounds like a problem with digikam. Have you tried reinstalling or updating digikam?


    I have compiled the latest nightly (0.8.2). Before that I had the same problem with 0.8.0 and 0.8.1. I cannot remember evergetting hotplugging to work with digikam. I do not think that it worked with 0.7.


    I have done some more digging around and this is what I get:


    usbcam correctly determines the current user so it must have found an active kde session.


    usbcam calls digikam-hotplug.


    I ran digikam-hotplug from a terminal. I received the message:


    ERROR: No active KDE sessions!

    If you are sure there is one, please set the $DCOPSERVER variable manually

    before calling dcop.


    I searched both usbcam and digikam-hotplug and could not find any reference to %DCOPSERVER.

    Also, I could not find this error message in digikam-hotplug.


    Maybe the problem is with dcop. I ran pkg-config --list-all but there was no reference to dcop. I tried dcop-config --version with no success. I also went into rpmdrake and searched for "dcop" in both the install and remove screens and there was no mention of it. Is dcop part of another package (kde?).

  10. Any help with the following hotplugging problem would be appreciated.


    Mandrake 10.1


    digikam 0.8.2

    gphoto2 2.1.4


    gphoto2 detects my camera. Using digikam I can download photos from the camera. However, hotplugging does not work.


    /var/log/messages indicates that when I plug the camera in it is detected and the script usbcam is run. usbcam correctly detects the user. usbcam then sends a message saying that it is starting digikam-hotplug. I have not been able to find evidence that digikam-hotplug actually starts - I may be looking in the wrong log file. digikam-hotplug is executable. usbcam then seems to go into a loop checking the state of a lock.


    The last few lines from dmesg are:


    usb 2-2: USB disconnect, address 8

    usb 2-2: new full speed USB device using address 9

    via_audio: ignoring drain playback error -11

    usb 2-2: USB disconnect, address 9


    The above usb messages occur when I switch the camera on and off so this part of the system appears to be working correctly.


    Here is an extract from the messages log:


    Apr 15 12:05:58 localhost kernel: usb 2-2: new full speed USB device using address 9

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): ps -ef |grep kdeinit..kdesktop: dad 5915 1 0 Apr12 ? 00:00:

    13 kdeinit: kdesktop !

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): Started for dad, action: add

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock detected, checking age of file!

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock is 5506 seconds old; removing it.

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): Creating lockfile /tmp/usbcam.lock.

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): USB device /proc/bus/usb/002/009 found trying to start /etc/hotplug/usb/digik


    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): Starting digikam-hotplug for dad.

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost su(pam_unix)[21521]: session opened for user dad by (uid=0)

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost su(pam_unix)[21521]: session closed for user dad

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): ps -ef |grep kdeinit..kdesktop: dad 5915 1 0 Apr12 ? 00:00:

    13 kdeinit: kdesktop !

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): Started for dad, action: add

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock detected, checking age of file!

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock is 0 seconds old; exiting.

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): ps -ef |grep kdeinit..kdesktop: dad 5915 1 0 Apr12 ? 00:00:

    13 kdeinit: kdesktop root 21594 21592 0 12:06 ? 00:00:00 grep kdeinit..kdesktop!

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): Started for dad, action: add

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock detected, checking age of file!

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock is 0 seconds old; exiting.

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): ps -ef |grep kdeinit..kdesktop: dad 5915 1 0 Apr12 ? 00:00:

    13 kdeinit: kdesktop root 21624 21622 0 12:06 ? 00:00:00 grep kdeinit..kdesktop!

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): Started for dad, action: add

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock detected, checking age of file!

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock is 0 seconds old; exiting.

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): ps -ef |grep kdeinit..kdesktop: dad 5915 1 0 Apr12 ? 00:00:

    13 kdeinit: kdesktop !

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): Started for dad, action: add

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock detected, checking age of file!

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock is 0 seconds old; exiting.

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): ps -ef |grep kdeinit..kdesktop: dad 5915 1 0 Apr12 ? 00:00:

    13 kdeinit: kdesktop !

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): Started for dad, action: add

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock detected, checking age of file!

    Apr 15 12:05:59 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock is 0 seconds old; exiting.

    Apr 15 12:06:00 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): ps -ef |grep kdeinit..kdesktop: dad 5915 1 0 Apr12 ? 00:00

    3 kdeinit: kdesktop root 21709 21707 0 12:06 ? 00:00:00 grep kdeinit..kdesktop!

    Apr 15 12:06:00 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): Started for dad, action: add

    Apr 15 12:06:00 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock detected, checking age of file!

    Apr 15 12:06:00 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock is 1 seconds old; exiting.

    Apr 15 12:06:00 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): ps -ef |grep kdeinit..kdesktop: dad 5915 1 0 Apr12 ? 00:00:

    13 kdeinit: kdesktop !

    Apr 15 12:06:00 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): Started for dad, action: add

    Apr 15 12:06:00 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock detected, checking age of file!

    Apr 15 12:06:00 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock is 1 seconds old; exiting.

    Apr 15 12:06:00 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): ps -ef |grep kdeinit..kdesktop: dad 5915 1 0 Apr12 ? 00:00:

    13 kdeinit: kdesktop !

    Apr 15 12:06:00 localhost [3] usbcam (0.3.2): Started for dad, action: add

    Apr 15 12:06:00 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock detected, checking age of file!

    Apr 15 12:06:00 localhost [2] usbcam (0.3.2): /tmp/usbcam.lock is 1 seconds old; exiting.

    Apr 15 12:06:56 localhost dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67

    Apr 15 12:06:56 localhost dhclient: DHCPACK from

    Apr 15 12:06:56 localhost dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 122 seconds.

  11. Sorry to keep replying to my own question but it helps me think. Also, now that I have raised this issue it is important (IMHO) that I give the solution when I find it.


    I extended the tests described above. Here is a summary of the results:


    Booted XP (so I could use dial-up).


    Zone Alarm on.

    Ran ShieldsUp test.

    DSL -ports 0 & 135 (RPC) are stealth; rest are closed.

    Dial-up - all ports are stealth.


    Turned off Zone Alarm.

    Ran ShieldsUp test.

    Using DSL – ports 0 & 135 (RPC) are stealth; rest are closed. (1)

    Dial up – The two stealth ports (in 1 above) change to open; other ports remain closed.


    This suggests that the modem is doing more than just passing packets through. The DSL-302G has NAT so I searched on "NAT router" and found the following two paragraphs:


    "Security: Basic NAT is not a real firewall?

    Basic NAT devices are not real firewalls, but they are usually considered ‘good enough’ for most home networks. By not forwarding requests or probes that originate from the internet to your LAN, a NAT device blocks most mischief. A simple NAT device can not keep hackers from running DOS (Denial Of Service) attacks on you, but individuals rarely get attacked like that. It will keep out people looking for file shares, rogue mail servers and web servers, and most port based exploits. Most also protect against SMURF and WinNuke atatcks. With a NAT device and a good anti-virus program, you should be safe from the most common kinds of internet attacks."


    "What If I want to host a server?

    Most NAT devices allow you to create maps between the internet and your computer network - this is called port forwarding. Example: A request on port 80 from the Internet (looking for a web server on your IP address) would normally be turned away by a NAT device. A special mapping can be set up to send that request from the internet to a specific computer on your network."


    This explains the behaviour I have observed. It follows that under Linux if I connect to the internet only via the DSL-302G I do not need iptables. If I use dial-up then I must install iptables. Under XP ZoneAlarm is desirable at all times because it can drop outgoing packets based on program.


    There is one matter still to be resolved but I am not in a hurry to solve it - unless someone can post the answer. From the tests I carried out it seems that some ports are closed by the OS. How?

  12. Problem probably solved :D


    I booted XP [1] and ran ShieldsUp. The test failed.


    I then set up a dial-up connection and repeated the test. My box was completely invisible!


    The remaining question is this - is my DSL modem returning the connection closed packet or is it a problem with local/internet zones in guarddog? With a dial-up connection iptables deals with the real internet address and so can (presumably) distinguish between local and internet. With the DSL modem I have a simple local network with addresses (PC) and (modem) - maybe iptables sees both of theses as local?


    [1] Easier than installing the win modem driver and running the test under Linux.

  13. I carried out some more tests but am even more confused (-;


    I have a DSL-303G modem on eth0.


    I ran dmesg and looked at the last few messages (unfortunately not

    time-stamped). I then ran the ShieldsUp test and confirmed that additional

    messages had been added to the log. Most messages were of the form


    DROPPED IN= OUT=eth0 SRC= DST= L..................


    with a few


    ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:40:f.............................


    All DROPPED messages were for OUT packets rather than IN. There were no REJECT

    packets, although ShieldUP can detect the ports.


    I am beginning to wonder if my modem is the culprit. However, AFAIK the

    DSL-302G is a basic modem with NAT but no built in firewall functionality.

  14. I am running MDK10.1, iptables 1.2.9 and guarddog 2.4.0.


    I can confirm that guardog is running by clearing the DNS check box and attempting to load a web page, which of course fails. When I tick the box I can connect.


    In the "local serves internet " zone I leave all boxes cleared. This means that all incoming requests for connections should be dropped rather than rejected. However, Steve Gibson's ShieldsUp test detects all ports and says that they are closed, rather than saying that they do not exist. Thinking I may have become a little bit confused I put an X in a box and re-ran the test. No change.


    I am not too concerned about this as ipchains is refusing connections, but it would be better if I could make my box invisible. I am probably overlooking something obvious - can anyone suggest a reason why I cannot put my box into stealth mode?

  15. I have made progress, but not how I planned.


    I discovered a file called libvc1-1.0.tar.gz. It seems that the SMPTE vc1 protocol is the same as/similar(?) to wma. I downloaded libvc1 but when I tried to compile it found that the source was missing.


    After some more googling I discovered that I had to locate and download a second file, then copy the source from that file to libvc1. I formed the impression that the second file was not in the public domain, which is probably why it was so hard to find.


    The whole issue of wma support in Linux is confusing. The vlc site openly states that vlc supports wma. The vlc developers are unlikely to state this unless the wma support is legal. On the other hand, wma is proprietry so the only legal approach seems to be to use the win32 dlls (assuming there is a legal copy of msw on the PC).


    I decided to go down a different path. I discovered that kplayer is a front end for mplayer. I compiled mplayer. I then went to rpm.pbone.net ( my fallback if urpmi is unsuccessful) and downloaded a kplayer binary. I made sure that the win32 dlls were in /usr/lib/codecs ( or /usr/local/lib/codecs - cannot remember which) and I can now listen to streaming radio that uses wma or mp3 formats. I can also play ra and ram but not rm files.


    When I wanted a program to create gif files it did not take me long to learn about the patent issues and why I should use png instead. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a site that explains in simple terms the issues relating to streaming protocols. There probably is one - I just have not found it yet (-;

  16. I am running MDK10.1.


    I installed vlc with urpmi but the skinned gui seemed incomplete so I decided to compile the program from source. I have successfuilly compiled gtk, wxGTK, gimp and digikam so obviously it would be easy B)




    I decided that the quickest way to get going was to install just the libraries needed for mp3 files and then install other libraries later as required. This I did and can now listen to mp3 files with vlc.


    My next step was to install wma support and this is where it became confusing. I cannot find a wma library. While I was researching mplayer I discovered that that package used the win32 dlls directly. I have a dual boot PCwith a legal copy of XP so I quite happily downloaded the win32 codec tarball and placed it in the specified directory. Still no win32 codecs in vlc. I placed the codecs in various other directories but still no success.


    I looked at the config.log file and also ./configure --help but could not find any way of specifying the win32 directory. I did find in config.log the following:





    but does "#" mean true or false?


    The vlc specification (on the vlc site) says that vlc supports wma under Linux. I have found messages fom happy users saying that they can listen to wma streams with vlc. Unfortunately, no amount of Googling reveals how to add wma support to vlc :wall:


    Any help would be appreciated.


    [moved from Software by spinynorman]

  17. I have successfully compiled digikam :D


    On my first look at it I noticed several significant improvements.


    Compilation was not straightforward, but with experience you get to know what to check and how to interpret messages when things go wrong.


    The critical factor in my success though was the kde development package name. :thanks:

  18. That was the -devel.... file I needed. When I Installed it there was a bad signature problem but that is normal for Mandrivia B) I solved the problem and the digikam ./configure now finds the kde headers.


    I knew that I would also need to install six other packages. All installed without a problem. ./configure finds four of them. It says that one of the others does not exist and the final one is an old version, even though pkg-config --modversion tells me otherwise. I suspect that I will need to set an environment variable.


    All part of the fun of Linux. I have made very good progress and sometime in the next hour or six months expect to have digikam compiled :D

  19. I do know about urpmi :D


    Thanks for the file name. I had already used MCC software install to find the kde development package but had not been successful. The file name is not exactly intuitive. I have just pasted the name into the search window and there it is! Fortunately I am on DSL as the file is 96Meg.


    I have run MCC Software update so I will check and see what is the latest binary version of digikam. I prefer to use urpmi rather than compiling but sometimes the latest version of a program has a feature that I want. That is why I compiled Gimp. I cannot remember why I want to compile digikam ( I have just come back to it after three months of working on something completely different) so maybe I do not need to do so. It all depends on how long it takes for a suitable binary package to appear.

  20. I am trying to compile digikam and need the kde headers. One option is to compile kde from source but I do not want to go down that track, even though I have successfully compiled gtk, wxgtk and gimp (-;


    I have searched for files with names like kdelibs-devel* and kde-devel* but find myself getting confused. I have checked rpm.pbone.net.


    I know that if the headers are in a non-standard location I need to set the PKG_PATH_CONFIG variable, but AFAIK I do not have any of the headers on my system.


    Any suggestions? My experience of the past 18 months is that any I can solve any Linux compile problem, provided that I am very patient and persistant (-;



  21. You need to set the default gateway to the device you wish to use.


    To view the routing table, type route -n


    Thanks for that. I had a complete mental block B) The routing table and the route command is the solution.


    I currently have a dial up connection and an adsl modem attached to an ethernet port. I am waiting for my ISP to switch me over to adsl. As a learning exercise I wanted to set my system up so that all connections were made to dialup *except* for, which is the adsl modem set up page. Using the route command I was able to do this. I will no longer panic and think re-install Linux whenever I get a "cannot establish connection" or similar message.


    ISTM that one of the disadvantages of being a long time windows user is that, because there is no proper command shell, I did not have the opportunity to experiment with such commands and find out how things worked.


    Qchem edit: fixed quote.

  22. This isrelated to a thread I have just started "Network Devices - which is default". While trying to solve my problem I formed the impression that MCC -> Internet does not always match information from the ecommand line - for example the ifconfig command. It is not the first time that I have lost confidence in MCC.


    To answer your question - open /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcg-eth0 with a text editor and look for a line BOOT=YES.

  23. I have a dial up device and an ethernet device. I have discovered how to turn each on and off. I have also diiscovered that I can have both on at the same time. If I had two network cards presumably I could have three network devices open at the same time and so on.


    This is my question - when Firefox or other client asks the OS for a connection how does Linux decide which device to use?


    A second question, which is probably related - if I use ifconfig to turn off eth0 and open a dial up connection I can browse for a while and them the network fails. When I run ifconfig I discover that eth0 has started automatically. Howcan I stop it from doing sio (apart from the crude solution of deleting eth0)?

  24. This seems to be another case where I have posted the question too soon and then discovered the answer. iI will redeem myself by posting what I have discovered as, IMHO, it is not obvious to someone whose only experience of networking is kppp :D


    While playing around with MCC -> Manage Connections I must have set ppp0 to load on boot. This seemed obvious, after all, dial up connections use ppp. The problem is that ppp0 needs a network connection, so the system hangs at boot. The solution was to delete ppp0 and create a new one, making sure that Load on Boot was not checked and I had selected automatic settings.


    Now if I want to use dial up I can run kppp and if I want to use the ethernet connection I can enter ifgonfig eth0 up, can't I? Unfortunately nothing in Linux is quite that simple.


    Using ifconfig I confirmed that kppp automatically starts ppp0 . I also confirmed that when kppp is closed ppp0 is also closed. I then ran ifconfig eth0 up and when I ran ifconfig eth0 was up. So far so good.


    The problem was that when I opened Firefox and loaded a page I receive a "Cannot Make Connection" message. Eventually I discovered that the correct command is ifconfig eth0 promisc. Now I can switch between dial up and ethernet with ease.


    I also discovered that if I go to MCC -> Monitor Connections and click on Start ADSL I can access eth0.


    I now have another probelem but will start a new thread.

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