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Posts posted by wrenhunt

  1. I got it working! Thanks in large part to Streeter's HOWTO document. I did not originally intend to use DHCP as I wanted a static IP address to punch a hole through the DMZ on the Router <--> PC, (to run web, ftp server, etc.,) so I actually have a mishmash of sorts. DHCP enabled on the box, as a client for the DHCP addresses given out by the Router, but the box itself assigns a 'static' IP in the dhcp range which the DMZ knows about. Hopefully this might help others who might encounter the same scenario.



  2. Thanks for the advice! I think I've tried all that but I think I'm still missing something easy! I tried changing the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 BOOTPROTO parameter from 'Static' to 'dhcp' but when I restarted the network (both via 'service network restart' and a reboot) I was unable to get out to the Internet nor could I use a webbrowser to connect to the router (it's IP addr is and the rest of my LAN is in the range 192.168.1.xxx)


    In the remote possibility that I had my firewall misconfigured, I used 'drakfirewall' to allow everything and still no dice.


    I didn't see anything blatantly obvious in the /var/log/messages file. I'm assuming that sense the router is configured to provide DHCP addresses in the correct range that I *do not* want to run a DHCP server anywhere else on the LAN right? Also, should the pppd and pppoe processes be started at runtime as they are now?


    Thanks again!



  3. Not sure if you guys can help with this or not, but here goes - I'm running PPPoE on my Linux box with just the PC and the DSL modem and everything works great!


    Now I want to be able to stick a DSL Router between the DSL modem and my box so that I can hook my laptop up simultaneously. This works fine under Windows XP, but I don't know how to configure it under linux; since the router itself creates the connection (it has the username, password, IP, etc,) I don't know how to get linux to "see" that there's a ppp connection on the router (which is now the default gateway). Any ideas?



  4. 1) The commands to manipulate the queues in postfix are: postqueue (e.g., postqueue -p) and postsuper.


    2). Check out the /etc/postfix/aliases file. Ensure that you have an actual real live human's account which gets resolved from 'root'. Use 'postfix check' to verify your configuration.


    3). I believe imapd runs by default on Mandrake 10? (I may be mistaken in this. If so, just enable it as one of your services. Ensure that port 143 can get through your firewall)


    4). Check out Squirrelmail. Easy to install and configure, with plenty of extensions.



  5. If it's getting bounced to user 'postfix' and you always want it to go to you, setup an alias in the /etc/postfix/aliases file. If you want it bounced to the actual sender of the flubbed message then try setting soft-bounce=yes (I think that's the parameter) in your main.cf file.



  6. You'll need to do some basic setup in the /etc/htttpd/conf/httpd.conf configuration file; the sample setup included should steer you in the right direction.


    To start/stop Apache manually, you can do that via:


    /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start | stop | status <----only one of these at a time though!


    Your index page is located at:


    /var/www/html/index.shtml. Create a file index.html and it will pick this one as your starting page.



  7. I don't know about 9.1, but try:


    # adsl-setup ; to setup necessary files

    # adsl-start ; to start it up.


    If all is successful, you should get a "CONNECT" message, just like with a dialup modem. Otherwise you're in for a bit of troubleshooting.


    One great way is to use the builtin debugging in the scripts. Set the DEBUG variable to true via:


    export DEBUG=1



    and it will create a logfile with all sorts of great hints as well as your configuration details. With any luck you'll be able to figure it out from there.



  8. This indicates you're having compile problems. Check out which version of the C++ compiler (gcc) you have and then check out the minimum one supported by the folks who wrote the package you're trying to install. Until those errors are resolved you won't be able to install from sources. Alternatively, you could try to install just binaries if you can find pre-built ones for your architecture.



  9. I'm having problems getting yum to work on Mandrake 10.0. I have my /etc/yum.conf configured for a good Mandrake yum repository, but I receive Python (python version 2.3.3) errors for every Yum command I issue, for example:


    [root@eeyore bose]# yum --version



    # yum check-update

    Gathering header information file(s) from server(s)

    Server: Red Hat Linux Null base

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "/usr/bin/yum", line 60, in ?


    File "yummain.py", line 183, in main

    File "clientStuff.py", line 734, in get_package_info_from_servers

    File "clientStuff.py", line 1103, in grab

    File "urlgrabber.py", line 228, in retrygrab

    File "urlgrabber.py", line 306, in urlgrab

    File "/usr/lib/python2.3/urllib2.py", line 129, in urlopen

    return _opener.open(url, data)

    File "/usr/lib/python2.3/urllib2.py", line 326, in open

    '_open', req)

    File "/usr/lib/python2.3/urllib2.py", line 306, in _call_chain

    result = func(*args)

    File "keepalive.py", line 162, in http_open

    File "keepalive.py", line 143, in do_open

    File "/usr/lib/python2.3/httplib.py", line 776, in getresponse


    TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'method'



    [root@eeyore bose]# python -V

    Python 2.3.3


    Is my yum hosed, python, or just me!? :-) Thanks!




  10. Hi guys,


    Holy smokes that is scary about root!! But I see how it is convenient as well. Thanks for replying, I am grateful we are part of such an active community.


    Regarding mounting a secure volume on a USB key or what have you (I don't see why it would not equally apply to USB2 drives), can I do such a thing w/o figuring out BestCrypt/Loop/etc.?


    I heard of this myth about mountloop but unlike everything mandrake it seems it's ill documented, no man page and the command line help is so brief:


    usage: mountloop <enc> <file> <dir> [<fs type>]


    Does anyone know the secrets to using mountloop? Could it possibly be useful in my scenario or perhaps just useful if I had something loop already in place?


    Thank you kindly,


    IIRC, mountloop is broken on fresh 9.2 and 10.0 Mandrake installs "out of the box". I know that at least on 10.0 there is a patch available via MandrakeUpdate to fix mountloop. Once you have that then setting up encrypted sections of disk is really easy:


    # drakloop ; this will bring up the Mandrake encrypted disk GUI


    at this point give it the name of a *new* directory (don't use a previous existing one as I don't know what will happen, if anything, to your files!) (e.g., /home/joe/mysecrets


    Give it the filesize (in MB). I like to use 95MB in order to store contents on Zip disk, or ~600MB to burn to CD.


    Choose your key. It *must* be minimum of 20 characters.


    Choose the encryption key size (i.e., AES128, AES192, AES256).


    If you have the correct (patched version) of mountloop on your machine, this will create a loopback directory that you named earlier (e.g., /home/joe/mysecrets). Anything you move into that directory (size fitting) will be encrypted when the filesystem is unmounted. Until it's unmounted everything looks like a 'normal' file. When you unmount it (via umountloop) it will appear as 1 large file named 'encfile'.. DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE UNLESS YOU INTEND TO DELETE ALL YOUR ENCRYPTED STUFFF!


    To re-mount it, use the mountloop command.


    Note that the filesystem is *NOT* dismounted when you log out; only when the machine is rebooted. REMEMBER TO 'UMOUNTLOOP' TO CLOSE THE FILES WHEN YOU'RE THROUGH WITH THEM!!!


    Hope this helps!




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