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Posts posted by Greg2

  1. Open your Konqueror and in the search bar type /mnt and hit enter.

    Do you see a windows directory? If so, look for your files you need and copy it to your ~/home on your Linux partition, then open K3b and burn it on a CD.


    Edit: I see your using Gnome so instead of Konqueror use Nautilus, and instead of K3b use Gnomebaker.

  2. From syslog

    ay  4 11:34:01 localhost rc-scripts: Failed to start UPS drivers!
    May  4 11:34:01 localhost rc-scripts: ERROR:  cannot start upsd as upsdrv could not start

    A quick search shows that your driver should be newhidups.


    So check for a ups.conf, upsd.conf file and be sure that the driver is 'driver = newhidups'

  3. Just use the gui software management... search for and install telnet-client-krb5-.


    Do the same for the openssh packages you need, or want installed.

  4. If you follow these instructions: Software installation , you will be able to install it with your gui package manager or urpmi.


    I don't think so. :) Doesn't work. There is no package available for the current version of Firefox as far as I can see. And trying to install any other way--including urpmi--fails.

    The latest stable version for Linux is, and mozilla-firefox- is in the repos.


    If your using 2007, mozilla-firefox- is in the repos.

  5. I should have said, both the .wav and festival sounds the same on my system.


    Anyway, if you install, or have installed lame... I have found a toy for you (I know you like php),:

    // define the temporary directory
    // and where audio files will be written to after conversion
    $tmpdir = "/tmp";
    $audiodir = "/change/to/your/path";
    // if the Text-To-Speech button was click, process the data
    if (isset($_POST["make_audio"])) {
     $speech = stripslashes(trim($_POST["speech"]));
     $speech = substr($speech, 0, 1024);
     $volume_scale = intval($_POST["volume_scale"]);
     if ($volume_scale <= 0) { $volume_scale = 1; }
     if ($volume_scale > 100) { $volume_scale = 100; }
     if (intval($_POST["save_mp3"]) == 1) { $save_mp3 = true; }
     // continue only if some text was entered for conversion
     if ($speech != "") {
    // current date (year, month, day, hours, mins, secs)
    $currentdate = date("ymdhis",time());
    // get micro seconds (discard seconds)
    list($usecs,$secs) = microtime();
    // unique file name
    $filename = "{$currentdate}{$usecs}";
    // other file names
    $speech_file = "{$tmpdir}/{$filename}";
    $wave_file = "{$audiodir}/{$filename}.wav";
    $mp3_file  = "{$audiodir}/{$filename}.mp3";
    // open the temp file for writing
    $fh = fopen($speech_file, "w+");
    if ($fh) {
      fwrite($fh, $speech);
    // if the speech file exists, use text2wave
    if (file_exists($speech_file)) {
      // create the text2wave command and execute it
      $text2wave_cmd = sprintf("text2wave -o %s -scale %d %s",$wave_file,$volume_scale,$speech_file);
      // create an MP3 version?
      if ($save_mp3) {
    	// create the lame command and execute it
    	$lame_cmd = sprintf("lame %s %s",$wave_file,$mp3_file);
    	// delete the WAV file to conserve space
      // delete the temp speech file
      // which file name and type to use? WAV or MP3
      $listen_file = (($save_mp3 == true) ? basename($mp3_file) : basename($wave_file));
      $file_type = (($save_mp3 == true) ? "MP3" : "WAV");
      // show audio file link
      $show_audio = true;
    } else {
     // default values
     $speech = "Hello there!";
     $volume_scale = 50;
     $save_mp3 = true;
    <title>Festival: Linux Text-To-Speech Demo</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body { background-color:#ffffff; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt; color: #000000; }
    h1 { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:18pt; color: #000000; }
    .tblfont { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt; color: #000000; }
    <h1>Linux Festival Text-To-Speech Demo</h1>
    <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
     <table width="400" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0" class="tblfont">
      <td colspan="2"><textarea name="speech" wrap="VIRTUAL" style="width:350px;height:100px;"><?php echo $speech; ?></textarea></td>
      <td width="135">Volume Scale 
    	<input name="volume_scale" type="text" size="3" maxlength="3" value="<?php echo $volume_scale; ?>"> 
      <td width="265">Save as MP3 
    	<input name="save_mp3" type="checkbox" value="1"<?php if ($save_mp3 == 1) { echo " checked"; } ?>> 
      <td><input name="make_audio" type="submit" value="Text-To-Speech"></td>
    	<?php if ($show_audio) { ?>
    	<a href="audio/<?php echo $listen_file; ?>">Listen to the <?php echo $file_type; ?> file</a> 
    	<?php } ?>

    please note that I did not write this... but it works. :)

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