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Everything posted by Greg2

  1. I've absolutely no idea why you are having problems compiling this. I don't know what else I can do to help you with this, except give you a link for the qmake-manual, and I've compiled it for you. :) I will attach it here for now. Please let me know when you have it. Moto4lin is distributed under the GPL-2 License. You can obtain the source code here: sourceforge.net You can find more information here: moto4lin.sourceforge.net My disclaimer: I do not own a Motorola phone to test this, so it has not been tested by me. If it damages your phone and or PC, I'm not responsible. This binary was compiled on Mandriva 2009.0 using GCC 4.3.2 and QT 3-3.3.8b. Please extract it in your ~/home directory, then in a terminal (as user) run cd moto; ./moto4lin Good luck, I hope it works for you. Here it is: I had to make a zip archive because the forum software wouldn't accept a bz2, and it corrupted a gz.
  2. If you haven't already done so, in your 'Install and Remove Software' tool, you have two drop-down boxes in the top-left of the software management window. Set them both to all. Now if you click on the binoculars in the search field you can select 'in file names', then enter ntfsclone in the search field and you will find ntfsprogs listed and ready to install. Remember to reset the binoculars to where it was. Alternatively, you could use urpmf ntfsclone to find what package it's in. :)
  3. I believe this is your common FAT32 partition, and it's already mounted for you at /media/gemeinsam. Please read this thread to add an icon for that partition: Storage Media icon
  4. It may already be mounted and you simply don't have an icon for it yet. What's the output of fdisk -l and cat /etc/fstab
  5. It appears that you have two versions of QT installed. So in a terminal (as user), cd to the moto4lin-0.3 directory, then do exactly as I have done here (one line at a time) PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/qt3/bin export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3 /usr/lib/qt3/bin/qmake make then you will find your new moto4lin binary in the /moto4lin-0.3/moto_ui directory.
  6. You need to set up your software sources with easy-urpmi. Please use this link: easyurpmi/old Follow the instructions to set up your sources list. Then you can install QT from the repos with 'Install & Remove Software' in your menu. Here's more info: Installing_and_removing_software Welcome aboard! :)
  7. There is another possibility, did you install your system using the Mandriva One CD? If so, you need to install the system-config-printer package from the repos. Please see: bug #43635
  8. theYinYeti is correct. When you ran qmake as root you created makefiles with root perms. I would suggest that you delete the current moto4lin-0.3 directory and extract the moto4lin-0.3.tar.bz2 again. Make sure you have qmake installed. Then cd the new moto4lin-0.3 directory and run qmake and make again
  9. You need to install libusb-devel, libqt3-devel, gcc and gcc-c++ from the repos. Also, you should not compile source code as root.
  10. Do you have the hplip package installed from the Mandriva repos? If you do, with the device attached please open a terminal and post the output (as root) of lsusb Welcome aboard! :)
  11. Yes. Unless you use the --media option, an update will install the latest version from your sources list. You will have to first remove the mdv version to install the plf version if you want it now.
  12. Try using the --media option. urpmi --media plf gstreamer0.10-a52dec or urpmi --media plf --auto-select or use urpmi --media plf --auto-update to update all relevant media first.
  13. This could be your problem. The current e2fsprogs included in Mandriva (and most other distros now), mke2fs will now create new filesystems with 256 byte inodes. I believe that your Acronis will only handle filesystems with 128 byte inodes. Please see: e2fsprogs-release-1.40.5
  14. Greg2

    Where is Krita?

    According to comment #5 in bug # 44822 In other words, when 2009.0 was released upstream Koffice was a beta version so it was not included. Adam said (when he worked for Mandriva) that if Koffice 2.0 final comes out, it would be added to the 2009 repos.
  15. Greg2

    Where is Krita?

    There's no krita or any Koffice package for Mandriva 2009.0. It is available in cooker and it's supposed to be included in 2009.1 packages.
  16. I've had some success fixing CF-cards and USB-drives with Linux using fdisk to delete and recreate a new partition. What's the output of fdisk -l /dev/sdc
  17. It doesn't appear to be broken. It's attached at sdc (probably sdc1). What error do you get when you try to manually mount it?
  18. @ deepblue- I would suggest that you take a bit of your time to check this wiki section: Installing_and_removing_software I think it will help you with this. :)
  19. Please open a terminal and post the output of rpm -qa | grep mandriva-release
  20. You've never really told us what chipset the Sitecom card has. If it's a Prism2/2.5/3 chipset, you could update the intersil-prism firmware, then use the hostap module, hostapd, hostap-utils, with wpa_supplicant for a WPA access point. I've upgraded my old SMC card that uses a Prism2 chipset. I upgraded the old v1.3.6 station firmware to 1.8.2 and it works great. Unfortunately, I'm currently only using WEP because of my other (PITA) Broadcom BCM4318 and Texas Instruments ACX100 chipsets. If you want to upgrade the firmware, here's the instructions and links to primary and station firmware: Flashing Intersil Prism Chipsets I believe this is a success story about your card: Sitecom_PCMCIA
  21. The package name is subtitleeditor, but I just checked and it's not even in the 2008.1 backport repo. It's in 2009.0 only. I just thought I'd point it out to you, there's a source tarball there if you think it would help you.
  22. Have you looked at the subtitleeditor in the Mandriva repo. There's a newer version in the Contrib Backports. It's a GTK2 app to edit subtitles. Here's the URL: http://home.gna.org/subtitleeditor/
  23. If it's not F3 it's F1 for more options (IIRC). Then you could try the vgalo, vgahi, or vga16 to get a gui install, before you try the text install method... unless you want to use the text install method. :)
  24. I have an Acer X193w+, and when I was installing my 2009.0 system I received that same error "Input not supported". I turned the monitor off for a few seconds, then turned it back on and the input was good enough to finish the install. I'd suggest giving that a try.
  25. The isoinfo tool is in the cdrkit-isotools package in the Mandriva repo.
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