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Posts posted by bvc

  1. metacity uses the metacity-theme-1.xml file to define colors. Looks like you are using clearlooks in your screenshot


    <draw_ops name="title_background">
    <gradient type="vertical" x="0" y="1" width="width" height="top_height / 2">
    	<color value="shade/gtk:bg[SELECTED]/1.2"/> <!-- 1.25 0.97 - 0.95 1.00 -->
    	<color value="shade/gtk:bg[SELECTED]/1.0"/>
    <gradient type="vertical" x="0" y="top_height / 2" width="width" height="top_height / 2">
    	<color value="shade/gtk:bg[SELECTED]/1.0"/>
    	<color value="shade/gtk:bg[SELECTED]/1.10"/>
    <line color="shade/gtk:bg[SELECTED]/0.7" x1="0" y1="0" x2="width" y2="0"/>
    <!--<line color="shade/gtk:bg[SELECTED]/1.45" x1="0" y1="1" x2="width" y2="1"/>-->
    <tint color="shade/gtk:bg[SELECTED]/2" alpha="0.35" x="0" y="1" width="width" height="1"/>
    <tint color="shade/gtk:bg[SELECTED]/2" alpha="0.1" x="7" y="1" width="width -14" height="1"/>
    <line color="shade/gtk:bg[SELECTED]/1.0" x1="0" y1="top_height-2" x2="width" y2="top_height-2"/>
    <line color="shade/gtk:bg[SELECTED]/0.8" x1="0" y1="top_height-1" x2="width-1" y2="top_height-1"/>


    so you can see it uses the gtkrc's bg[sELECTED]

    if you changes all those toa specific color


    that is what metacity would use. See the Theming Gmome Pinned thread in this section for howto details

  2. Wget will continue to run, even if you close the terminal you started it with, so you have to specifically kill wget to get it to stop.

    killall wget


    Also be sure you start wget -c from the same dir the download is in everytime or it'll start over, because it needs the log file on the download.

  3. I agree with a lot of Bill's comments. For someone coming from an RH/Fedora background, Debian is significantly different - init scripts are different, run level configuration is different, module loading is different, and networking configuration is different, among other things. If you are used to doing things the RH way with a high level of hand configuration, going Debian requires a significant adjustment. Throw on top of that the Ubuntu idiosyncracies which are really aimed at easing new users into linix(sudo for one), I can understand his frustration. We are all creatures of habit and dislike change. I can also understand his affinity for mandriva; its underlying configuration is very similar to RH, probably more so than any other distro out there that is not a direct RH clone like Centos.
    Well, I don't know...I can't help but focus on
    If you are used to doing things the RH way with a high level of hand configuration, going Debian requires a significant adjustment.
    ...if that's the case, there's no such thing as 'significant adjustment' whether suse, debian, lfs, ubuntu etc.. If you know the coreutils and basic search commands, you can run any linux from day one with ease. Linux is Linux.
  4. the dialup service I use has that "Accelerated" crap and win software but it's not required, they say. I asked first. Linux is fine...what's funny is we don't use the software even in win (does anyone? I wanna see what I'm supposed to see even if I have to wait twice as long to see it) so if my wife is in wndows doing something win is needed for, like printing (driver stinks in linux for our printer) and just wants to jump on the internet for a few minutes, goes to a forum, or anything that requires text entry, it doesn't want to work :lol2: ....have to go into linux :thumbs:


    I would ask, because if it didn't work in win, then it could be that the handshake isn't being established. You have to realize when they say "windows" they don't expect anyone to know about anything else except mac anyway or for anyone to even understand how the service works. It's their way of saying "It'll work for you!". Not, "if you use linux get lost".

  5. Sounds like either a root (hdX,X) and/or a map (hdX)(hdX) is wrong in your menu.lst or your device.map file is messed up.


    It's a guessing game but if you can get to grub you can manually edit the commands til you find the right one.






    If you can't get to grub you'll have to boot to rescue mode off the first cd>Mount your partitions under /mnt>Go to commandline> and execute

    chroot /mnt

    and edited /boot/grub/menu.lst and/or device.map from there.

  6. class "*Panel*" style "panel"
    widget_class "*Mail*" style "panel"
    class "*notif*" style "panel"
    class "*Notif*" style "panel"
    class "*Tray*" style "panel"
    class "*tray*" style "panel"

    You also might want to add the above to the other classes like

    widget "*PanelWidget*" style "panel"
    widget "*PanelApplet*" style "panel"
    widget_class "*MenuItem*" style "panel"
    class "*MenuItem*" style "panel"
    class "*Panel*" style "panel"
    widget_class "*Mail*" style "panel"
    class "*notif*" style "panel"
    class "*Notif*" style "panel"
    class "*Tray*" style "panel"
    class "*tray*" style "panel"


    If it messes anything up just comment out and do;

    killall gnome-panel

  7. I guess you are talking about the gnome-panel?

    You need a .gtkrc-2.0 file in your home dir with this in it

    style "panel"
     fg[NORMAL]					= "#ffffff"
    #  fg[PRELIGHT]				= "#000000"
     fg[ACTIVE]					= "#ffffff"
    #  fg[SELECTED]				= "#000000"
    #  fg[INSENSITIVE]				= "#8A857C"
     bg[NORMAL]					= "#000000"
    #  bg[PRELIGHT]				= "#dfdfdf"
    #  bg[ACTIVE]					= "#D0D0D0"
    #  bg[SELECTED]				= "#D8BB75"
    #  bg[INSENSITIVE]				= "#EFEFEF"
    # base[NORMAL]				= "#ffffff"
    #  base[PRELIGHT]				= "#EFEFEF"
    #  base[ACTIVE]				= "#D0D0D0"
    #  base[SELECTED]				= "#DAB566"
    #  base[INSENSITIVE]			= "#E8E8E8"	
    #  text[NORMAL]				= "#161616"
    #  text[PRELIGHT]				= "#000000"
    #  text[ACTIVE]					= "#000000"
    #  text[SELECTED]				= "#ffffff"
    #  text[INSENSITIVE]				= "#8A857C"
    widget "*PanelWidget*" style "panel"
    widget "*PanelApplet*" style "panel"
    widget_class "*MenuItem*" style "panel"
    class "*MenuItem*" style "panel"


    I changed bg[NORMAL] to black because you said it was black, but change that to whatever color best blends the applet into your color or wallpaper, if transparent.

  8. find out what package has that command and install it.


    First make sure you don't have it

    localhost:/# which aclocal

    It's devel and you can have several versions at one time so if you have it it may not be the right version, though the error should tell you that, but it doesn't always.

    So, I have it, but what version/s?

    localhost:/# urpmf /usr/bin/aclocal


    first thing to do would be to find out what pkgs are available for you to install

    localhost:/# urpmf automake

    and install the latest with


    urpmi automake<version>...example 1.8


    urpmi automake1.8

  9. https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=19748

    When I did my first port (BBX Mercury) all I had ever done was edit some home photos. I can't say it's easy at first. Just look at all the garbage that is out there. Making things complete, intersting, and usable can be a challenge with gtk and theming kde is far more complicated...I'd never bother with it. It's been said...'you're not the only one that can edit a gtkrc bvc', and I'm not concerning pixmap themes, but even a simple engine theme has to be done right to be good. http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=25557 and I haven't seen anything else near as good. Oh yeah, link has some good smooth engine themes. Earth is included in this http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=34670


    So it appears easy because I've done so many. I get sick when I think of the time it too to overcome just a few of many gtk limitaions just to make gnome more enjoyable. Oh well, give it a try. A port it a good way to dive into it, unless you can make your own images, or are just interested in engine based themes. If you make your own images, just make them the same size as the theme you use as a template and ...there ya go.

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