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Posts posted by prisoner1572

  1. My fan seems to be running slower than usual, and it does not speed up as it did before. It may also be causing my cpu or something else to overheat becuase I get this beeping and it did turn off my computer when using linux. Is there a way to increase the fan speed using some sort of software? Or is there something in the BIOS or somewhere that I can tweak?

  2. i'm on mandrake 9.2 build 2.4.22


    when i run make, i get this:

    [root@minint-9fhgzn usbvision-0.3.3-test5]# make; make install; modprobe usbvision

    make: *** No rule to make target `i2c-algo-usb.o', needed by `all'. Stop.

    cp usbvision.rc /etc/rc.d/init.d/usbvision

    cp: cannot stat `usbvision.rc': No such file or directory

    make: *** [install] Error 1


    this error is a little different from some others other people get but i still need the kernel source installed


    so look for how to fix this and i find that i need my kernel source to link to the build directory like this:


    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 24 Mar 9 21:59 build -> /usr/src/benh_kernel_2.6


    and it also said, "You do have the kernel source installed, right?"


    we'll from the looks of it, i don't because i don't anything in the /usr/src/ directory that would have anything to do with my kernel

  3. I'm installing Linux on my medion laptop. It won't recognize my display. When I try to load linux, Xfree stops and says it can't load and says to try different settings. Any other settings won't work. It is an NVidia and I downloaded the Linux driver, but then how do I get it from my Windows drive to the Linux drive?

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