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Everything posted by beesea

  1. i realized that a few days ago there were updates to various printer-related packages. i re-installed the old ones and now everything's working again
  2. i tried removing then re-adding the printer, but that didn't fix it
  3. i tried to print today for the first time in a few weeks, and for some reason i can't print anymore. no matter what program i try to print with, it completes without any errors. they don't seem to get "stuck" in the queue or anything. the printer doesn't do anything. it acts as if its got nothing to print. according to http://localhost:631, the printer is idle, and ready to print. it displays an empty queue with no pending jobs. anyone know how i can fix this?
  4. i'd try changing the associations through the settings menu, although i think its exactly the same as if you went through kcontrol. also, try saving your view profile. maybe going in kde and change the associations that way? i'm just spitting out ideas here. if using konqueror isn't a must, i suggest using a smaller, less resources hungry file manager like rox filer or endeavour2 (especially since you're using fluxbox)
  5. try running update-menus. i've edited files in /usr/lib/menu before, but never lost the start menu so i don't really know
  6. yeah, sylpheed's really fast. but i think Kieth is looking for something that handles html
  7. you could print to a ps file and then use the ps2pdf command. i've never done it before, but i think i've seen it mentioned in a few threads before
  8. beesea

    Waimea 4.0

    so were you able to get the xrandr support to work also?
  9. i've only recomplied kernels twice, but i've got a friend who done a bunch of recompilations, and neither of us have noticed any boost in performance. i guess it depends on your setup though
  10. beesea

    Waimea 4.0

    i used the src rpm from cooker and rebuilt it without any problems except that it also compiled without xrandr support. i did a search for xrandr on rpmfind.net and it returned rpms xfree86. maybe xrandr needs a newer/different version of xfree from the ones that came with mdk 9?
  11. i've never had a problem with this, but you could try opening up menudrake and editing the run commands for each affect app. i think that there's gotta be a better way though....
  12. i don't think this'll work in his case, since JulesVerne starts x automatically and uses autologin
  13. to re-add your cd sources: urpmi.addmedia --distrib cdrom removable:///mnt/cdrom i'm not positive about this, but i'm pretty sure that rpm keeps a database of all installed rpms
  14. if you're talking about the install cds then do this: urpmi.addmedia --distrib cdrom removable:///mnt/cdrom
  15. beesea

    .rpm @ endeavour

    [~]$ which rpm /bin/rpm
  16. beesea

    themes in phoenix

    i've never had a problem switching themes in phoenix. which ones are you trying? did you restart phoenix? if you're talking about switching between classic and modern, don't worry about it they're not supposed to change. there's really only one default theme. they're just left over from mozilla and they will eventually remove them.
  17. i decided to give waimea a try, and i've only been using for about 2 minutes, but i don't think you can minimize. i think all you can do is shade. kinda weird....anyway, back to checkin it out
  18. beesea

    Mandrake Online

    i'd like to use mandrakeonline, but i've never gotten it to work. i schedule the updates and everything correctly, but the automatic download never takes place. i've verified that the program runs, but for some reason it never downloads. mandrake online is free for one machine. any more and you have to pay.
  19. tried that but it didn't work. i did however get it working. i was playing around with the order of directories in /etc/X11/fs/config and i also moved the fonts from /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/drakfont/ttf to fonts/winfonts. somehow doing one of those two things, or both, got kde recognizing my fonts again. i'm not sure why, but it works again. anyways, thanks for your help bvc
  20. i looked in there already, but qtxft3.sh only controls antialiasing and kde3.sh sets a bash alias. nothing about where to look for fonts yeah, me neither :)
  21. i got an idea, but i don't know if this will work. first, delete the cd sources. then from the command line, as root, type urpmi.addmedia --distrib cdrom removable:///mnt/cdrom i think it'll ask you for a cd and you can put in the cd1 from powerpack.
  22. oh, ok. if that's the case, then try this: create a new icon, launcher, whatever and put this as the command: mozilla -remote "openURL(about:blank, new-window)" replace about:blank with a url if you want something specific to open up. edit: you could also do: mozilla -remote "xfeDoCommand(openBrowser)"
  23. i tried that, but it doesn't help
  24. you could open a new tabbed window (ctrl-t)
  25. i logged into kde for the first time in several months and noticed that all of a sudden its not recognizing my windows true type fonts (i copied them over to linux). i don't have this problem with fluxbox or gnome. the fonts even show up in xfontsel and in drakfont. i also tried reinstalling the fonts, but to no success. anyone know how i can get kde to recognize these particular fonts? is there some kde font path i need to set?
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