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Posts posted by mystified

  1. From syslog

    ay  4 11:34:01 localhost rc-scripts: Failed to start UPS drivers!
    May  4 11:34:01 localhost rc-scripts: ERROR:  cannot start upsd as upsdrv could not start


    From messages

    May  4 12:03:33 localhost upsmon[17508]: Startup successful
    May  4 12:03:33 localhost upsd[17315]: Connection from
    May  4 12:03:38 localhost upsmon[17509]: Communications with UPS server@localhost lost
    May  4 12:03:38 localhost wall[17518]: wall: user root broadcasted 1 lines (47 chars)
    May  4 12:03:43 localhost upsmon[17509]: UPS server@localhost is unavailable
    May  4 12:03:43 localhost wall[17521]: wall: user root broadcasted 1 lines (37 chars)
    May  4 12:04:18 localhost upsd[17315]: Connection from
    May  4 12:04:18 localhost upsd[17315]: Client on logged out

  2. I'm trying to get my ups configured using nuts. But I'm getting the following errors:

    localhost init.d # /etc/init.d/upsd restart
    * Stopping upsd ...													  [ ok ]
    * Starting upsd ...													  [ !! ]
    localhost init.d # /etc/init.d/upsdrv restart
    * Stopping UPS drivers ...
    Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.5
    Can't open /var/lib/nut/belkinunv-Belkin-ups.pid: No such file or directory
    * Failed to stop UPS drivers!


    In /var/lib/nut I have belkinunv-myups.pid


    I've been googling for two days. If you have any ideas I'd appreciate it!

  3. I'm trying to install the linux drivers for my Belkin UPS and I get the following:

    localhost Bulldog_v2_Linux # sh setup_console.bin
    No Java virtual machine could be found from your PATH
    environment variable.  You must install a VM prior to
    running this program.


    I have blackdown-jre installed and I know it works. My path to java-vm is /opt/blackdown-jre- and java_vm is there. I tried adding it to my .bashrc but that didn't work. Any suggestions?

  4. I have a fully working server on my gentoo box. Currently I have a test board on localhost but I want one that I can access online. I have registered the domain name vampyregeek.org (of course!) and I know it takes several days before I can use it but I need to know how to set it up. I have emerged bind. I know I need to configured named.conf and also I have db.vampyregeek.org from when someone tried to help me before. I'll attach it. The ip address listed is no longer good which is why I haven't commented it out. Thanks for any help!


    Edit: okay I can't attach it so I'll post it here.


    $TTL 3h
    vampyregeek.org. IN SOA vampyregeek.org. barbara.vampyregeek.org. (
    1h )
    vampyregeek.org. IN NS ns1.vampyregeek.org.
    vampyregeek.org. IN NS ns1.zorq.net.
    ;Host Addresses
    vampyregeek.org. IN A
    ns1.vampyregeek.org. IN A
    gentoo.vampyregeek.org. IN CNAME vampyregeek.org.
    www.vampyregeek.org. IN CNAME vampyregeek.org.



    Thanks again.

    And please don't tell me to just use a hosting company. What's the fun in that?

  5. From Mandriva Errata

    Broken pam configuration (commands such as su not working) 
    See also  Bug #29719 and pam_stack in the release notes. After updating to Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring from Mandriva Linux 2006 or from an installation of Mandriva Linux 2007 which was itself updated from Mandriva Linux 2006, some pam configuration files may no longer be valid. This might result in the su and kdesu commands not working. 
    If some configuration files in the /etc/pam.d directory still contain references to the pam_stack module, they should be migrated, as explained in the /usr/share/doc/pam- file. 
    If the affected configuration files do not contain configuration changes made by the system administrator, they can simply be restored from the .rpmnew files in the same directory. For example, to make the su command work again, in the /etc/pam.d directory, replace the content of the su file with the content of the su.rpmnew file: cp -vf /etc/pam.d/su /etc/pam.d/su_bak;cp -vf /etc/pam.d/su.rpmnew /etc/pam.d/su


    And you can replace grub with lilo by going into MCC once you get your root priveleges back. It's under bootloader but I'm not sure where since I'm not in Mandriva atm.



  6. The only problem I had with 2007.1 was all the bad package signatures on the updates. My main complaint with 2006 and 2007 was that I couldn't have a reliable wireless network with my unsupported Broadcom card using ndiswrapper. I have Debian installed on that computer now and I'm not going to install Mandriva over that to see if wireless works now. That is really my only reason for drifting away from Mandriva on the laptop.

  7. Marked as solved. I'm not sure iphitus. Like I said when I went searching after the base install I had a hard time finding what to do next. Maybe it's scattered around and needs to be in one place? There are a lot of things that I know have to be done after a base install because of Gentoo installs. So I went looking for how to do specific things.

  8. Ok, my arch comments. The initial install with the cd was very easy. I didn't need any documentation because it was just like installing most distros. To a point. Of course this installation only brings you to runlevel 3 with no X. Here is where I ran into problems trying to find documentation about what to do after this. I needed to know commands. I needed to know what steps I had to take next and I had a hard time finding documentation. And when you google Arch you get very few hits. At least in my experience. So although Arch seems like a nice distro at this point I would say it's biggest failing is good documentation. Maybe I'm too spoiled by Gentoo where there are tons of wikis. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places. But I am going to finish the steps I need to take today to get it all upgraded to testing and I've signed up for the mailing list so I hope I can contribute someway.

  9. That was done from within Gentoo which is why it's /mnt/arch


    This is fstab for arch

    /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom   iso9660   ro,user,noauto,unhide   0	  0
    /dev/dvd /mnt/dvd   udf   ro,user,noauto,unhide   0	  0
    /dev/fd0 /mnt/fd0   vfat   user,noauto   0	  0
    /dev/sda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
    /dev/sda8 / reiserfs defaults 0 1


    I also tried to boot in it and it failed. There's nothing in the xorg log but when I checked another log it appears that xdm doesn't exist. I tried pacman -S xdm and kdm and it couldn't find either packages. All of KDE is installed.

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