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Posts posted by Peppercorn

  1. hi guys,


    I'm new here but after looking around I think that you'll hear a lot more from me.. What a great site!


    I am after some advice please??


    I have just bought an old Dell server. P111 550 128meg of sd ram 2x scsi 9 gig HDs


    I want to use it as a server here at home and hook 5 computers up to it. 4 windoze and my Mandrake 9.2 box. (I hav'nt convinced the rest of the the family to use Mandrake YET!)


    I want it to be the internet gateway for the network as well as a mail server and a few other small database jobs.


    My question is........ What version of Mandrake or other Linux distro would be best suited to this server as in hardware wise and job wise????

    The mandrake website says that it is suited to 9.2 as far as hardware is concerned but I wonder if that is the case in real life.


    Any suggestions???



  2. Yea mate, it is easy!!


    First as root you have to disable the dabusb component.

    Go to /etc/hotplug/blacklist


    Open it up and at the end of the file type in


    Save it and restart!


    Put in your disk with the eciadsl driver on it and double click it. You should have downloaded the rpm version!


    It will install.

    Go to a terminal type in



    and then type



    A window should open up where you make your settings. Choose your modem, put in your log name and password and save when finished. I don't have to change any of the settings that pop up, other than what I have just said. Maybe you will depending on your provider???


    Then, go to drak control centre and go into network config.

    Choose the wizard to set up a network. When you get the choice select adsl

    choose pppoe

    finish the wizard and it will install a few progs. When it completes, get out of there and open a terminal

    type in su





    that should do it. Sometimes, it doesn't connect 1st time, you can tell this by the 2nd light still flashes. Just type in startmodem again, and you should be right.

    Let us know how you go!

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