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  1. Hey: Just after I finished posting, it said I had updates...did that and tried again to go to KDE4...it worked!!! Must have something to do with the updates, most of them were for 4.10. Thanks anyway, Randy3011
  2. Hi all: I did this using gatech.ga.edu and did the install of KDEBASE4. Answered a few questions about which versions of some files to use (I picked the latest ones) and went on with the install. Not only did I log out, but also rebooted. Got to the login screen, selected KDE4 as session and logged in. A message came up saying "...couldn't start kstartupconfig4, please check your install." Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Randy3011
  3. My two cents (or five with this economy): I can't help notice the tags in the signature lines with all the different distros. Variety is the spice of life. I also am one who has tried and still trying different distros to see how they behave (or don't) with my particular setup. I have full CD tubes filled with different distros that I have downloaded and tried. Some work, some don't. Once I found out how well Mandriva worked with wireless and everything else I have, well, that is the standard by which I measure the others. Just my thoughts, Randy3011
  4. Hi: Here's are some links to two ways to set up Manny Spring One - one with KDE and one with Gnome. Both have references to Real Player. Mandriva Spring 2008.1 with KDE Mandriva Spring 2008.1 with Gnome Regards, Randy3011
  5. My two cents (actually with the economy...my 5 cents): There may be a loss of members to other distros, but they will come back (hopefully). I have been off into other distros and have come back to Mandriva repeatedly because IT works!! Wireless with Netgear is flawless and painless. Updates work and only my stupid mistakes break anything. I guess the biggest issue with Linux is the vast array of choices that are available. New board input: I have read the input from others and I kinda agree that a board that is geared toward useage of applications, availability and that sort of thing would be more useful. Better support? I come here first! In closing, I would be interested in any board that provides useful info. Best of Luck,\ Randy3011
  6. Hi folks; Not wanting to be a nit-picker but the Gnome Perfect Desktop tutorial at HowToForge is by Oliver Meyer. Falko's tutorial is with KDE and Spring One. Both are excellent. Regards, Randy3011
  7. Hi again: Perhaps taking a look at this topic: NTFS partition Read/Write Regards, Randy3011
  8. Randy3011

    NTFS Partition

    Greetings all: I followed the advise from the above posts and now have read/write capability on XP partition. Here's what I did: 1. Installed NTFS-3g and libs. 2. Edited /etc/fstab to be as shown below: (the italics are what I changed) /dev/hda5 / ext3 defaults 1 1 /dev/hda7 /home ext3 defaults 1 2 none /proc proc defaults 0 0 /dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0 /dev/hda1 /media/hd [i]ntfs-3g umask=0000[/i],nls=utf8,sync 0 0 <------ also removed "ro" from this line. /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom auto umask=0022,users,iocharset=utf8,sync,noauto,ro,exec 0 0 3. Saved and rebooted. 4. Copied a test file to hda1 and then deleted same - no problems. Thanks everyone. Regards, Randy3011 ---- When all else fails, RTFM (or this case, the forum)
  9. Hello: I have been using an optical mouse for several years. When I first started with it, I didn't have any pad under the mouse. Behavior was sporadic and never really sure where it was going to go. Put a pad of plain white paper under it and no more problems. I think it needs a light colored surface to reflect the light into the receiver for accuracy. Just thought I'd throw my 2 bits in. Good Luck. Regards, Randy3011
  10. Hello: I have been using a Netgear WG511T pcmcia card for my laptop, the Netgear desktop card (can't remember the number, but it is for 108mbps and a Netgear WGT624 wireless router for both wired and wireless systems at my house. I picked the WG511T because it has been favorably rated on most all forums as far as wireless laptop cards. Mandriva is the only distro I have tried that will find it and configure without hassle. Just a side note, unless you want the neighbors hitting your router, select to not broadcast ESSID in router setup. Good Luck. Regards, Randy3011
  11. Hello: Just wanted to say that your Mandriva Tips for Free is the one reason I came back to Mandriva after a number of other distros which I have tried. Great work and keep going. Regards, Randy3011
  12. Right after I wrote the above, I found the following: http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/2008.1_Beta_2 ntfs-3g will be active by default in this next release. Randy
  13. Greetings, I have found two links that have been particularly useful to me and may help: http://www.mandrake.tips.4.free.fr/index.html http://www.howtoforge.com/howtos/linux/mandriva Hope this helps. Regards, Randy
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