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Everything posted by viking777

  1. I see, thanks for that explanation, it makes sense that if you are using all the ram at the time you want to suspend then it is not going to work very well.
  2. AAAGGGHHH!!!! :cry: :angry: Here is me, cli-hater-in-chief, and I never even knew that!!! All the while I have been doing it in a console when all I had to do was press the 'graphics card' button in MCC. (unfortunately it doesn't work on the latest cooker kernel due to unsatisfiable dependencies, but then it doesn't work from the console either)
  3. Ref the discussion on Hiberante and Ram. My laptop has 2Gb of ram and 1Gb of swap space and it hibernates perfectly. Just thought you might like to know.
  4. Read my post a bit more thoroughly and you will find that I have already edited menu.lst but it doesn't work any more which is why I posted the query.
  5. Thanks for the reply Adam. Afaik Beta 2 is the latest version and I have every update that is going for that baby and the splash screen still won't go away. Still at least I take some comfort in your statement that it should be possible to remove it eventually. If it is just a result of a software problem that hasn't been fixed yet I can live with that, my horror is that it is a new 'feature' that someone has incorporated that can't be removed. It is a very attractive splash screen btw, it could even make nice wallpaper, but I still don't want to look at it during the boot process.
  6. The title says it all really, I have been completely unable to rid myself of the splash screen that appears on Mandriva 2009 Beta2. Why anybody who has any interest in computing wants to stare at some worthless little picture when they could actually be finding out what is going on in the boot process of their machine has been, is now, and always will be, a complete mystery to me - even more so on a testing version. It has never been a major problem before because the addition of 'splash=nosplash' to the boot entry has always successfully killed the infuriating little thing, but no longer is this enough, neither is pressing the Esc key, whatever you do you are forced to stare at this worthless item until the boot is complete - and it doesn't even have a working progress bar (not that that function would make it any better imho). I guess this is something to do with 'splashy'? Whatever it is I want rid of it and soon. I tried deleting 'splashy' via rpmdrake but it threatened to take half the operating system with it so I couldn't do it that way. I then searched for 'splashy' and deleted every file with that in the name, but then it wouldn't boot at all so at the moment I have no choice but to stare mindlessly at it until it goes away. Can someone please help me to alter that?
  7. Have you tried the easy-urpmi link from the top right of the forum? It should give you all the repos you need (especially if you choose the plf ones as well). As for Nvidia drivers you cannot install these if the gui is running so you will have to use a cli. It isn't difficult though, just cd to the directory you stored it in and then run sh NVIDIA.......... then answer a few questions and it does it for you. (Make sure you have the kernel-devel files for your kernel though or it won't work).
  8. Help/About Opera tells me I have version 9.52 build 2091 which incidentally is the same version and build number that I run on Suse 11.1 and I do not have the same problem on that distro. Anyway, it is not exactly a show stopper, just a minor annoyance. I am sure it will right itself eventually. Thanks for the reply ffi. EDIT: I just installed it on Mandriva 2008.1 and it works normally, so perhaps this is something specific to Cooker?? EDIT2: It works normally on Suse 11.0 as well so I guess it must be something to do with Cooker.
  9. I just installed 9.52 on cooker and it has a rather annoying habit that wasn't present in 9.51. Every time I start it I get two tabs opening, one is my normal blank home page and the other is the Opera portal which I don't want, but can't stop from loading. My preferences are set to start with a blank page and the home page window is blank but I still get the portal tab as well. Do you know how I can stop it from loading?
  10. So grub was never installed in the first place. It must be something to do with the options you are using when you chose to install grub form the live cd, I suggest you try again with the live cd 'boot' option or have a look at this site: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/ht...02dinstall.html and maybe try the: grub-install (hd,0) option, but as it says it is less safe, it may interfere with your windows installation although that is not the end of the world it can be restored.
  11. Sounds like grub has not been installed properly or not installed to the mbr. You need to use your live cd again and when it is running open a root terminal and type: grub this will give you a grub prompt and here you type: find /boot/grub/stage1 this will tell you the location of grub it could be something like (hd0,3) for example. Using whatever info you get from the previous command you then type: root (hd0,3) then: setup (hd0) providing you want to boot from the first disk on your machine (if you only have one disk don't worry about it) then type: quit to exit the grub prompt, followed by: init 6 to reboot, and then you should get a grub menu on startup.
  12. You cannot edit files owned by root unless you use a root editor. You don't say if you are using KDE or Gnome so I will give you 2 options. First press Alt/F2 then if you are using KDE type kdesu kwrite if you are using Gnome I think the equivalent is gksu gedit . TIP. When you have got it all going, go to the software installer and get yourself a copy of 'Krusader' which has a root mode and saves you all the typing nonsense.
  13. I have got to like Opera so much over the past few days that I have installed 9.51 on Mandriva 2008.1 now and use it as my default browser. I am using it on all 3 distros that I run now, it really is good.
  14. That is like asking "Do I need insurance?" If nothing goes wrong then no you don't need to (I very rarely do it). But if something does go wrong, and it is the download that is at fault, then you will have saved yourself an awful lot of time by just checking the md5 sum before you burn and install it. Your call really. Good luck with it anyway it is a very good distro.
  15. Hey thanks for that Demon. Silly me I was expecting the Wand preferences to be under Tools/Preferences/Wand. I like the link about speed dial too, I might well add a few more. EDIT. A few click later and I have 16 speed dials - brilliant thanks again.
  16. I can put in my vote of confidence for Opera 9.5 as well, I have been using it for a couple of weeks now and it works very well. I downloaded it because I think FF3 is so pig ugly, but I have really got used to using it and it works well. Speed dial is a nice feature - better than bookmarks. Spell checking is much better than FF (2 or 3) in that it actually suggests the correct spelling for misspelled words. In all the years I have been using FF I have never once got it to do that on any platform or any machine it just underlines the wrong spelling and leaves you to guess the right one. I had a long thread going about this on another forum and I know others just right click the underlined word and get a list of possible replacements. This just doesn't work for me and never has (and yes I do have the correct dictionaries installed). About the only annoyance for me with Opera is with Wand. When it fills in usernames and passwords it asks for the master password every time, I would like the option to change that to once per session. I don't use it in preference to FF2 but I certainly do in preference to FF3.
  17. Well I have looked far and wide for a solution to this on Mandriva, but I can't find one. I get what I term 'partial' recognition now every time. What that means is that my keyboard, mouse, external hard drive and (strangely) webcam are always detected and operable, whereas my TomTom, PDA and USB key are always shown but greyed out and not usable. I have achieved 100% success with USB on Suse 11 Virtualbox now, but trying to utilise a similar technique in Mandriva does not work as the problem is different. Prior to my finding out how to fix it I had no USB devices recognised at all on the Suse version of Virtualbox not even the keyboard and mouse but they now all work.
  18. I have managed to find a workround for this USB problem on one of my systems, trouble is it does not survive a reboot. I'll tell you how I have done it and if your error is the same it might help you. If you error is not the same then perhaps I can get some help to make my workround a little bit better. To tell if you have the same error as me, open virtualbox and instead of starting your virtual machine, just click on the 'Settings' button. Before it opens do you get an error message telling you that it has 'Failed to access the USB subsystem'? This is what I have and this is the workround. Virtualbox writes some files in the /tmp folder. Now unfortunately /tmp is owned by root and therfore it cannot write there when run as a normal user (quite how this relates to USB I don't know but it obviously does). The simple workround for me is to chown the /tmp folder (and all its contents) to my username (I leave the group as root). Once I have done this I get full access to all my USB devices even when hot plugged. Trouble is of course that the /tmp folder permissions will revert to root every time you reboot so you have to do this every time you want to use Virtualbox. Very inelegant I know but it does work. Second problem would be the security considerations of running with user access to /tmp, I am not sure about this but I can't imagine they would be that great given the temporary nature of its contents. EDIT. I have just realised that the errors I am getting on Mandriva are not the same as those on Suse and the workround here only applies to the latter - sorry.
  19. Thanks for that reply scarecrow, I thought I was missing something vital there. I'll wait for the rpm. I know I am a coward (or perhaps I know my own limitations?) Edit. In fact I just downloaded Krusader 2.0 beta and tried to install it on Cooker. As expected it failed, complaining there was something wrong with 'cmake'. I won't bore you with the details I'll just wait for the rpm I guess, but I can't tell you how much I miss it.
  20. Where on earth have you got Krusader2 from scarecrow? I am desperate to get hold of it for Cooker - Krusader is the first addition I make to every Linux distro that goes onto my computer, but I just can't find it. I have 14 sources active in sources.list but it doesn't appear when I search for it, and I have tried the Krusader download site but it only goes up to 1.9 and I don't think that runs on Cooker. Please let me into the secret!! Thunar is OK I suppose but every file manager in the world pales to insignificance when compared to Krusader - I gotta have it!!
  21. Try this, open a root terminal then A reboot might be in order then See if that does it.
  22. You are damn right that is annoying, luckily it doesn't happen to me which I find difficult to explain as well. You have definitely got the right 'devgid' in there have you? And your user account is a member of 'vboxusers'? Other than those two things I can't think of anything else that might cause it.
  23. I am running XFCE on cooker as well. I started out with KDE4 but it was a disaster, and even when it does work properly as it tends to in Suse 11, I still hate it. I tried dropping 3.5.9 onto the installation and that was OK until I tried to remove KDE4 (to prevent the hundreds of updates that it generates) this seemed to stuff 3.5.9 as well. I then turned to Gnome - that lasted all of 5 minutes because it drives me nuts, and finally I dropped XFCE onto the Gnome install and barring one or two glitches that you would expect with testing distros it works beautifully. I have thought long and hard about what I would do if there were only two choices - KDE4 and Gnome, I think the answer is that I would have to put up with Gnome. It does everything the opposite way to what I want and thus annoys the hell out of me, but at least it is not bad to look at, whereas KDE4
  24. If it is any consolattion to you RV, I have spent most of my time today wrestling with the same problem, and funnily enough it is also a gps device that I am trying to connect to (Navman Pin). I gave up in the end because the whole thing was just about impossible. Let me define impossible. First you have a connection to the device, then 5 minutes later you don't, then an hour later you do, then 5 minutes later you don't etc.etc. The whole business of USB connections in Virtualbox is a nightmare and it seems to have got worse just recently, I used to be able to connect to this device regularly until I updated to the Sun version of Virtualbox. (Perhaps they are trying to bring the PUEL version more in line with the OSE version?). I can't offer you much help with it, the 'fstab' entry that you have already helped me for a while but the connection just dropped for no reason about 5 minutes later in the middle of transferring data to the device, and so it went on. Like yourself I also have an XP guest on version 1.6.2. The only other thing you might look at is firewall settings, if you have a standalone firewall on the XP guest. Best advice is to unplug your phone line from the modem and then switch the firewall off. There are some very long and unresolved bug reports about this kind of behaviour on the net, so it is not just you and me.
  25. No need to apologise tapska, July 11th is a long time ago. I am not an expert, but I have had this exact same error message about a week ago and I managed to overcome it so I have a LITTLE knowledge of it. Do you have a systemrescue cd? If not can you get hold of one? You can get it from here: http://www.sysresccd.org/Download This is important because it contains a utility called 'testdisk'. Despite the name it does not actually run disk checks, what it does is to rewrite partition tables for situations exactly like yours. That is the good news, the bad news is that, in common with almost every other linux tool I have ever used, the help it offers is virtually non-existent. When I used it to restore my partition table, I can honestly tell you it was one of the most nerve wracking moments of my computing life., but it did work. It worked because I made the right choices of course, and the scope for making the wrong ones is endless but of course before using it you will need to read up about it on the net. There are sites out there which offer help with it, unfortunately I can't remember the addresses I found them on. It is not a command line utility btw, it is a text user interface (almost as bad) but if I can get away with it then maybe you can as well.
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