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Posts posted by viking777

  1. Hi there,


    filing a bug report is nearly impossible this way, so ... :-)


    The updated package above cripples my system in a way, that german "umlaut" characters or other special chars like "at" have vanished - okay, not from the keyboard itself, but from the screen when trying to type them. The result is that no character is displayed when pressing these keys. This is the 64bit version, and legacy terminals still work fine, but not in X - and switching VTs is not possible now (due to no ALT key working).


    This is from Xorg.0.log: (EE) XKB: Couldn't compile keymap


    Please help!

    Go here


    Change the radio button to 'search for rpms by name' and then enter 'x11-server-xorg'


    You will find several versions of that file. Delete the one you have and replace it with an earlier one.


    That is only a workround really. If should really be a bug report.

  2. I'd stay away from NVIDIA driver 180.22 for now, unless you want to do real hacking. Trying the new driver with recent stable kernel on 2009 came out with same result. I'm also looking forward for the driver due to the bug fixes, but it simply doesn't integrate as well as 177.82 yet.


    Interesting. In the light of what you said I just tried recompiling with the 177.82 kernel and it wouldn't work at all (complaints about mismatched kernel sources). This is strange because I have exactly the same kernel sources as yesterday and it worked then!


    Anyway this is not really a big issue for me, as soon as they release a cd iso of 2009.1 I will erase this lot anyway.

  3. Did you try scarecrows post? Looks like it might sort it out.


    I have got to be honest Ian and say that I took one look at it and dismissed it as being too cryptic to bother with. However spurred on by your assertion that it might make a difference, I attempted to decode it and did the following:


    1) Copied /usr/src/linux*****/include/asm-x86/asm-offsets to /usr/src/linux****/arch/x86/include/asm


    2) Symlinked /usr/src/linux****/arch/x86/include/asm-x86/asm to /usr/src/linux****/arch/x86/include/asm


    I ignored point 3 since it seems to have something to do with ACPI which is not something I have a problem with.


    I also took the opportunity to go to the nvidia site and download the latest driver (180.22).


    I then ran the setup for the nvidia driver and immediately noticed a difference. Previously it wouldn't even start to compile, now, it not only started, but it finished too.






    The upshot of it all is that I get exactly the same errors when I attempt to restart with the nvidia drivers "no screens found". If I take the exact same 'xorg.conf' and change the section labelled 'driver' from 'nvidia' to 'nv' I get to where I am now - in other words a graphical login that works (not perfectly but at least it works). If I use the 'nvidia' driver all I get is a console.

  4. Why aren't you using the packaged driver in Cooker?


    Because it doesn't work. As far as I remember it has been like that ever since I started using 2009.1. The only way I can get any graphics at all are to use 'nv' drivers, if I use anything else I just get 'no screens found' errors and 'nvidia-settings' doesn't work either.


    If Mandriva released a CD version of Cooker instead of a DVD version I would upgrade it, but I am not downloading DVD's - ever.

  5. When I try to compile my Nvidia drivers against the latest 2.6.28 kernel I get told that it cannot proceed because a file is missing. If I go to /usr/src/linux-2.6.28-2mnb/include/linux, then sure enough the file 'version.h' does not exist and this is the file that it is complaining about. I have both the kernel headers and the kernel source files installed for that kernel.


    Anything I can do about this or just wait for it to sort itself out?


    I can use the 'nv' drivers although they don't give full functionality on my two screen setup.

  6. As my KDE3 version of 2009 has now been just about fully stuffed by the KDE4 virus, I decided to start again with a fresh install of 2009 Gnome. Now I don't think much of Gnome either, for me it only has one good feature and that is 'Gnome-do'. So I am sure you will be able to appreciate how much I laughed when I found that I can't get it to work properly :wall: . It loads OK but hardly any of the plugins work at all (it only lists 3). Does anyone else have this problem or know how to solve it. The plugin I really want to get working is the 'Files and Folders' one.


    It may or may not be relevant, but when I switch to the Xfce Desktop it lists all the usual plugins but you can't select any of them except the 3 that Gnome lists (ie you cant put a tick in the checkbox to have them loaded).

  7. Ever since I discovered it I have been a lifelong Krusader fan for file management, I still am, but I have recently been introduced to a different one called 'Xfe'. I have not heard of it or used it before, but after just a couple of days with it I am sold on it. It is very Krusader like (although you can make it look however you want) but it uses half the resources of Krusader and runs twice as fast. It is a really blinding little app. It also runs on any desktop environment.


    I did a search for it on this forum and it returns no results, so I assume it has never been mentioned before hence this post.




    Here is a link to the homepage



    Try it, I bet you like it.

  8. Klipper does run on xfce (at least I have it running and I don't even have kde installed). CPU speed I can't help you with I don't use that type of applet so I haven't looked. Audio mixer is called, surprisingly, 'Volume Control' and is a standard xfce applet (maybe that is not sophisticated enough for you but it works for me). A slightly better clock is called 'DateTime' - again a standard xfce plugin.


    One more tip which you may or may not be interested in. If you run xfce on a system that has Gnome installed there is a marvellous applet called 'XfApplet' which allows you to run any Gnome applet in the xfce tray. This applet has saved my life since it allows me to run 'Original Disk Mounter' Applet (gnome only) in the xfce tray and that, for me, has turned xfce into a viable proposition, in fact it is now my default desktop. That in turn means I can escape from the horrors that KDE4 imposes without having to use the heart-sinkingly dreary and difficult Gnome!!


    Good luck.


    EDIT. Just thought of a couple more things. Should you ever decide to use 'XfApplet' and find yourself with cpu usage problems, let us know and I can solve it for you. Secondly the main reason for xfce to exist is to provide a 'lightweight' DE consequently things which are fairly easy in KDE for example are not so easy in xfce - keyboard shortcuts is a prime example. Almost anything is possible, but sometimes involves editing configuration files rather than manipulating a nice gui. They won't change this as in their opinion a nice gui would detract from the 'lightweight' nature of the environment. It is just something you have to get used to if you decide to use it.

  9. I have marked this as solved now. Firstly Opera plays the page I wanted without trouble (and is a better browser anyway) and secondly I found the answer for Firefox as well. If you are running AdBlock plus on Firefox, which I am, then it appears to be interfering with Flash player 10.


    The answer is to disable Adblocking for the page you want to watch, the video will then play (least it does for me).


    EDIT. Or is it solved? Thing is, a few posts ago I mentioned that I tried it with a live cd and it didn't work. It is highly unlikely that a live cd would have the AdBlock plugin running so maybe that is not the answer either? Will we ever know?

  10. Now this makes me laugh my socks off. For a long time I used Opera as my default browser, but I stopped doing so because it had too many problems with Flash related sites. I fire up Opera and go to the Top Gear site, and what do you know - it plays!!. So this is not a problem with my laptop or Linux it is a problem with Firefox. Perhaps it is time for me to go back to Opera again, I always preferred it anyway.

  11. Well, I am real glad all you guys can view it OK, as Kieth said it is a good site (and a great TV programme if you are in the UK), it is just a shame that I can't view it on any one of 6 distros.


    I cleared my browser cache but that made no difference.


    In the middle of typing this I just had a thought, I wonder what will happen if I try to view it from a live cd rather than an installed system? I'll give it a go and report back.


    EDIT. No difference, same error message - it obviously can't be a cache problem with a live cd.

  12. Yesterday I tried to watch a video on this site:




    I was surprised to find I can't watch a single one. I have 6 different Linux versions on my computer and all display the same warning (Flash out of date or javascript not turned on). In all cases this is incorrect. I do have javascript turned on and my Flash is version 10. I have tried with flashplugin-non free and with the adobe flash plugin but neither of those works. I have also tried an earlier version of Firefox, a suggestion I found online, that made no difference either. I have no problem with Youtube videos or bbc iplayer, just this site. It is not a big deal to me I can live without it, but I am surprised that Linux can't display anything on this site. It used to be a common problem but I thought it had gone away.


    I should tell you that if I visit the Adobe test page it tells me that Flash is correctly installed and functioning, and I am using a 32 bit OS not 64 bit. Also the site plays perfectly on my wifes XP system so it is not a site problem.


    What flash technology is this site using that Linux can't handle?

  13. hal is not going to mount them because fstab already has and you can't mount something twice. Look for them in the /mnt folder in dolphin and they should be there unless you get multiple warnings on boot up about things not working. But then again you probably run a boot splash screen so you wouldn't see those warnings anyhow. Not your fault, it happens by default and that is about as dumb as you can get for default behaviour (ignore - just one of my hobby horses!).


    If they are in there I will give you one other piece of advice, since you will almost certainly want to write to these partitions at some stage, change your fstab to add 'rw' so they look like :

    UUID=8234191434190CB3 /mnt/windows ntfs-3g user,rw 0 0


    Hope that works.

  14. I am still experimenting with XFCE as a replacement for KDE4, and I am getting on reasonably well, but I would like some help with the applet 'xfce4-volstatus-icon'. This icon would greatly help me with running XFCE, but it doesn't seem to work.


    Here is a quote from goodies.xfce.org on how it should work:





    Simply run ‘xfce4-volstatus-icon’ (e.g. from the ‘Run Program...’ dialog). On first use, it will ask you if you want to start it every time Xfce starts. Obviously, it’s not too useful if you don’t, so I’d suggest you say yes here. You can later disable it in the ‘Autostarted Applications’ settings panel if you change your mind.


    Normally, you won’t even notice it running. If you plug in a removable drive, the icon will appear in your system tray. Single-clicking the icon will bring up a dialog box with a list of devices and volumes plugged in, where you can also remove devices. Right-clicking the icon gives you a quick method to eject a particular volume via a popup menu.


    When there are no removable devices attached, the icon hides itself to save space.


    But it doesn't do that. It hides itself alright, but it stays hidden no matter how many USB devices you plug in.


    Does anyone have it working? If so can you tell me how you did it?


    EDIT. The process is running btw it just isn't doing anything useful.

  15. viking777 if you don't use auto-mount how do you mount your thumb drives and external hard drives?

    Through the terminal as root? I cannot use the mount command unless I am root.


    I use Krusader. Krusader is the answer to just about everything in Linux file management and mounting problems. But if you don't want to install it you should try the 'Disk Mounter' applet from Gnome. Just right click the taskbar, select add applet and choose 'disk mounter'. Unfortunately it will also show you everything that is mounted by fstab as well (which is an incredibly stupid way of working) but it will show up and enable you to mount any device you plug in. What is more you will be able to see that you have it mounted and won't be quite so likely to remove it without unmounting it first. I have trashed two usb devices this way that is why I think this feature is so crucially important.


    I hope that answers your question as well Scarecrow.

  16. What about kde 3.5 as an alternative for as long as it's around. I have it running with 2009.0 and it's stable.


    That goes without saying Silver Surfer, I will certainly use it as long as it is around and it is my default KDE distro (although I do use others as well). It is just the boy scout in me that likes to 'be prepared'. But more than that, I like testing new stuff and already if you use KDE4 on Cooker it will not update unless you remove kshowmail and it installs a version of Krusader that is so corrupted that it deletes the contents of files simply by opening them. Since these two programs are probably my most used and favourite apps I can no longer test Cooker with KDE4 on it so I either stick where I am on KDE3 and give up testing or I move to Gnome.


    BTW Now that my isp's email server is back up again I can say that my kshowmail replacement solution definitely works and works well. Not only that but google mail has some very impressive spam filtering techniques (and other features) which probably make it even better. So I will mark this as solved.

  17. ngust - If you are seriously intent on this folly I suggest you do the following:


    administration/configuration editor/apps/nautilus/preferences/media_automount and make sure there is a tick in the checkbox.


    The only reason I know this is that that is how I managed to switch the hateful feature off.


    Good luck with it - I hope you are wealthy and able to afford lots of new usb devices when you have trashed the old ones.

  18. I think I might have solved this for myself. What I hadn't appreciated before is that you don't actually have to change email providers in order to use google mail, you just set up an account and then organise a redirect filter for all mail from your usual mail provider (leaving a copy on the server in case you don't trust it). You then install 'checkgmail' and you are ready to go.


    Or at least I think that is how it works. I can't actually tell for certain yet because my default email provider has been offline all day today(the first time I ever remember that happening in 3 years) - a great day to be trying out email alternatives!!

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