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chris z

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Posts posted by chris z

  1. when you say you tried aumix but it won't open, what do you mean? i mean, are you trying to access aumix through the kicker->multimedia->sound shortcut, or via CLI? if it's CLI & you get an error about command not found, that means aumix isn't installed & you must install it via MCC->install software. if it's an error when trying to access it via the kicker shortcut, then try opening it via CLI & post the error output here. to open aumix in terminal, type aumix then hit enter.



  2. hmmmm.......


    not sure what you mean about only having one mouse driver loaded. only one driver is needed to run your mouse. :juggle:


    in Kontrol Center->peripherals->mouse, do you not have three tab selections? they should be "general" "advanced" "mouse navigation". the settings i'm talking about are found under "advanced". if you mean you have the wrong driver loaded, then go into MCC (Mandrake Control Center)->hardware->mouse & choose the correct driver for your mouse, then reboot for it to detect the new driver. if you only have a 2 button mouse then the driver should be "ps2 standard". if it's a 3 button or scroll wheel mouse, then the driver should be "generic ps2 wheelmouse".



  3. you have a comma seperating your scsi emulated drives..........


    here's what yours looks like now.......


    append="devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi, hdb=ide-scsi acpi=ht resume=/dev/hda6 splash=silent"


    open your lilo.conf file & edit it to remove the , (comma) from between where it says hdc=ide-scsi(no comma here but leave the space between them)hdb=ide-scsi


    after that, in terminal, as root run........


    lilo -v


    then reboot.


    EDIT you'll have to rerun your k3b setup after rebooting too!



  4. here's my current setting using a Labtec 2 button w/scrollwheel optical ps2 mouse.......


    under KCC->peripherals->mouse->advanced tab i have the following settings.......


    pointer acceleration 6x

    pointer threshold 4 pixels

    doubleclick interval 400 msec

    drag start time 500 msec

    drag start distance 2 pixels

    mouse wheel scolls by 2 lines


    please note...........


    these settings suit me fine for my needs. i'm not a gamer, so i don't need pin point, snap of the finger accuracy. i am quite comfortable with the above settings for my computer use. you may very well have to play around with various combinations until you hit a "sweet spot" that suits your particular needs.



  5. hmmm........


    i have the same mouse (ps2), in mdk9.2. i can make mine run like a rabbit using Kontrol Center->peripherals->mouse. i use a combo of acceleration, drag responce time, & pixel sensitivity to make it just right. what speed do you have it set at? i have mine set at 6x which is plenty fast. not sure about my other settings. at work right now so i can't check.



  6. found this with a Google Search ............


    "Waiting for DNS confirmation of cookie domains" - I get this error message on www.amazon.ca (with all versions of Opera 7. Is there anything I can do?


    In File>Preferences>Privacy>Edit Server Filters, add amazon.ca under Accept From Server.


    maybe that will work???



  7. is it just with one site that this is occurrng, or several? if it's just one site, then i'd blame the site itself. if it's several, then i'd check other settings in preferences->network. it might be something else needs to be checked or unchecked in there.



  8. hmmm.......


    that is weird. ghosts in the machine, as they say. :P


    i have OOo1.1 installed on mdk9.2, but i had it installed on mdk9.1 before i upgraded. i did the tar.gz installation on both, as user. i installed to my /opt directory. i've never had a problem with kicker menus or icons disappearing for OpenOffice. i basically did what you're doing to add the menu entries for OOo.......opened menudrake (or kmenuedit.........either one does the same thing), added menu entries for various OOo apps, added the executable path, clicked on the generic icon to choose the appropriate OOo icons, then saved the new configuration. i didn't have to copy any icon from one directory to another. they just all showed up as icon choices. could it be that you have an incorrect path to the various OpenOffice executables? (just another guess there) for example: here's what the path to my OpenOffice Writer menu shortcut looks like on my install.......




    other than double checking the executable paths, i'm stumped for now. sorry..... :unsure:



  9. Thanks Chris z  You are a genius. Right clicking gave me the option I needed.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    i wouldn't go that far........ but thanks. glad you got it working.


    now that i'm home checking Konq, i see that i was a bit off in my guess. right clicking on a blank spot in the toolbar gives you the "show main menu" option. but hey.......... B)



  10. ok.......here's 2 other things you can try. remember, i'm going from memory, so i may not be exactly correct, procedure wise........


    easy (hopefully) method.......


    open Konqueror, right click on the body of the web page you have open if you're in browser mode, or right click on the main file directory body if you're in file manager mode. if i'm remembering correctly, you should get a right click option called "show main menu". click that, & your tool bar should return. now, before closing Konqueror, click on "settings" in the tool bar & choose "configure view profiles" & save your current view profile to what applies (web browser, file manager, etc.).


    a bit more drastic method........


    go to this FAQ Page . read it through & follow the instructions there. it describes how you can restore KDE's default settings by deleting the hidden ./kde directory in your /home & having KDE rebuild it.


    hopefully my first option will work. if not, it isn't that tragic to follow the above FAQ. if you have to go that route, just make sure you back up the current ./kde directory so you can replace certain user config files you might want into the new one that will be created.



  11. oooops........sorry for the shorthand.........KCC=KDE Control Center (in mdk9.1) AKA Konfigure Your Desktop (in mdk9.2). you can access it via a shortcut in kicker (the K in the lower left of your desktop toolbar)->configuration.



  12. try going to KCC->web browsing or look and feel, then look for a "view" or a "toolbar" option. not using Linux at the moment, but i think it's in there somewhere. after you find & change it, make sure you save the settings as "web browser" or "file manager", which ever (or if both) apply in your case.



  13. do you have all the WinCodecs for Mplayer installed? if not, go HERE to download them. follow the install instructions. basically, you untar the codecs into a directory called wincodecs, or something to that sort. (i'm at work so i can't double check the location) also, even with the codecs installed, i've found that .wmv files are still troublesome. i can get streaming audio in Win formats (i use Opera also), but any .wmv movie file is a toss of the coin.



  14. hmmm..........


    AFAIK, you can't install mdk9.2 apps on mdk9.1. they are compiled for 9.2 specifically, so that's why you had troubles trying to install OOo from the 9.2 disc. if you are still using mdk9.1, here's what i'd do at this point.


    go to MCC->remove software. type office in the search box, click search, & remove anything that might come up that has to do with Open Office ONLY. if nothing comes up, then proceed to step 2.......


    go to MCC->install software. type office in the search box, click search. choose the Open Office version from your mdk9.1 cd's. reinstall that version of Open Office and any dependencies it asks for. restart KDE to let it rebuild your menus. (not sure if you'd need to do that last part, but i've found you have to sometimes) go to kicker & try opening Open Office from the shortcut with your fresh installed version. if that don't work, then i'm running out of ideas, sorry to say.


    post back with your results.



  15. jeanrev........


    to answer your last question about the latest OpenOffice........


    yes, by all means you can, & probably should, install the newest version of OpenOffice. the latest stable version is OpenOffice1.1. it can be found Here . download the tar.gz file & read & follow the installation instructions on the same site & you should have no problems.


    as for your current problem........


    by default, MDK installs OpenOffice if you selected that package during install. your output of GREP shows that OpenOffice is installed. the default shortcut location will be found where i stated earlier, in kicker->office->wordprocessors->openoffice writer. you should be able to just click on that shortcut & OpenOffice will run. if it doesn't, to make sure the shortcut path is correct, you must do more than just right click on the "K" (kicker) icon. you must right click on the "K" then choose the option that says "menu editor". that will open up the KickerMenuEditor. in the left panel of the editor you will see the applications that are in your Kicker menu. navigate to the location where OpenOffice Writer is located, which would be the aforementioned "office->wordprocessors". click on the entry for OpenOffice Writer, then look in the right panel. look for the executable path to the OpenOffice Writer program & refer to my earlier post to make sure that path is correct. if it isn't, make it correct & save your menu settings before closing the menu editor. you may need to restart KDE for the settings to take effect.


    and, try opening OpenOffice Writer using the second method i described earlier. from terminal, cd to the program directory of your current OpenOffice install & type swriter & hit enter. it should open that way. i'm not sure where the default MDK install of OpenOffice is located since i have my OpenOffice installed to my own preferred directory (/opt). i THINK the default MDK install is in one of the following locations....... /usr/local/openoffice.org or /usr/share/openoffice.org.



  16. KDE since day one..........still stuck in KDE land. tried Gnome a few times, but i didn't like it at all. toy with Flux now & then, but it's still a bit beyond my comprehension, usabilty wise. same with WindowMaker. so, i'm content & quite happy with my KDE.



  17. what method are you using to try to open OpenOffice Writer? are you using the shortcut at kicker->office->wordprocessors->openoffice.org writer? if so, right click kicker, choose "menu editor". when it loads, find the shortcut to openoffice writer & make sure the path to the executable is correct. it should look something like this........ /usr/local/openoffice.org1.1.0/program/swriter. please note, if your install is in another diectory then your path will slightly differ, but the end of the path should point to /program/swriter. if it's incorrect, change it, then click the "save" icon on the menu editor to save your changes & try opening writer from the kicker shortcut again. you may have to restart KDE for the change to take effect.


    if that doesn't work, or your path was correct to begin with, try running writer from terminal & check for any error messages & please post them here. to open writer from terminal, you should be able to do it one of 2 ways........


    from the user $ prompt just type oowriter then hit enter. or, you can navigate to your openoffice program folder (the same path as what your kicker shortcut points to) & type swriter & hit enter.


    post back with your results.



  18. [root@default chris]# df -h

    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on


    1.5G 539M 869M 39% /


    2.4G 381M 2.1G 16% /home


    9.6G 2.6G 7.0G 28% /mnt/win_c


    9.5G 32K 9.5G 1% /mnt/win_d


    9.5G 5.8G 3.8G 61% /mnt/win_e


    5.0G 2.3G 2.5G 49% /usr

    [root@default chris]#



  19. are you having a k3b burning cd's problem, or are you just curious about how storage devices are listed in Kontrol Center->information->storage devices? if it's the latter, they look like this, correct?


    if that's the case, it's normal & nothing to be concerned about. see this post & look for my reply about half way down the thread.......


    Weird Partition Names


    if it's a k3b burning problem, please post exactly what the problem is & we can take it from there.



  20. you may have a file association set wrong in 1 &/or 2 places. open Mozilla & go to edit->preferences->navigator->helper applications. in the large box on the right panel, check to see if any file type(s) are listed, then below that look to see what action(s) are associated with those file types. if any of the files are .rpm & show as open with realplayer in the "when encountered" box, simply remove that file association, click ok, close the preferences dialogue box, restart Mozilla, then try to download a .rpm file & it should act normally. if not, also check the following..........


    (this only applies if you're a KDE user. if you're using Gnome or another DE, i'm sure there is a place to check for this, but i don't know where it would be)


    open KDE Kontrol Center (KCC) which would be in kicker->configuration->configure your desktop (or Kontrol Center in mdk 9.1). go to components->file associations. type rpm or *.rpm in the find filename pattern box on the left. it will bring up the .rpm extension in the filename patterns box on the right. look where it says applications preference order & if software installer is listed. if it isn't at the top of the list, move it to the top & click apply. if it isn't listed at all, click the add button & on the execute tab make the path point to /usr/bin/gurpmi, in the general tab name it software installer, click apply & ok in the add dialogue box, make sure software installer is at the top of the list, click apply in the KDE file associations, then try dowloading a .rpm file with Moz.



  21. have you checked aumix settings? they are separate from kmix. if they're muted or set too low, that could be the problem. it's in kicker->multimedia->sound->aumix, if it's installed. if it isn't, use mcc->packaging->install software & install it.



  22. When mambers of the forum say they are, I look and am not.


    not sure what you mean there, bvc........ :unsure:


    but, as for running menudrake as root, i did have a bad experience doing just that. least i thought it was the cause. about 2 weeks ago, i wanted to add some things to my kicker menus. normally i just right click kicker & choose menu editor. this time, not really thinking about it, i ran menudrake from terminal as root, edited my menus, saved it. when i went to kicker, everything was gone. i mean everything....not even a run command. it was totally empty. i then followed LiquidZoo's "how to" on restoring lost KDE menus, but when i renamed my ./kde directory before creating a new one, i also did that as root. after i rebooted & started adding things to my new ./kde directory from the old one (address book, bookmarks, desktop stuff, etc.) i was finding that the old settings wouldn't stick in KDE & that i couldn't change them either. what i finally figured out, was, since i renamed the old ./kde directory as root, it changed all the permissions in there to root only permissions, which weren't giving me user access when i copied them back to the newly created ./kde directory. anywho, to make a long, boring story short, i changed all the permissions in both my old & new ./kde directories back to user (chris) & had all of my orginal settings restored. so, i just ASSumed that by doing menudrake as root in the first place was the cause of my whole dilema.



  23. keesiewonder........


    the link scoopy provided should fix ya up. but, please note! make sure you do those steps as your KDE user, NOT AS ROOT! bonehead me learned the hard way. :o


    also, don't run update-menus or menudrake as root & update that way. it will update your root menus (which are generally empty) & plop them as your user menu. made that stoopid mistake too..... :D



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