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Everything posted by davecs

  1. Thanks, pmpatrick! I knew about Easy Urpmi but thanks for letting me know that texstar had built the kde-3.1.2 upgrade!
  2. Sorry I am a complete wimp here. I need a version of the 2.4.21-0.13mdk kernel but with all the ohci1394, dv1394 etc etc drivers compiled in so I can plug in my Digital Camcorder. I also need the source so I can patch in nVidia drivers. I have found the recent 0.18 kernel to cause problems when the nForce network driver is patched in, so this is not an option. I have tried loading all the modules using modprobe but Kino still says "ieee 1394 subsystem not loaded". I have been to the www.linux1394.org site which says that the 1394 modules have to be compiled into the kernel else they will not work. My only attempt at compiling a kernel ended in unmitigated disaster. I am therefore wondering if an "off the shelf" precompiled kernel is available for this purpose? Anyone know?
  3. I tried the new kernel. I did not have a problem with the nVidia video drivers, once I had uninstalled them from the other kernel. My problem was with the nVidia sound/network nForce drivers. Every time the computer accessed the internet, it slowed to a crawl. Great when you're playing Pinball whilst downloading a file! I had to restore my previous kernel.
  4. I have a Xiod IM17RU (a Samsung OEM in fact). I did have a problem with it, in that the range of numbers in the file XF86Config-4 did not go high enough. None of the settings I selected for the monitor in Mandrake Control Centre did. I had to manually fiddle with the file. For the Vertical Refresh rate of 75Hz, my monitor had to have a Horizontal Sync rate of 80.3kHz. The line in XF86Config-4 said HorizSync 39-79 So the monitor used a lower refresh rate and the picture got garbled. I changed the line to read 39-81 and all was well. If your LCD monitor has an analogue interface, the computer just sees as the same as a standard CRT. DAVE
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