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Everything posted by darek

  1. Hi, Maybe it will someone struggling with the same problem, I've found a solution on the web: "i solved the issue by opening up the volume control and selecting the "HDA Intel (Alsa mixer)", then hit the "Recording" tab. on the first field "MUX", either slide the controls to the bottom or (what i did) simply click on the icons at the bottom to "X" them out, turning them off. i don't know anything about recording, so i have no idea what MUX is for, but for now, it solves the "hissing" problem and it has had no effect on my sound system in any other way." I guess the case is solved unless there some more elegant way to solve thank you Darek
  2. Hi, weird thing it is not a HDD not a fan it is a white noise from a speaker. If I put the headphones in the slot it stops remove them it is coming back. I do not know how to get rid of it regards Darek
  3. Hi thanks for a replay, looks like my initial impression was wrong. If it was a HDD there should be more clicking noise and the HDD LED should stay on. It s probably one of the system fans which is located close to the HDD and is giving this steady humming noise once the boot hits "starting udev" point. I've found a tip that D630 has its own "8kutils" tools to manage power issues. There is a program "8kfan" there as well but no matter what command issued it gives me the status -1 1. Do you have any experience with this king of issue? regards Darek
  4. Hi, I just installed M2009 PP on Dell D630. Weird thing when Mandriva boots up the hard drive starts spinning like crazy. I check the services and the laptop mode tools are stopped cannot be start from the MCC. Would it be the cause? I haven't had this kind problem with previous versions of Mandriva on a Dell laptop although it was a different model appreciate any help Darek
  5. Hi thanks to advice, it worked. I removed compiz and other packages were removed with it. Then I installed cgwd and cgwd-themes, of course the dependencies were installed as well. Now the funny thing is that installing cgwd the "windows decorations" was unchecked by default. I just checked it back and it works Thank you D.
  6. Hi , just checked, the problem stopped being random, now it occurs evertime I switch to 3D. Checked packages, I got: compiz 0.0.13-0.20060817, gset-compiz-0.3.4-5mdv2007.0, they are installed. I do not have installed: neither compiz-quinnstorm 0.0.13 nor compiz manager 0.13-1mdv2007. So which ones I need to have and which ones I should uninstall. I don't want to make even bigger mess (I have nvidia card). Appeciate your help thanx Darek
  7. Hi, The problem occurs randomly as bodko mentioned, sometimes I can see those frames sometimes I don't ,most of the time it doesn't work. I run KDE power pack. I'll try to follow your suggestions. thanx Darek
  8. Hi, you guys are always helpful, another obstacle I encountered. When I switch to 3D (using XGL) everything works pretty much o'key and it is very convinient one annoying thing though, there are no upper frames of the windows ( the part with minimaze, maximaze and x window). thanx D.
  9. I checked a few official Mnadriva mirrors in different countries all had the same bad signature, so I guess it is o'key thank you
  10. Hi, yesterday I downloaded some updates for mandriva 2007 (bugfixes). After checking splashboot there were a couple of dependencies which I clicked o'key and then everything started installing. But there was a question if I want to proceed because one of the packages had bad signature (one of the libraries, gtd or something like this). I did a quick check and there were mixed messages some people say it is o'key to install some say it is better to wait. I installed it anyway. What is your opinion guys thanx D.
  11. I had DHCP but switched to static IP. I removed search line and put two of my ISPs DNS servers which appeared to be most reliable. Internet connection is now working much better but stilll there are moments when I have to wait a while. Once again thanx a lot and I will keep on educating myself how to improve the connection D.
  12. Hi, pinging seems to be o'key [darek@localhost ~]$ ping xxxxxxxx PING xxxxxxxx) 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from xxxxxxxx: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.614 ms 64 bytes from xxxxxxxx: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.612 ms 64 bytes from xxxxxxxx: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.544 ms 64 bytes from xxxxxxxx: icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.604 ms 64 bytes from xxxxxxxx: icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.542 ms 64 bytes from xxxxxxxx: icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.599 ms 64 bytes from xxxxxxxx: icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=0.535 ms --- xxxxxxxxping statistics --- 7 packets transmitted, 7 received, 0% packet loss, time 6000ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.535/0.578/0.614/0.042 ms resolv.conf search xxxxxxxx. nameserver xxxxxxxx nameserver v problem seems to be very wierd I can conected to certain websites but not to the others then few minutes later I cannot access websites I could reach before, then after few minutes firefox is just spinning around. Could it be some DNS problem? Thanx D.
  13. Hi looks like I turned off ipv6 : [root@localhost darek]# ifconfig -a eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr xxxxxxxx inet addr:192.xxxxxxx Bcast:xxxxxxxxx Mask:xxxxxxxx.0 UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:489 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:592 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 RX bytes:413297 (403.6 KiB) TX bytes:76202 (74.4 KiB) Base address:0xac00 Memory:fe000000-fe020000 but the proble is still there [root@localhost darek]# route -n Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface 192.xxxxxx U 10 0 0 eth0 U 10 0 0 eth0 xxxxxxx UG 10 0 0 eth0 I have no idea what else it might be D.
  14. What do you think about going the other way around and enabling ipv6 on a router I just started researching subject and looks like there are plenty of alternative firmware most popular one probably fro dd-wrt.com
  15. Thanx I wil try that althought I did apply those fixes which were listed in 2007 errata to to turn off ipv6 and windows scaling but it didn't help, unless this fix works by different mechanism D.
  16. Hi I tried other versions of mandrake and mandriva before and never had this problem. I installed Mandriva 2007 and initially internet connection was fine then started to be very sluggish or not working at. Computer is connected to the router via ethernet cable and served by DHCP there is another computer connected via ethernet and wireless broadcasting. But I am interested in getting to work only one of them the one on ethernet. If I connect ethernet directly to cable modem everything is fast and fine but when it is pluged into router then the problems begin. No problem working undeer windows DHCP is set to distribute 3 numbers. Really appreciate your help guys. I did a search but answers I found were about wireless and ndis wrapper D.
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