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Posts posted by ac_dispatcher

  1. Well at work we have this software for Windows called Exceed basically its a PC Xserver. I can run our HP Unix stuff on windows. Well I wanted to do it at home. Excced is not free - time for google.


    I found Cywin


    # Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows. It consists of two parts: A DLL (cygwin1.dll) which acts as a Linux emulation layer providing substantial Linux API functionality.

    # A collection of tools, which provide Linux look and feel.


    The Cygwin DLL works with all non-beta, non "release candidate", ix86 32 bit versions of Windows since Windows 95, with the exception of Windows CE.

    What Isn't Cygwin?

    # Cygwin is not a way to run native linux apps on Windows. You have to rebuild your application from source if you want to get it running on Windows.

    # Cygwin is not a way to magically make native Windows apps aware of UNIX functionality, like signals, ptys, etc. Again, you need to build your apps from source if you want to take advantage of Cygwin functionality.


    So here is my story on how I got XFce4 to work on my Windows XP via ssh to my Gentoo Laptop. I also have openbox working on Cywin witout ssh'ing



    OK found this web site to help me out:



    To make it work for me I stopped at at step #14 -


    You can start an emulated X server on your windows box and forward the display to a Linux machine of your choice through secure shell. Here are the steps.


      1. Go to the Cygwin/X site: http://xfree86.cygwin.com/.


          Note: The site http://www.cygwin.com provides essentially the same services as the Cygwin/X site; the difference between the sites is that the software package defaults are set differently in the installation executable.

      2. Go to the Downloading and Installing section. Select the setup.exe link. Download this cygwin network-installation executable.

      3. Double-click on setup.exe to run it.

      4. Click Next in introductory window.

      5. Take the defaults (i.e., just click Next) in the Choose A Download Source to install from the internet.

      6. Take the defaults in the Select Root Install Directory.

      7. Take the defaults in the Select Local Package Directory.

      8. Take the defaults in the Select Your Internet Connection (unless you know of a better choice).

      9. Pick a site of your choice in Choose a download site.

      10. Select Packages: Keep Clicking the View button until it becomes Full. Add the following packages by clicking on the entry in the New line, changing it from Skip to a software version number. You may add others if you wish. You can always go back and install software later.























          Hit Next to do the download/installation. Download time will depend on the network speed. The installation goes pretty fast.

      11. Create Icons: as you wish. You probably want to at least create icon on desktop.

      12. Cygwin installs into the directory c:\cygwin with subdirectories: bin, etc, home, lib, tmp, usr, var and the files cygwin.bat and cygwin.ico. The desktop icon created by installation is just a shortcut to cywgin.bat.



          After installation is complete, run Cygwin from your desktop icon. The first time you do this the skeleton files are copied into your directory.

          You are positioned in your home directory which whose path name is: /home/YOUR_LOGIN but is actually the directory c:\cygwin\home\YOUR_LOGIN.

      14. Edit ~/.bash_profile in your home directory (which is c:\cygwin\home\YOUR_LOGIN\.bash_profile) At the end of the file add the line:


    export DISPLAY=localhost:0


          Exit the shell and restart Cygwin. Test the DISPLAY setting:


    export | grep DISPLAY


    OK so far ? Here is where I have to change some other stuff:


    Find where you installed Cywin. I did it on C:\Cywin


    You need to edit the file startxwin. Its located in: C:\Cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\startxwin.bat


    I had to change some stuff in it to make it work:


    REM out the xterm line:

    REM run xterm -sl 1000 -sb -rightbar -ms red -fg yellow -bg black -e /usr/bin/bash -l


    Change the run xwin line to:

    run xwin -clipboard -silent-dup-error -fullscreen -trayicon -screen 0


    Change run twm to:

    run openbox


    Save then close.

    Double click startwinx.bat and openbox should start up for you. The only way I could exit it was cntrl-Alt-Back


    Now if that worked try this. Did you see that icon on you desktop? double click it. We need to edit some files now:


    On your Windows/Cywin box

    Edit the system file /etc/ssh_config — the Windows path for this file is c:\cygwin\etc\ssh_config. At the bottom of the file add the line:


    ForwardX11 yes

    ForwardAgent yes


    --I used nano to do this. If you installed nedit above you can use that too


    Now go to your Linux box:

    edit your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. Add:

    X11Forwarding yes

    X11DisplayOffset 10

    X11UseLocalhost yes


    All set? Now on you Linux box:

    #/etc/init.d/sshd stop

    #etc/init.d/sshd start


    Now on your Windows box without Cywin running yet double click the Desktop icon.


    type: startx

    then minimized that box a new xterm should open with X

    in that new xterm box type:


    #ssh -X -Y -l (your login) (linux box ip address)

    enter password


    in your ssh type:



    See if a new xterm opens. Did it?


    Now this part may differ for each Linux Distro. Here is what I did. I have XFce4 on my Gentoo box. So I typed:



    and I now have XFCe4 running on Windows :D


    Accoring to the Cywin website you can get other apps to work via source. Seems like a new toy for now.



    If you did not delete your install files you can add programs aftet the fact. Just start up the install program again and select them.


    Some other good sites to help


    Users Guide



    Home Page:




    Two Pics for ya: Openbox running and XFce4 running via ssh



  2. kernel (hd0,0)/kernel-2.6.3-15mdk root=/dev/hda5


    That is where your problem is. From what I think that line tells your computer:


    your kernel is found on your first drive first partition (hd0,0) in the root ( / ) directory. and your root directory in on /dev/hda5.


    Usuially the kernel and initrd are located in the /boot directory. I use grub on my Gentoo box. Here is my grub config:



    title Gentoo 2004.X

    root (hd0,1)

    kernel (hd0,1)/boot/kernel-2.6.7-gentoo-r8 root=/dev/hda2 init=/linuxrc vga=0x31a gentoo=nodevfs video=vesa:ywrap,mttr splash=silent hdc=ide-cd psmouse.proto=imps

    initrd (hd0,1)/boot/initrd-2.6.7-gentoo-r8


    My Gentoo Distro is on 1 partition only (hda2). So my kernel is also on hda2 in the /boot directory. In grub that is:


    kernel (hd0,1)/boot/kernel-2.6.7-gentoo-r8



    hda1 = (hd0,0)

    hda2 = (hd0,1)

    hda3 = (hd0,2)

    hda4 = (hd0,3)


    So From what I read if your Mandy distro is on hda5 you grub should look like this:


    kernel (hd0,4)/boot/kernel-2.6.3-15mdk root=/dev/hda5


    Give it a try

  3. On my Gentoo Laptop i run a mode called "laptop mode". I set my screen to tuen off via the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file. Its found in the ServerLayout section (at the bottom of the file). Here is mine:



    Section "ServerLayout"

    Identifier "layout1"

    InputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"

    InputDevice "Touchpad" "CorePointer"

    InputDevice "RFmouse" "SendCoreEvents"

    Screen "screen1"

    Option "BlankTime" "5" # Blank the screen after 5 minutes (Fake)

    Option "StandbyTime" "10" # Turn off screen after 10 minutes (DPMS)

    Option "SuspendTime" "20" # Full suspend after 20 minutes

    Option "OffTime" "30" # Turn off after half an hour


  4. Try to ajust it in your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file. Here its what mine looks like:


    Section "Device"

    Identifier "device1"

    VendorName "ATI"

    BoardName "ATI Radeon"

    Driver "radeon"

    BusID "1:0:0"

    Option "DPMS"

    Option "AGPMode" "4"

    Option "EnablePageFlip" "true"

    Option "AGPFastWrite" "true"



    You would add the line:


    Option "AGPMode" "2"


    Also did you check what it says if you open a konsole and type:




    or for a shorter output try:


    $glxinfo | grep AGP


    This is what I get:


    bash-2.05b$ glxinfo | grep AGP

    disabling TCL support

    OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Radeon 20030328 AGP 4x x86/MMX+/SSE2 NO-TCL


    You can see Im running at AGP 4x


    I had the same problem with a Nvidia card. The motherboard "irongate chipset" was sold as a AGP4x but it could only handle 1x. Anything more and you would crash.

  5. This may not be it but Gentoo is changing the script. When was the last time you did a


    # etc-update



    Check out my /etc/conf.d/net file .. Notice the "new style" with old. May be your problem.




    # /etc/conf.d/net: Global config file for net.* rc-scripts

    # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/etc/conf.d/net,v 1.10 2004/06/28 19:44:46 agriffis Exp $






    # PLEASE PICK ONE of the configuration methods listed below. If you

    # don't know which to pick, use the top one, NEW-STYLE IFCONFIG.

    # The other two possible options are OLD-STYLE IFACE and



    # If you have multiple sections (for example IFCONFIG and IPROUTE2)

    # the network scripts will attempt to make reasonable assumptions

    # about what to use, but there is no guarantee on the results, so

    # PLEASE just use one set of configuration variables.


    # At the bottom there is an ADVANCED CONFIGURATION section with some

    # additional configuration possibilities






    # NEW-STYLE IFCONFIG examples

    # ---------------------------

    # This uses /sbin/ifconfig and /sbin/route to set the network up.

    # It is suitable for most home users.



    # To use DHCP on eth0, simply uncomment the following line:

    ifconfig_eth0=( "dhcp" )


    # For passing custom options to dhcpcd use something like the following. This

    # example reduces the timeout for retrieving an address from 60 seconds (the

    # default) to 10 seconds. Note that this might be too short for some servers,

    # so the default is encouraged unless you know what you're doing.

    dhcpcd_eth0="-t 15"


    # For a static configuration, use something like this. This sets the primary

    # eth0 address to and adds two aliases, eth0:1 and eth0:2


    # " broadcast netmask"

    # " broadcast netmask"

    # " broadcast netmask"



    # This is just like setting the gateway config option in the old-style iface

    # config, but allows one to add custom routes. This should not be needed if you

    # are obtaining an address via DHCP since the default route should be set

    # automatically.


    # "default gw"



    # VLAN support - emerge net-misc/vconfig

    # Please ensure your VLAN IDs are NOT zero-padded

    #vlans_eth0="1 2"

    #ifconfig_eth0_1=( "dhcp" )

    #ifconfig_eth0_2=( " broadcast netmask" )




    # OLD-STYLE IFACE examples (deprecated)

    # -------------------------------------

    # This uses /sbin/ifconfig and /sbin/route to set the network up,

    # but is not as flexible as the IFCONFIG method above or the

    # IPROUTE2 method below.



    # To use DHCP on eth0, simply uncomment the following line:



    # For passing custom options to dhcpcd use something like the following. This

    # example reduces the timeout for retrieving an address from 60 seconds (the

    # default) to 10 seconds. Note that this might be too short for some servers,

    # so the default is encouraged unless you know what you're doing.

    #dhcpcd_eth0="-t 10"


    # To set a static IP address use a line similar to this

    #iface_eth0=" broadcast netmask"


    # For setting the default gateway. You should not need to do this if you use

    # DHCP since the default gateway should be set automatically.



    # For adding aliases to a interface, specify them space-separated in the

    # following string



    # To add a custom netmask/broadcast address to created aliases, specify them in

    # the same order as the alias_eth0 string. If you find yourself doing this, you

    # might consider switching to the new-style




    # VLAN support - emerge net-misc/vconfig

    # Please ensure your VLAN IDs are NOT zero-padded

    #vlans_eth0="1 2"


    #iface_eth0_2=" broadcast netmask"





    # ----------------------------

    # This makes use of the /sbin/ip command to set routes and ip

    # addresses. This style is very useful if you are building an

    # advanced linux router or using VRRP For more information on how to

    # use the iproute2 command have a look at the ip(8) man page.


    # NOTE: You must emerge sys-apps/iproute2 to use this configuration



    # To use DHCP on eth0, simply uncomment the following line:

    #ipaddr_eth0=( "dhcp" )


    # For passing custom options to dhcpcd use something like the following. This

    # example reduces the timeout for retrieving an address from 60 seconds (the

    # default) to 10 seconds. Note that this might be too short for some servers,

    # so the default is encouraged unless you know what you're doing.

    #dhcpcd_eth0="-t 10"


    # For a static configuration, use something like this. This sets the primary

    # eth0 address to and adds two aliases, eth0:1 and eth0:2.

    # You may also pass advanced ip addr commands via this option.


    # " brd"

    # " brd"

    # " brd"



    # The following will set up the default gateway. You can also pass advanced

    # route configs via this option.


    # "default via"



    # VLAN support - emerge net-misc/vconfig

    # Please ensure your VLAN IDs are NOT zero-padded

    #vlans_eth0="1 2"

    #ipaddr_eth0_1=( "dhcp" )

    #ipaddr_eth0_2=( " brd" )





    # ----------------------

    # The items in this section can be combined with one of the sections

    # above to create a complete network configuration. None of the

    # items in this section are necessary to configure for most users.



    # Four functions can be defined which will be called surrounding the

    # start/stop operations. The functions are called with the interface

    # name first so that one function can control multiple adapters.


    # The return values for the preup and predown functions should be 0

    # (success) to indicate that configuration or deconfiguration of the

    # interface can continue. If preup returns a non-zero value, then

    # interface configuration will be aborted. If predown returns a

    # non-zero value, then the interface will not be allowed to continue

    # deconfiguration.


    # The return values for the postup and postdown functions are ignored

    # since there's nothing to do if they indicate failure.


    #preup() {

    # # Test for link on the interface prior to bringing it up. This

    # # only works on some network adapters and requires the ethtool

    # # package to be installed.

    # if ethtool $1 | grep -q 'Link detected: no'; then

    # ewarn "No link on $1, aborting configuration"

    # return 1

    # fi


    # # Remember to return 0 on success

    # return 0



    #predown() {

    # # Test to make sure the root filesystem is not mounted via NFS.

    # # Interface ($1) is ignored but could also be tested if you know

    # # what interface is providing NFS root.

    # if grep -q ' / nfs' /proc/mounts; then

    # ewarn "Root is NFS mounted, aborting deconfiguration of $1"

    # return 1

    # fi


    # # Remember to return 0 on success

    # return 0



    #postup() {

    # # This function could be used, for example, to register with a

    # # dynamic DNS service. Another possibility would be to

    # # send/receive mail once the interface is brought up.



    #postdown() {

    # # This function is mostly here for completeness... I haven't

    # # thought of anything nifty to do with it yet ;-)



    # For changing MAC addresses - emerge net-analyzer/macchanger

    # - to set a specific MAC address


    # - to randomize the last 3 bytes only


    # - to randomize between the same physical type of connection (eg fibre, copper, wireless) , all vendors


    # - to randomize between any physical type of connection (eg fibre, copper, wireless) , all vendors


    # - full randomization - WARNING: some MAC addresses generated by this may NOT act as expected


    # custom - passes all parameters directly to net-analyzer/macchanger

    #mac_eth0="some custom set of parameters"


    # uncomment this function for support for changing MAC addresses

    # also uncomment it's invocation in preup() above

    preup_macchanger() {

    eval mac_IFACE=\"\$\{mac_${IFACE}\}\"

    if [ -n "${mac_IFACE}" ]; then

    if [[ -x /sbin/macchanger ]]; then

    local macchanger_opts=""

    case "${mac_IFACE}" in

    # specific mac-addr, i wish there were a shorter way to specify this

    [0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]:[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]:[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]:[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]:[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]:[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]) macchanger_opts="${macchanger_opts} --mac=${mac_IFACE}" ;;

    # increment MAC address, default macchanger behavior

    increment) macchanger_opts="${macchanger_opts}" ;;

    # randomize just the ending bytes

    random-ending) macchanger_opts="${macchanger_opts} -e" ;;

    # keep the same kind of physical layer (eg fibre, copper)

    random-samekind) macchanger_opts="${macchanger_opts} -a" ;;

    # randomize to any known vendor of any physical layer type

    random-anykind) macchanger_opts="${macchanger_opts} -A" ;;

    # fully random bytes

    random-full) macchanger_opts="${macchanger_opts} -r" ;;

    # default case is just to pass on all the options

    *) macchanger_opts="${macchanger_opts} ${mac_IFACE}" ;;


    #echo "/sbin/macchanger ${macchanger_opts} ${IFACE}"

    /sbin/macchanger ${macchanger_opts} ${IFACE} >/dev/null


    if [ $retval -gt 0 ]; then

    eerror "Failed to set MAC address"

    return 1



    eerror "For changing MAC addresses, emerge net-analyzer/macchanger"

    return 1



    return 0 #important



    # For link bonding/trunking - emerge net-misc/ifenslave

    # if you are using any of the slave interfaces, it is important that you remove

    # configurations for them and take them down first!


    ipaddr_bond0=( " brd" )


    postup_bonding() {

    # return silently if this is not a bonding interface

    if [ -n "${IFACE/bond*/}" ]; then

    return 0


    eval slaves_IFACE=\"\$\{slaves_${IFACE}\}\"

    if [[ -n "${slaves_IFACE}" ]]; then

    if [[ -x /sbin/ifenslave ]]; then

    # must force the slaves to a particular state before adding them

    for slaveiface in ${slaves_IFACE}; do

    ifconfig ${slaveiface} up


    # now force the master to up

    ifconfig ${IFACE} up

    # finally add in slaves

    /sbin/ifenslave ${IFACE} ${slaves_IFACE}


    eerror "For link aggregation (bonding), emerge net-misc/ifenslave"

    return 1



    return 0 #important



    predown_bonding() {

    # return silently if this is not a bonding interface

    if [ -n "${IFACE/bond*/}" ]; then

    return 0


    # don't trust the config, get the active list instead

    slaves_IFACE=$(awk '/^Slave Interface:/ { printf $3" " }' /proc/net/bonding/${IFACE})

    if [[ -n "${slaves_IFACE}" ]]; then

    # remove all slaves

    echo /sbin/ifenslave -d ${IFACE} ${slaves_IFACE}

    /sbin/ifenslave -d ${IFACE} ${slaves_IFACE}

    # reset all slaves

    for slaveiface in ${slaves_IFACE}; do

    ifconfig ${slaveiface} down



    return 0



    preup_linkdetect() {

    # Test for link on the interface prior to bringing it up. This

    # only works on some network adapters and requires the ethtool

    # package to be installed.

    if ethtool $1 | grep -q 'Link detected: no'; then

    ewarn "No link on $1, aborting configuration"

    return 1



  6. If you have Mandrake you can do it from the MCC (Mandrake control center)


    It will edit your /etc/fstab file to mount it for you. I run gentoo and set it up manually.


    Mine looks like this:



    //tiger/VOLUME /mnt/VOLUME smbfs username=acdispatcher,password=**** 0 0

    //nuclear/TRANS /mnt/TRANS smbfs username=acdispatcher,password=**** 0 0

    //vectra/VECTRA /mnt/VECTRA smbfs username=acdispatcher,password=**** 0 0


    In this case I have 3 Window$ computers that share files with my Gentoo box. They are named tiger,nuclear,and vectra.


    There are a few different options and how to do it but this works for me....


    Hope it helps

  7. OK Im going on a trip soon. I need a good Linux prog like "Streets & Trips"


    Basically a prog to tell me how to get from point A to point B in the USA. Now I know their are some web sites that do this but I want one I could load on my laptop and track my progress and check milage.


    Any Idea? I don't want to install WIndow$ just to run my copy of MS Streets & Trips

  8. The minimum time you can subscribe is 3 months (15 dollars US). You can subscribe and cancel to get the latest copy of Winex. Their is winex and Point2Play. I download them as new ones come out. I have the winex3 file but I use Point2Play.


    Point2Play is winex3 but with its own GUI. You set up your winex account with it and it downloads a different version (Point2Play version) and installs its for you.


    You can download the winex3 file and install it. Frank made his own "Point2Play" shell. Its called winex game manager. Here it is:



  9. I have not used ip cop. I know that the specs you list can do a coyote box. I use it for a DSL line ( PPPOE) A dedicated router/firewall.


    One thing I found great was it comes with a set of pre configed iptables. Full stealth mode except ssh port (22). You can turn that of right from the web admin page.


    You can block/open and foward ports without ever neeeing to learn iptables. Its all by web page.

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