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Posts posted by spinynorman

  1. Re: spam and KMail


    Came across this in the Mandriva Club Knowledge Base - haven't tried it tho' - I don't get spam. :)


    Filter spam with SpamAssassin and KMail


    Here is a method to filter spam messages using SpamAssassin and KMail. KMail's configuration wizard is indeed not always sufficient to configure completely SpamAssassin.


    1) Install SpamAssassin :): "System > Configuration > RPMs > Install Software"


    2) Create a first filter within KMail mentionning: for all heades containing "." (ie all incoming emails...) use the filter program "/usr/bin/spamassassin".


    Don't forget to uncheck the option "If this filter is applied, do not continue"


    3) Create a "spam" folder in KMail


    4) Create a second filter in KMail with following rule: if "X-spam-Flag" contains "yes", move to "spam" folder


    5) Configure SpamAssassin: http://www.yrex.com/spam/spamconfig.php This tool will let you create spamassassin configuration file into "/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf" or "~user/.spamassassin/user_prefs".


    All default values can be left as is.

  2. I have listed here in hardware because I feel it is a hardware install enquiry rather than a cooker related problem or situation.

    John - It's probably because it relates to cooker that you didn't get a response - a lot of us stick with stable versions... :)


    In any case, all problems with cooker belong in Cooker forum, so I'll move it there to be tidy. :cheeky:

  3. Easy urpmy site is not translated to slovenian. I'd like to translate it, but I've no idea where to start.

    Please, add me to translators list and give me hint how to start.

    I've added you to the list. :thanks:


    As our Easy Urpmi page is just a mirror, I suggest you contact the originator. There's an email link at the bottom of the page. :)

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