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Posts posted by jagwah

  1. Thanks to Emmanuel_uk :thumbs: , an answer to this problem is,


    open the file /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/urpm/install.pm

    comment out the following line, by placing an # in front of it, so the following line,


    if (@l == 0 && !$options{test} && $options{post_clean_cache}) {




    #if (@l == 0 && !$options{test} && $options{post_clean_cache}) {


    then add the following line


    if ( 0 ) {


    I just tested it, and it seems to work fine with both MCC and urpmi (CLI)


    Links to emmanuel_uk's posts on the subject,




    and a direct link to the linuxquestions.org thread,



  2. is some music producing software. It would be really cool if it could run Reason and CuBase







    and on and on it goes . . . , there is a lot of stuff around to help producing music in Linux, have a search around, you may find something you like.


    [Edit] Sorry for off topic, I get a little exited sometimes :)

  3. Dell's desktop Linux pick is going to be Ubuntu.


    It is a very good choice, and very good for the newcomers. Although I prefer Mandriva's latest, My next choice would be kubuntu, or perhaps ubuntu + kde-core as in AI's post above. Whatever they pick, it's a step in the right direction for Linux.

  4. Although good came out of it for me, (I discovered my ISP has an up to date Mandriva mirror, which I can access at full speed, 800+KB/sec, and it doesn't count toward my quota) it is still not a good thing. I only started using the Anorien mirror recently, after seeing AusieJohn mention how it was good and reliable. When I seen that the mirror was unreachable, then seeing that there was no longer a Mandriva section on the site, I had a feeling that they had stopped support, and also have a suspicion as to why, which I hope isn't true, and it may well be just my unchecked imagination. Anyway, it's gone.


    One good thing (there are many actually) I found on my time with kubuntu, is that the *buntu's have a very good mirror system, I'm not sure whether they actually own the mirrors in the different countries (I have a suspicion they do, but I don't really know), but they always seemed to work good and fast, it all felt so professional. The way the whole system was set, from the software manager to the mirrors always felt very solid.


    It would be good if Mandriva owned it's own mirrors, or at least had good fast mirrors around the world, that they had control over. I know it would probably be very costly etc, but it would be so much better than having to rely on others who can just pull the plug at any time. Any way, we still have mirrors available, thats something to be thankful for.

  5. All of Id's games run natively . . . but if you're a serious gamer it won't be enough for you

    Heretic, Blasphemer,


    that is all that is needed by the serious gamer.


    I'll meet you out the back . . . :P

  6. First off, Welcome to the forums :beer: , enjoy your stay.


    You can also dual boot,


    Which may be the best for this situation. Until you see how Linux goes, and even if you're going to stay with it. Cedega and Wine, are fine, but still limited, they are getting better all the time though . . . , maybe one day.


    Running virtualization software such as VirtualBox etc, (may or may not work, I don't know), but it will have the disadvantage of an added overhead, using more resources etc. You are basically running 2 OS's, first off you are running Linux, then Win **, then your game (I think that's how it is anyway), If you have a real beefy machine, this may not be a problem.


    I am lucky, all (99.9%) of the games I care for/play run natively under Linux, the only problem I had was to do with editing/modding tools, and only for Doom3/Quake4. So the decision I was faced with was, to either stay with Windows, and have full 100% percent compatibility, or, dual boot and have the best of both worlds, or stay with Linux and just live with the fact that there was just some things I may not be able to do . . . yet (I still live in hope). I chose the later, because by this time, it had become obvious, that for me there was no going back to Windows, I didn't even want to dual boot, I just didn't want to use it anymore.


    Good luck.

  7. Not exactly what you would call a flattering review is it?


    My impressions from using 2007.1 are the opposite to the impression I would get from reading that review. Sure it's not perfect, and he makes some valid points, but if I hadn't tried it out previously, after reading that review I would be hesitant to try it, and perhaps look elsewhere. Shows the power of the 'press', or perhaps the value of trying things out for yourself, the only way to really know for sure.


    but for now 2007.1 is buggy and less stable than Kubuntu 6.10 that i've tried before.


    I agree from my use of kubuntu 6.10 that it is stable, and very good indeed, but I don't find 2007.1 to be what I would call buggy, or unstable, maybe I'm just not pushing the right buttons (or would that be the wrong buttons). But I do see comments in different places, from people, whom I have great respect for there knowledge in all things Linux, which point in the same direction as the reviewer here.


    I'd be real interested in hearing what some of the linux veterans from around these parts really think of Mandriva 2007.1, maybe they are already saying what they think, in the loudest way possible, in the fact that they don't actually use Mandriva any longer?

  8. Have a read of these






    sound familiar? See if that helps


    I know that there was some option to alter this, things may have changes though.


    Now I'm starting to doubt myself, maybe there is no option, but I can still picture it in my mind, maybe my mind is going on me :unsure:

  9. Yes, there is/or was an option to either change the minimum filesize that will get detected, or to disable it all together. It's been a long time since I used it, but I seem to recall that the setting may not be that obvious, but it is/was there.


    What you are describing, being zip/tar files, sound's like your problem is what I am talking about. Basically there is nothing to worry about, but it is annoying, and I know I managed to get rid of the problem.


    Have a good look, and then have another good look :D is all I can suggest.


    I'll see what I can find out.

  10. I'm afraid I don't follow, can you explain it more, are you trying to compile something that needs the opengl/gl headers installed?


    [Edit] If so, try installing the mesa-source files, fire up MCC, and do a search for mesa, you should see a selection called




    try installing that, it did the trick when something I was compiling required gl-headers installed.


    If this is not what you are after, please give some more details and someone will be able to help you.

  11. 2007.1 is a damn fine release, very slick, I love it. Not perfect, but nothing is, 2007.0 wasn't to bad, I only had a couple of little niggles with it, but they were enough to have me go off to kubuntu for a while. But 2007.1 has me, I don't know what it is, it's probably a lot of little things all adding up together, but I just love it, I love the looks, the feel, it's been rock solid for me, I couldn't really ask for more.


    Congrat's to the Mandriva team, excellent job, :thumbs:

  12. It's probably unlikely that it found a virus, possible, but perhaps unlikely. I don't use KlamAV anymore, or any other Virus scanner, I feel totally comfortable/safe now without using one. I do remember when I first started using Linux/Mandriva (I don't mean to sound like a veteran or anything, I'm still very much a nOOb) that KlamAV would mark certain things as problems, which they really weren't, it was just something to do with settings, and had to do with the size of archive files, it would basically mark any archived file as a problem if the file was larger than a certain size, and the size limit was not very large at all. If this is what is going on for you, you have to find that setting in the options somewhere, and you either change the size, or disable that part, (I think it is disable it, but it was some time ago, and my memory may be failing) Anyway, use the GUI, and have a good look through the options and see what you can find.


    Sorry I can't be of more help, as I said, I no longer use any anti-Virus stuff, so I don't have Klam to check it out.


    Best of luck

  13. i don't know what the soundsystem is supposed to do really other than crash continously...


    lol :thumbs:




    I can relate to that, although it never happened as much with 2007.0, has yet to happen with 2007.1 (touch wood), kubuntu had it figured out, never happened once.


    But the good news is, I think as of KDE 4, arts will be no more.

  14. Or if that doesn't solve it than you can use wget instead of curl (--wget).


    Or you can change to use wget instead of curl via MCC, open MCC/Select from where software packages....../Global Options/ then select wget

  15. What file did you actually download? the name of the file download?




    That looks like it never finished actually downloading, notice the .part


    The sha1 and md5 stuff is for checking the checksum of the file after you've downloaded it.


    You didn't like unpack an .iso file or something did you? I've only ever got either a single .iso file, or a folder containing the .iso file with the md5/sha1 checksum stuff and maybe a text file when I have downloaded iso's.


    What you have there looks foreign to me anyway

  16. For firefox, you can start it by adding




    to the command line, and it will start up with the 'profiles options' you speak of. If you start it via a short cut, either on the desktop or in the task bar, do either of the following,


    Desktop shortcut - right click the icon, select Properties, then Application, then in the Command box add -profilemanager to the line, leaving a space between it and what is already there.


    Task Bar - Right click, select Configure Firefox Button, and then the same as above.


    If you happen to start it via the cli, I guess you would just add -profilemanager to the end of your command, leaving a space between what you enter and -profilemanager



    Can you give more details about what actually happens with the DVD, and also, what is srewed up with KlamAV.

  17. Right now I am at a point of not knowing what distro I want to use. . . . . . .Man I hate linux!!!!! . . . . :lol2:


    I was just thinking that the other day, I really like 2007.1, I think it's really nice, I think kubuntu is great, I downloaded Debian 4.0 because I wanted to try it out after reading all the good reports about it, I also want to check out Gnome again, so I though I would try Ubuntu again while I'm at it for that, there's just not enough hours in the day. I don't really like/want to dual boot, and I don't really want to be using multiple OS's (I have enough trouble with 1 :unsure: )


    So I thought, . . . I will have to be upgrading soon, so I will use one of my 2 present machines as a testing/try out machine, and keep the other 2 with whatever flavour of Linux I choose to go with for the foreseeable future, which looks like it will be Mandriva, although Kubuntu is knocking loud, I just don't want to disturb either of my 2007.1 installations, or go through another install/setup at the moment.


    Guess I best hurry up and build my new machine :P


    hmmm, then comes another problem, I'm running out of room, I barely got enough for the 2 PC's I have now :blink:

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