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Everything posted by Gowator

  1. shorewall clear: Yeah that gives me back access from a single PC. I checked out the shorewall website and in their words the Mandrake wizard install is a little weird. Unfortunately the wizard didn't tell me I needed 2 NIC's (shorewall did) or that they shouldmn't go through the same hub (shorewall did). Shorewall also say if you use the Mandrake Wizard the quickstart won't make sense.... It didn't. So I'm going to reconfigure shorewall the shorewall way .....
  2. Gowator

    Remote X session

    Sorry, I havn't tried either ... I don't have windows at home and at work we use heavyweight apps. Permissions,,,,, tricky. If the documentaiton doesn't explain it repost and Ill spell it out....
  3. tried that, the sharing wizard started up shorewall. Unless I do a shorewall clear it blocks even local access!!! Any ideas
  4. Read my earlier post. Some versions actually create a partition, others expect one. I have multiple versions which Ive kept just for fixing windows PC's Some version you can fool it by deleting the system files from C: and still install a clean version wheras others demand the sytem files and you can often bluff it by sticking the mbr back and doing a sys c: from a boot floppy. There are 3.1->98 versions that won't upgrade 95 ... etc etc. etc. I leanred never assume anything with a Windows install CD ...
  5. tyme, I'm pretty sure the dhcp server just gives IP addresses. I think what I ned to use is IP tables with NAT. The question is (Michel??) what does shorewall do ??? I'm loath to mess until im sure though !!
  6. OK hackers.... I'm on a PC which will could soon have a second NIC. its currently got a static IP...for eth0 in a uncommon RFC range. ppp0 is assigned a IP I have a /dev/ppp crw------- 1 root root 108, 0 Jan 1 1970 ppp and a valid resolv.conf in /etc/ppp /etc/ppp/options more options lock noipdefault persist noauth usepeerdns defaultroute and a valid/working /etc/ppp/pppoe.options ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:60:97:1B:B2:52 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:354942 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:2 TX packets:238453 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:338 collisions:10 txqueuelen:100 RX bytes:359189379 (342.5 Mb) TX bytes:32651979 (31.1 Mb) Interrupt:5 Base address:0xdc00 lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:936 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:936 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:81756 (79.8 Kb) TX bytes:81756 (79.8 Kb) ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol inet addr: P-t-P: Mask: UP POINTOPOINT RUNNING NOARP MULTICAST MTU:1492 Metric:1 RX packets:606 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:712 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:3 RX bytes:353124 (344.8 Kb) TX bytes:128454 (125.4 Kb) route Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * UH 0 0 0 ppp0 * U 0 0 0 eth0 * U 0 0 0 lo default UG 0 0 0 ppp0 I want to use this machine as a gateway for the rest and route the default gateway. DSL MODEM<------>GWPC<-------->switch<--------> the rest. Any suggestions ....???????????[/i]
  7. Anyone know about developing for SOAP. I'm mean't to be looking into a new industry standard based on SOAP and OPEN STANDARDS Just for curiosity I ran the W3C checker on their main page and got 400+ errors, some standard it was written in Frontpage. Anyway, I'm a bit worried, its meant to nbe open standard but they count MS-Java and VB as an open standard along with .NET. eeek Anyone devleoped for SOAP or know anything useful??? edits: eeek I'm getting even more worried. It seems IBM originally backed it and then handed it over to Apache (good) but I can't see anything about it being non-Windows. I found an O'reiilly article (under windows section) comparingthe IBM and MS offereings. Big surprise the MS one was more user friendly but tended to crash, be generally unstable and [well read it if your interested http://windows.oreilly.com/news/soapreview_0600.html Well, anyone out there ???[/url]
  8. Welcome [back] to the Real world mdkkdm Yeah i had the all users thing, It was after using the Kde control centre with the boot/login options. I stopped using mdkkdm for now because I don't really understand it. I guess if you always use MandrakeUser etc. it works but sometinmes its easier to do a CLI useradd, [sig back on] I had similar problems on the configuring peripherals part, but I did install the newest kde....
  9. Like aru said, don't panic.... I completely screwed a machine a few weeks ago cos the scanner was turned off. seriously, I was in a hurry and the documents were important and my brain was melting .... anyway, the point is I panicked and ended up getting deeper and deeper into being screwed up. Eventually I got X working with no window manager and managed to use xsane from there. Then cleaning up my mess took forever......try a different user for a start ... try also starting X first then the window manager. Yeah, I know I'm saying do as I say not like I do .... and you know it just as well yourself, its sometimes just good to hear it from 3rd parties :-) Like I said, if you have mail working and you want anything posting that is hard in lynks then no problem, just sent it to my yahoo acct. Good luck, well see you soon ..... Steve [sig turned off for the benefit of anyone with a text browser :-) ]
  10. First off - this is for Michel, not a noobie.... noobies, don't try and follow.... I'm being v. brief cos he's using a text based browser:::: Michel, It happened to me and it got fixed with a large hammer approach so Im, not sure exactly what fixed it. Follow anon on the startx. You need to determine if its your login manager or XF86Config. It could actually be the .kde stuff in your home (or gnome or whatever). If you have a spare user try that user.... at least it eliminates more serious messing about. If its the dm then you could urmpi it from text mode. But no display sounds more like its the Xserver failing to start. /var/log/XF86...log ???? If you have a mail client and you need anything posting on here you could mail me and I'll post it for you. (use the yahoo one Im at work) If you can startx like anon suggests you can startkde from there....
  11. Gowator

    Remote X session

    Hey nice tutorial, how about getting a mod to sticky that!! I've been meaning to do this properly for a while .... I took a cheat option and left the RH box a remotely log into in RL3. Then I just startx and missout the login manager... Not elegant but Im the only user. Andrewksi: In order to do this you need a xserver and xclient. X is somewhat bizzare in what it calls a serverr and client (IMHO) but we'll let that pass. First you need an XServer in windows capable of receiving the XProtocol. Commercial solutions exist AND are expensive. Exceed (from Hummingbird) Reflection X (can't remember who). I used to use Exceed a lot..... now its replaced with a neater web based solution which is of course even more expensive !!! I haven't actually tried any free ones. Anyway, thats almost all there is to it. Except you have to play around with permissions etc.
  12. XCDRoast DEFINATELY does data cd's.... If you can't write them in either then it may be a backend program that they use like cdparanoia etc.... Also does anyone know if the mkisofs makes 900mb cd's I'd try and first make a CD image (.iso) on disk. Whereever you have room. Then from a terminal try and mount it. You could quicly ls -l it to check its size too. mount it using the loopback device like this (assuming youve mkdir'd /home/mytempcd) mount -o loop /path/to/iso/myiso.iso /home/mytempcd (The -t option shouldn't be needed. If it is then its -t iso9660) Now you should be able to browse the cd image, its just another filesystem. It isn't really in home its just mounted there....so it doesn't use any space.... If this contains everything then viola, you know its a cdwriting problem, if not its a problem with creating the isofs.
  13. Gowator

    speedtouch misery

    First Sorry, I have to agree. USB isn't really meant for networking, hatever way you look at it :-) Hi John, am I to take it you did follow that advice and buy one after all !! Anyway, from any terminal, eterm, aterm, xterm you can do a locate mgmt.o If it doesn't find it try a updatedb [you need to be root to do this] then locate mgmt.o If it finds it then do what Steve Scrimpshire said: modem_run -v -f /real/path/to/mgmt.o replace the real/path/to with your path that locATE FINDS !! If you don't know how to change to root or open a teminal just ask!!!
  14. Oh aru, we are not worthy.... Really cool collection.
  15. Really, writing anything to the partition table is always risky. All sorts can go wrong from electrical surges/powercuts .....to userr error anf typogdjfgic mistakes. Since you don't have a backup right now I'd think carefully about it. Beg, borrow .... maybe find a friend with a backup device and borrow it or a spare drive..... On the windows install...... There is no standard. It depends which release and if it was an oem version etc. Some want an empty FAT partition, others want a bare drive and will assume if they can't read it it is bare. "This system already has an operating system installed, $PROFANITY and buy another version ofWindows" or the opposite, "This is an upgrade for Windows and since it crashed and $PROFANITY itself up we want you to go and buy the FULL retail version we no longer sell. Alternatively Install DOS 1-2-3-4-5-6/Win3.1/95/98 in that order." Ugggh, don't trust em, its your data .....
  16. We are not worthy .... we are not worthy ..... Thanks, Garu. Hopefully people don't forget man. I get windowised when at work.....and have to do it from memory in any case. Eeek, your right errant $$$$ signs creeping in.... So how about doing a tutorial aru..... I thought type this and see what it does. I know lots of people who are non programmers who just don't get inheritance.... Its not hard, its just a foreign concept for Win$ users. The linker stuff kinda came to me because I expected it in his grep. Anyway its a bit old, it was stuff I discovered back in Oracle 8.1.2 installer for Linux. When I look back its amazing what I learned trying to get the $PROFANITY installer working..... Anyway, some other nice 'tricks' like ls *file* and such might prove helpful. I say tricks becuase really its logical, its just DOS behaved in an illogical way and people got used to it. Oh and I forgot echo $SHELL
  17. Yep, i got kinda carried away. i installed jre under RH7.0 which was a NIGHTMARE. Two different glibc's to link to. Strange thing it was for the Oracle installer. The install was much more demanding than the actual program : go figure that one. Anyway, i guess a FAQ for ex-windows users is crying out to be written on inheritance and scope. Ive seen it puzzle so many ex-Windows non programmers when really its easy. I also picked up on your libraries pointer. The correct env variable is the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Anyway, I figure a little knowledge never hurt anyone. I guess I introdcued different shells, logins and stuff all at the same time... perhaps a type this tutorial is in order ??
  18. Gowator


    I tried it in the liveCD version and it worked. Can't say I get any praise or cool points, I just put in the CD and rebooted. Didn't d TV out and was stuck with a UK keyboard and French Keyb. .klt so that didn't help + it was a compact keyboard (infrared with mouse pointer built in) i.e just what you'd want for a ent's system. Anyway its was pretty cool all the same.
  19. first off, Im just back from the bar so obviously not in best shape to give definitive advice. pppoe is a protocol which sends your ppp (point to point protocol) over ethernet (your network card). There are a few technicalities about your modem and ISP but if your DSL modem does pppoe to pppoa bridging they are more tuning than getting it working. What you really need is to get your internet conneciton to pass your password and username to your ISP. pppoe provides a way to do this. Unless you know for certain you are pppoa then its the easiest way to get started off. (pppoa is ...over ATM) aysnchronous transfer ?? mechanism ??? So reinstall the pppoe (this is common so thats why mandrake chose it) and try the connection again but selecting only ADSL. Don't rush through, take it a step at a time. Read everything carefully just to make sure. You should be promted for your username/password. It would be better if you downloaded the updates first but its a chicken/egg situation. I'm sure I didn't and it worked. You are right, the Draktools are a bit buggy in 9.1 and there are lots of updates but In this case I know it worked so you should be able to connect and then do the updates! Your NIC seems identified and working, the main thing you seem to need to do is to get your password and username stored and used for the connection. Static is right but the vaguaries of different ISP's make this difficult to be standard. Also Static got it working straight away because he already had DSL. I just got it (I previously had no landline, Im an expat too) and i had the same problems as you. I wouldn't usually contradict someone like static had i not been through the same problems, especially since I agree with what he says in theory but I had the disappearing passwrd/username box syndrome too. So what Im telling you is what worked for me! So i think you need to reinstall rp-pppoe even if its a bit illogial, its not really Mandrakes fault, they can't deal with evert ISP in the world unless the ISP tells them what is required for a connecion. I'm in France, the home of mandrake and the national providor Wanadoo don't even do that! Here is what is really happening, possbily, sooner or later the pppoe is turned into pppoa but you shouldn't need to worry about that. NIC --- ethernet ---DSL Modem ---ISP ---- www ----------pppoe------pppoe->pppoa --- I think you are maybe transferring too much informaiton from windows, like static says, leave the GW blank. Your friends in this are the routing table and your network interface utilities. route (by itself will print the routing table) in Windows its route PRINT ifconfig (by itself) will list your interfaces, active and inactive. ifconfig eth0 down ::::: will turn off the first (and only NIC) ifconfig eth0 up::::::::::wuill turn it back on You can also use ifup eth0 ifdown eth0 When you do this from a command line you get to see all the errors or not and see if it goes off searching for an IP address by DHCP. ITs often useful to do this and it helps work out where the problem might be. /etc/ppp should contain all your authentification, Don't post these files.... Just check that ppp.sectret exists, do more ppp.secrets and check it has your password/username. You'll need to be root (I think).
  20. OK, to see the variable $PATH type echo $PATH set set it in a c-shell type setenv PATH /bin;/usr/bin/;<path to jre> in bash you'd type PATH=/bin;/usr/bin/;<path to jre> but this wouldn't make it available to another class, you would need to explicitly export it with export $PATH you can put these together as: PATH=/bin;/usr/bin/;<path to jre> ;export $PATH or export PATH=/bin;/usr/bin/;<path to jre> You can use an envvar in a delaration... i.e.: export $PATH;<path to jre> will append your jre path to whatever PATH was set to. Whilst we are on it you could also see your path by env |grep PATH note : you should see a var called LD_LIBRARY_PATH ... this is important and we'll get to it later. try an env |more you'll see lots of environment varaibles..... You set the the same way.... export DISPLAY=<anotherhost:0.1> will make the next Xwindow start on anotherhost in the second Xserver. So back to the tip.... If your user has a bash shell you'd set PATH in the .bashrc If your user has a cshell you can set it in .cshrc These are parsed everytime you start a new process for that user.... IMPORTANT: This is the difference between su <youruser> and su - <youruser> the latter reparses the login scripts.... You can also set the path for a specific process. i.e. you have a bash script you weant to run a program, you can for instance #!/bin/sh export PATH=$PATH;<myfunnyapp'spath> myfunnyapp The path will only be set for processes started from that shell. This is known as inheritance. TRY THIS Open two terminals sperately with youruser In one type: export SILLYENVVAR=foo then type echo $SILLYENVVAR it will tell you foo In the other window type echo $SILLYENVVAR it will give you a blank line. Now::::: From the 1st terminal where you set the envvar type xterm if you have xterm installed and in your path it will open an xterm... if not you need to type whatever console type program you have installed. It will opena new terminal/xterm now type: echo $SILLYENVVAR It will tell you foo becuase it was inherited from its parent.... You can use the concepts of scope and inheritiance do do quite sophisticated stuff. back to LD_LIBRARY_PATH..... This is where it looks for the linked libraries from the compilation. Java will change them..... It has its own linked paths to its own libraries.... If you install the RPM, you are root..... The LD_LIBRARY_PATH will be set for the scope of that install for the root process. You need to add this to your user path ....for LD_LIBRARY_PATH.... You can do this lots of ways, the simplest is in the user .cshrc OR .bashrc Try and get your head round these concepts .... They are commonly difficult for people coming from a Windows background becuase windows doesn't have them.... Hope this helps
  21. simple one first: Static, my friend uses windoze for all his mixing. He has a pretty sophisticated setup with Terratec mixer etc. and he takes it very seriously. Professionally, when he's not a musician he programs Oracle stuff on UNIX so it really hurt me to set up his PC under Win2k for him.... and not provide a linux alternative. Any suggestions ??? Second, the whole PCAnywhere stuff is an example of how we come to think in M$ terms. VNC is great because its designed to be completely multiplatform but UNIX/Linux natively supports this, its fundamental to the design. For LAN access a simple telnet/ssh often suffices but theres no reason not to just display the desktop on a different tty. This is so fundamental to the whole linux/unix concept ... For thin access/WAN quite a few alternatives exist. At work I use Tarantella, its a commercial solution so it costs.... To me this is just an example of jumping through hoops to connect to a second machine just because its a M$ machine and hence crippled as a network client. I know it has to be done, like SAMBA but its fundamentally bad when you have to regress linux to the standards of M$.... Just as an example, i have a friend who is pretty linux oriented but comes from a windows background. He thinks in terms of Windows domains and shares when these are just cludges to interface with a M$ world. For me two Linux or unix machines sharing files over Samba is BAD. NFS is more efficient, robust and clean. I'm fairly realistic, I use VMWARE for a couple of must have's and I'd consider using wine in a limited way but replacing something superior with a M$ thunk type solution is for limited one-offs, not everyday use. Linux/UNIX networking is fundamental to the OS. Thats why SANE allows scanners to be shared; CUPS allows printer sharing etc. this is all built on the fundamental networking capabilites of linux/unix and X. Its a fundamental rule that what is displayed in an Xwindow can be displayed in any X window ANYWHERE just by setting the DISPLAY env var. Sorry, its a rant but I hate it when I see Windows 'standards' being used in this way because it degrades the pure GPL'd standards. Sorry rant over ....
  22. OK, if I wasn't clear, you don't need to deinstall all Mandrake, just the adsl stuff. You don't really need to deinstall it but its probably the easiest way.... From mandrake Control Centre choose packaging... Then Remove programs... Do a search, just type DSL in the box or ppp. It will list all the packages you have matching that criteria. Make sure you make a list. (for your own good). Then you select them for deinstall. After close remove programs and go to install programs. Do the same search and it will list the ones you deinstalled. Reinstalling should overwrite the configs you have done. It also should make a file called .rpmsave. (You can learn more later from this after you have got it all working) Once you do that it should prompt you for username and password if you choose ADSL setup... Hope that helps....
  23. Yeah quite aside from the Cd oddities I was horribly perplexed by the delayed writes to floppies. While setting up the NW with internet access I kept copying bits a bobs to floppies and then getting a mysterious empty floppy at the other end. It was wierd bacuase I could say open a pdf file from /mnt/floppy but it wasn't really there it was cached. When I was more patient I waited, a long time and heard it actually write to the floppy. Turning off supermount solved this.... Also had problems with umounting supermounted NFS volumes....
  24. I think the reasons are all continually changing. Ive run Mdk since 8.1 as a primary distro and messed with others. Theres always something new, one reason for 9.1 was bluez support for instance and the new kernel. The thing is because each distro release is independent (or should be) one will tend to go past the others or leapfrog it for a while. There are lots of great distro's and Mandrake has always tried to balance leading edge and stable. I like getting the support for newer devices but its often not a good enough reason to change. You can always build it yourself. One reason I like MDK is you can add your own modules etc. if you get a brand new device but it is supported pretty quickly so you can go back to a standard distro. I have a friend who keeps changing distro becuase a new one supports A,B or C out of the box. thats his philosophy. At work we use RH where we use linux at all becuase we are very conservative. Thats another philosophy. I like to sit in the middle somewhere.... i.e. the upgrade to 9.1 was mainly cosmetic but because I didn't have a whole backlog of things I had to recompile it was relatively simple. If you build everything from scratch upgrading can be a pain, esecially when you have lots of machines. So I think its good to have diversity and leading edge stuff but built around a stable core. I have my own personal list of 'must do's' and a much longer one of 'would be nice if'. What i like is when the nice if's quickly become mainstream.
  25. (I see you RTMF'd on the iso stuff...) I'd be willing to do a European 'Physical Mirror' now I have my DSL. I know what its like not having internet at home for Mandrake. I also ftp'd the whole texstar and plf ISO for rc1. I guess we would want permission from them to resend it. I'd be willing to do it on a provide the Cd and stamped addressed envelope. You won't get the original Cd back, more likely the one the last person sent. Ideally a nice noobie utility to add the sources would be nice sice a lot of the people needing this might be newbies ????? Ideas ???
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