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Posts posted by steppenwolf1984

  1. Monitor in final death throes as we speak. Film at eleven. Which we wont be able to see because of above mentioned monitor....heh. Getting a new monitor today. Am really intrigued by the fact that Ubuntu can use regular pure deb. Someone said it couldnt. Of course Mepis says that too and you still run into dependency hells of what comes when, but......The great thing about Ubuntu is their commitment to stay free. I discover, after loading mepis that it seems the extra pkgs are on extra cds that are not downloadable?! And where is a mepis repository? Ive been using deb repos.

  2. What kind of sound card is it and the model # of your laptop.


    lspci -v | grep -i audio
    00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)


    Also, since it is a fresh install, is there a reason that you went with fc3 instead of fc4, just curious?

    I had it on DVD with a big tome sized Fedora Tutorial (Sam's Unleashed) and given a bit of griping from users - as is usual with a new release - I thought I would see where FC4 was going before jumping onboard. I dont have the other info in front of me at the moment, but the laptops a fujitsu siemens pro amilo v2010 with an integrated sound card. The name Tek sounds close, will check though. Whats strange is that on Suse and FC with this laptop, I can apparently trigger an alarm sound?! which I cant stop unless I mute some volume switches or shut down.....

  3. Ubuntu is great. Then again I'm an Ubuntu fanboy. It's stable but room enough to experiment with diffrent things.

    Easy to install, good hardware detection, very easy to install 3d software driver. When installed it comes with minimal applications, which is good in my opinion. If you want more just apt-get it or use the manager. It comes with the latest gnome  :headbang:



    Now that my desktop monitor is turning shades of yellow and pink, I realize that the problem was definitely the old monitor. Refresh rate 60mhz....Please dont tell me a dim and off color monitor is a video card problem. Ive been wanting a new monitor anyway.... SO, its been laptop week. Tried ubuntu twice. Quick install, nice....but not a whole lot going on in your one cd install. Finally settled -for now -on Mepis. A one cd as well which seems to offer more; not to mention its more open to using debian pkgs. Im under the impression that Ubuntu has to use Ubuntu? I could have heard wrong, but the Mepis has no problems with pure debian apps.


    Cant see running Ubuntu as a full time OS. But then, Im not a fanboy.....yet. :P

  4. Well, I'm new to laptops and not so old with Linux either, but when I got a laptop this week and loaded FC, it wouldn't shut down via the log out , turn off computer option. Just rebooted back up again. Until I know what to fix, Ive been turning it off by typing halt on the command line. The system turns itself off, goes through its sending kill signal etc....ending with SYSTEM IS HALTED. Then I use the power button to turn it off completely. Heard the same thing from someone else. It works....heh.


    Not messing much with ACPI either. Supposedly I have it enabled but all it does is go to a black screen if idle for five minutes. Where the screensaver comes in I have no idea cause thats the time setting for the screensaver. And 'make aware of advanced power management is checked so....

  5. When I checked the dvd, there were two packages listed, alsa and alsa utilities, which seem to be installed. (?!) I have other alsa packages that didnt come with the distribution but Im wary of installing some alsa packages from an old magazine cd. Is there another name I should be checking for alsaconf ?


    BTW, the response time in this room never ceases to amaze me. :D And from penguins who dance non stop at that.....

  6. Well, I must say, I am impressed with FC3 on a new Fujitsu laptop. Suse was too unruly, and the number of packages in the FC dvd is a little mind boggling. Almost as much as a Mandriva release.... :P Everything runs smooth except....sound. Again. Memories of my first distro, RH 9, so I went and tried everything I could think of. Finally got sound on the RH 9...


    Checked to make sure Kmix and Alsamixer are unmuted (does EVERYTHING have to be unmuted?), tried alsaconf and was told there was no file or directory with that name (?!) and running artswrapper gives me a message about already running in realtime priority then prints out a list of four or five broken pipes (?!?!). Volume, gui, command line, dmesg....still cant track down the problem. It recognizes a card.


    What am I missing? I had sound as soon as I installed it on my desktop PC and opened up the mixer settings. There, my soon to be replaced monitor made an ugly FC home. Now with everything looking great, I'm surprised the sound is so elusive to pin down.



    Sigh....the FC forum answers haven't turned up sound answers either (yet) .... BTW, which is the best and most up to date how to site for FC specifically?

  7. Tested Suse 9.2 on a new laptop. Installs fine, looks good. Then using a touch pad mouse had the cursor zooming all over the screen and opening everything it got near. Went to K Control Center. Tried to make a heavier "mouse" with little or no result.

    Ive loaded it up before on my home PC and its always simple and configures everything right out of the box. But on this laptop? It was Steroid Mouse and a bizarre soundcard problem that produced a record skipping effect until I had to shut the thing down, and thought of shooting it. Upon installing Kubuntu, Fedora and trying Mepis, I saw no evidence of this hyper mouse and windows running amok.


    This happen to anyone else? If so, why does it happen?

  8. Tested almost all the cds I have on a new laptop. Got ubuntu to install no problem and now realize the problem with my Desktop PC is the old 60mhz refresh rate monitor which supports virtually none of the 2005 linux releases without tweaking resolution.


    Put on the Kubuntu, it was nice. It was also minimal compared to what Im used to with Mdk or FC or even Suse. The one app approach , I find boring. Played with the ubuntu a bit, then installed FC3 so I could have more choices regarding apps than I know what to do with and I have some configuring and tweaking to do. Next day I got Mepis and it seems to offer more packages than Ubuntu's CD. But if Im going with a one cd distro live/install....I havent seen anyone beat Knoppix for sheer volume.


    Ubuntu or Mepis would be a great intro to Linux , or something for oldtimers to add on to and build as the distros develop...but I have a new respect for the old heavy hitters after this weekend live cd / debian based binge. Mandriva, Fedora....should have a copy of Slack (gulp) any day now but might wait to test run that one for a couple years. I mean days. Days. Ok, weeks.




    Vive la difference! Vive apps out the wazoo!

  9. Got the Basic up and running off, what is it, two floppies? It worked. Didn't take it too far its so minimal...Floppix is also pretty easy to burn a couple floppies and boot. Havent gone far with them or the mini cds but some have set up debian based OS's on their box with nothing more than DSL (Damn Small Linux). There are a couple of posts around here somewhere. Theres a way to boot most any distro from a floppy image if you cant boot off CD tho....

  10. I'd second Debian. You can install just the basics need for a command-line and then everything up from there, which, even though I'm using KDE and a GUI and all that I did so I could avoid unnecessary packages.


    If you want really minimal, there's a few projects aiming at ultra minimal as in mini live cds. I havent actually installed some of these but they usually come with the docs and apt-get kinda tools to install a bare bones system and add on to it. The biggest and best Ive seen of the minis is Slax at about 200 mb. DSL (looks nice) and Puppy (strange but flexible) are under 100 and both are live/installs. You might wanna check out some sites. Theres another odd one called Sams which is small and its pure mandriva....

  11. OK, if I don't get slammed by taxes and IF I don't have a sudden financial emergency, and IF...you get the picture...If I get this new laptop - probably an HP

    90 something-something business notebook...Im debating on which OS or OSes to load up based on what I have in the CD collection. My thoughts are Fedora Core 3 and Suse 9.2 (for when I don't wanna "redhat-config-ANYTHING" or to show off the eye candy to possible converts...)on a dual boot; or - and this may be a stretch - Solaris 10 with the ability to emulate other OS's , such as the Linux of my choice.


    The goal is to load something I have to learn to tweak and build on and can break and rebuild. Something with either readily available software or comes with enough in the intial install packages (like-gulp-Solaris). Ive got the Ubuntu cds and DSL and Slax as well but not a whole lot of software for either Debian or Slack. Internet connection is sketchy and not dependable for downloading packages and updates. With my MDK handling my daily computer needs and work, I'm looking for something to wrassle with and of course, learn from ...distro wise and linux wise in general. (Or Unix-wise...?)


    signed Undecided


    [moved from Talk-Talk by spinynorman]

  12. Downloaded Nvu, its already on my xp (if my xp is still there...its been awhile, heh) and it seems smooth in comparison to Bluefish and Quanta....tho, they arent all that obtuse either. Theres something comfortable about Nvu and I hope it does take off in a big way. Between that and my sybarex HTML Complete, I should be able to use that blog space someday soon...thanks for the recommends

  13. hmmm... increasing the ram for open office has always been the first thing that i did on my systems. so this is nothing new. but the swapiness thing is interesting. although it should speed up things, apparently it didn't do anything on my box. i have the impression that my box is even faster with swapiness 60 instead of 10 or 20... :unsure:



    Swappiness is a warm distro....

  14. I have four favorite live cds of which only one is a mini-distro. 1. Slax, 2. DSL, 3. Knoppix, 4. Beatrix. Although Slax is not really small, it feels so, as it is a Slackware system. Knoppix is bloat, sure. And Beatrix and DSL are fun.


    Update on the mini collection. SAM has a nice little Mandrake based live cd, and Slax is impressive at a mere 180-200 mb....although getting X to start up and KDE running was a bit of a headache. I think I have the oldest monitor in the world. It's top refresh rate is 60mhz. If you cant for the life of you get Slax running GUI using the boot prompts given (eg gui, guifast, guisafe) enter xorgconfig or xorgsetup to customize the start up script to recognize and use your hardware.


    Another day, another mini distro....


    The great thing about seeing all these different distros and systems? Makes you really appreciate Mandriva's quality, speed and effieciecy....

  15. Yeah, I have no idea till I look inside I guess...with the best A-V I can find running... its the second time it happened and both times the mirror says its a 700mb download then it stops at 59. Last time I opened it but didnt know what I was doing so I deleted, but I remember it LOOKED like an iso unpacked....boot, vmlinux, initrd.....


    I dont have my hopes up. Good news is I also downloaded Sams Mandriva mini, which looks promising as a live on the go giveaway Mdk giveaway......

  16. Hmn. Is there a reason that each time I start downloading Mepis Live, it finishes at around 59 MB and I have a 59MB rar package for a nearly 700MB cd? Is the 59 MB download extreeeemely compressed, or is there a glitch in the download process. Now that Im pretty good at burning ISO's , the downloading gets weird.

    Btw, best cd iso image burner ive ever seen? K3b. Pure magic

  17. After reading kerneltrap I got the idea that one can use the name Linux to whatever distro/software etc. even for commercial purposes. But if he want the name to be unique so no more distro/software etc. has the same name, he has to trademark it. If he wants the word Linux to be included in the distro/software etc. trademarked name then he has to sublicense the Linux trademark. So paying for using the word Linux for everyone is totally out of the question. One more thing as Linus wrote the sublicensing costs different to persons and companies so that 5000$ is just a made up number.


    That about sums it up. The 5000 sublicense fee would theoretically apply to an established business, and is not necessarily a going rate. Nor does Linux Mark set out to "catch" everyone using the Linux name and shake em down for money. If anything its quite the opposite. Perhaps thats where the FUD tactics come in, trying to paint the Linux movement as hypocritical. Combined with misperceptions about what open source means, and even what "free" means, it caused a bit of a ruckus in the media. Since I work with Intellectual Property news, its something we're following, trying to pick out the fact from the fiction (FUDtion?)


    Nothing has really changed but the one event set off a minor media backlash which - in retrospect - does feed off of those fear , uncertainty and doubt instincts.

    Thanks for the link, btw...

  18. After trying the Force No APCI, did you at least log out and return, or reboot? That usually does it for my system. Load up the cds and find the hotplug package, and usbview and try and install them....or via the urpmi updates, and see if theyre there. If theyre not, installing them wouldnt hurt. Stick around and keep checking in here, theres a lot of knowledge and info ...someones suggestion should work. In the meantime, see what happens running without the pen drive....I still dont leave it in when I boot up the 10.1...and Im thinking of unplugging my usb cd burner to prevent that booting glitch...only plug it in to use it. (Shrug)....


    [copy of preceding post removed by spinynorman - please use 'add reply' button]

  19. No need to apologize for asking questions. In that same big ass control center, youll find (under SYSTEM...or Services? Sorry, Im not in front of my MDK box) you wanna look at the SERVICES running. If one is stopped you can start it again with a click. Im not sure if hotplug is installed automatically....you can possibly check from command line...I usually use the "locate" command....locate hotplug....and itll list all the words similar and their path. You might have to install the hotplug package.


    In Linux, troubleshooting is half the fun....heh :wall:

  20. First question, do you have a via chipset? Theres an errata posted about a problem with via chipsets, the 2.6 kernel, and usb. I have all three but got the usb working (somewhat strangely, but working)


    Go into MCC, configuration tools under SYSTEM, to the section on Boot configuration. Under the bootloader section you should see three options. When I check Force no ACPI or Force No local ACPI, suddenly my USB devices show up. It will reinstall the bootloader with the new config - but its painless. Reboot and see if either the usbview tool if you have it installed, or the desktop has new icons for usb devices. The pen drive might just appear on the desktop, as a sda device or harddrive device...the modem you may have to sniff around for. Install usbview if you have usb problems so you can tell at a glance whats recognized.


    USB also has a tendency to hang up on boot, and if I forget and leave my flash in while switching from XP to Mdk, then ALL my icons vanish except HOME.


    Isnt this fun? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....


    PS Im kinda new as well, so read all the postings here on related matters and youll find a wealth of info. Let us know if youre Mandy finds your USB....Good luck

  21. It's a FUD. The name Linux is only trademarked because a guy called William R. Della Croce trademarked it and wanted 10% after every commercial distro in 1995. The trademark has been returned to Linus in 1997 and he is the owner since then. He will not charge for using the name Linux. He never did and I think he never will. Because compannies would simply stop using it.

    About the MS Linux distro. Sorry to disappoint you steppenwolf but MS could release their Linux distro anytime they want just like everybody else. They are not doing it cause it's no busines for them.


    Not with the name Linux they cant. Thats what the TM does for starters. Bill could copy the system if he thought he could get over and rename it, but some people are confusing copyright with patent. And there is money being paid - at least in Australia - for commercially developing that name. Aussie companies are putting out a local version and calling it (name) Linux. The name is trademarked and prevents problems with people abusing the name and the rep of all things Linux. The payment is for licensing the name in a for-profit business.


    Of course, anyone can copy the code and produce a system (because open source is anti software PATENT) and call it Smurfs from Hell, but the minute they call it Linux ® they have to register their company. Which costs money for all concerned including Linus. Theres grumbling out there that Linux is suddenly no longer "free" which is erroneous. If you wanna use that name to make your first million, register with the Linux Mark people. Its more of an uninformed low grade panic rather than a FUD campaign ( I hope) because it seems antithetical that you would have to "pay" for Linux. Youre not, youre paying for the name, and for whatever org it is in charge of that name, to keep showing up for court dates and paying legal counsel, to keep the SS Linux running smoothly. Wanna sell Linux without paying? Just call it something else....easy. After all, how many people dont know that Debian is Linux? Whats in a name?

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