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Posts posted by Reiver_Fluffi

  1. I would like to see Mandriva tightening up their GUI tools. While they are arguably the best on the market, there's always an instance when they don't work 100% in a particular area and involve manual corrections! This in my opinion is Mandriva's strong point, and they should focus on perfecting this, IMHO this is Mandriva's niche, and a powerful one at that!


    On a side note: Read page 15, the "comment" to KDE and Gnome. Awful. Simply awful... :wall:


    Yeah, the gnome bashing is getting petty, IMHO!

  2. Gnome 2.12 is in Cooker, ready for the public since a long, long time. Still it ain't available for "normal users".

    this is partially to blame on their point release cycle. if it's not stable when they start developing a new release, they usually don't include it in said release.


    GNOME 2.12 (stable) packages are available to club members, but not for the normal free user! Again another ploy to get money from people with a sting in the tail, in that these club packages are not supported!

  3. So, what was your contribution the last years to the Mandriva distribution, besides bashing?

    Where are your bug reports? Testing? Did you submit patches? Did you help the developers?


    I can't help but think that your post was more relevant back in '98. Mandriva (the company) is constantly chipping away at the community spirit, they are the ones who would rather sell the product to you, rather than share it with you (it is a business after all). They have created a three-tier system Free - Club - Corporate, although to be fair, Corporate on its own, outweighs Free and Club put together and more! So the next time you decided to bring this point up, remember who destroyed that community spirit my making the free community, and possible the largest pool of bug reporters second class citizens compared to the club, the ame relationship holds true between the Club and corporate!


    Mandriva is trying to had to be red hat, but they are going at it in the wrong way, they are trying to sell linux in the form of the distribution as a product with support (although somewhat meagre if the club is an example) as an extra. The way I see it, Red Hat's core source of income somes from supporting REL, and apparently doing a good job of it, all this whild the Mandriva execs are running bout concerned over which new feature to implement, rather than looking to better support the product they already have.


    Sorry if this makes no sense, I do tend to get a bit jumbled when I ramble!

  4. Their post could be in earnst. And besides, any business would do the same, Mandriva isn't doing anything "special" or "abnormal" by having that write up. They are running an actual business, it's not Slackware, Gentoo, Arch, etc.


    Nah, looks like spin to preserve their image!



    Hello I was part of the club and they ripped me off. I was part of the community until I bought a powerpack with faulty CD's and Mandrake recommended I try mandrake expert ...

    I was part of the club until Mandrake staff insulted me .....


    So don't talk to me about community. Mandrakes own incompetence and money grabbing wrecked the community. Their endless lies wrecked the community but most of all the inability of the Mandrake 'management' (aka marketing) to listen to their customers and club members wrecked the community.


    I totally agree, the club is indeed a rip off, but unfortunately people are attracted by the marketing, like I was once! This and adamw are the only things keeping the club model viable IMHO (man AW comes up against some grief though).

  5. This page http://qa.mandriva.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/MandrivaLinux2007 states that Mandriva 2007 is scheduled for release in September 2006. The actual date may be a few weeks later once final testing and tweaking is done. It will probably be available for download by club members in October, and a couple of weeks later for everyone else.


    Jus to clear up, initial release is to the club members, then box/downloads are on sale for powerpack, discovery, etc, the final free version tends to appear one month after the initial release of powerpacks etc to the club (unfortunately a bit longer than a few weeks)!

  6. I've only tried the drivers from the ATi-site. And they worked for me from day one. The problem with the drivers from the ATi-site is, is that it doesn't support all their video-cards. Only more recent ones. I have found that is one biggest disadvantages of their drivers. But the  topic-starter has a 9600XT and that shouldn't have been a problem, normally. That's what I find peculiar.


    I agree, according to ati the current driver supports Radeon 8500 and higher.

  7. Apparently I type too slow as Ian snuck in there before me, oh well it was his question anyway :P


    Thanks ianw1974, how do I check the kernel-source, if it's installed or not? Is there an easier way to install the Nvidia legacy drivers, don't need the latest version. I got v76.76 on my SuSE installation and get a decent glxgears from those:

    george@linux:~> glxgears

    36969 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7393.800 FPS

    39710 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7942.000 FPS

    39713 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7942.600 FPS

    39720 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7944.000 FPS

    39726 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7945.200 FPS

    39713 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7942.600 FPS

    39727 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7945.400 FPS

    39724 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7944.800 FPS

    39724 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7944.800 FPS

    39724 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7944.800 FPS

    39724 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7944.800 FPS

    39686 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7937.200 FPS

    X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

    Nice "logo"  :mr-green:


    GB newbie


    You still need the source for the legacy drivers i'm afraid.


    IIRC, if it is installed there should be at least two folders in /usr/src, that is linux and linux-2.6.11-6mdk (and any sources, if applicable) not sure of the exact version number of the default source.


    if there's just linux, or nithing at all in that folder, go to the Mandriva Control Centre and install the kernel-sources package.


    As a final check once you have installed the sources, make sure that linux (which should be a symlink) is pointing to (one of) the other folders by using:


    ls -l /usr/src/linux


    Although a quick way to check it to run the nvidia run package, if it says the sources cannot be found, then either they have not been installed or the /usr/src/symlink isn't pointing to the sources!

  8. my issue is,

    why is Mandriva pulling a MALWARE practice and forcing install of unwanted software?


    I do not want firefox sucking up hard drive space at all.

    if I wanted an internet explorer look / feel browser I would use crossover office and install internet explorer.


    A bit harsh, IMHO!


    It's not like Mandriva is forcing an install of the software, Mandriva as a distribution installs selection of packages by default, a decision they make as packagers and distributors to suit their intended market! They have not forced anything on to you, they are not forcing you to use it, are they?


    As for some "dip", I believe this dependency affects more than just Mandriva:




    Sometimes, there is more to a package than meets the eye -- especially true of Firefox. It's not just a browser (though that's what most people think) -- it's an embeddable HTML rendering library that's used at the core level by a majority of the Linux desktop programs that utilize HTML rendering. There is a lot more work than meets the eye when you do something. I hope now people see that the "I unpacked the damn 1.5 tarball, what's so difficult about backporting it?" argument does NOT work!"


    That's why there's dependencies, it's the way things work, not an issue with a dip at Mandriva (OMG, i'm actually sticking up for them, I need to lie down!)

  9. I might be missing it, but I'm not sure how he explains to get them to load in parallel the services.


    Don't worry Ian, I missed it too!


    Does it really matter how long an OS takes to boot if it is wihin say......2mins (arbitrary, yup), what matters is performance once the OS has fully booted. But then again, if it floats your boat, then feel free to experiment, each to their own ;).

  10. and where IMHO the online (fan-) support has quite a bit of catching up to do with for example this board, when it comes to newbies (RH/FC and Debian crowd are often more UTFS/RTFM types and less newbie friendly)....


    I'm not aware of the RH community and the boards you refer to, but are we talking about an unofficial, or official community here? IMHO it would be wrong to compare an unnoficial community of one distro to an official comunity of another.


    To be fair, Mandriva's official community is nothing for them to be proud of, if anyone every needs help with Mandy, I send them here as they are more likely to get the answers they need in a timely fashion (barring a few specific issues privvy to the official community itself, etc)

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