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Posts posted by Reiver_Fluffi

  1. These tools are all about lock-in and making other distro's look hard but many noobies sucessfully install and configure gentoo without any of these tools. (or arch or slack etc.)


    I disgree, if you want to talk about lock-in there's only one OS that is well suited to that description! These GUI tools are a means of making the distro "more accessable", rather than to lock a user in.

  2. And i also got a Mandriva Linux 2006 i586 Install DVD, is it as good as SUSE, especially for a newbie like me who's just embark on the Linux road.


    I would say yes, and no.


    While I have had no major problems with the SUSE installer, some of the tools are not user friendly, for instance their partitioning tool is nothing compared to graphical partitioning tool that you get with Mandriva 2006. However Mandriva 2006 did have a few issues for me that required manual edits, and global issue with Xorg that affected many (not all) but there has been a separate discussion on this. Like Ian says, whichever works for you.

  3. What is a CLI command to print a system info? 10x!


    This is what I used:


    echo -----------------=[ System Information ]=---------------------
    printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "Operating System" `uname -o`
    printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "Arch Type" `uname -p`
    printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "Kernel Version" `uname -r`
    echo -----------------=[ Hardware Information ]=-------------------
    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name"
    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "cpu MHz"
    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "bogomips"
    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "cache size"
    echo --------------------------------------------------------------
    cat /proc/meminfo | grep "MemTotal"
    cat /proc/meminfo | grep "MemFree"
    cat /proc/meminfo | grep "SwapTotal"
    cat /proc/meminfo | grep "SwapFree"
    echo -----------------=[ Desktop  Information ]=-------------------
    printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "GTK2:" `gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme`
    printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "Metacity:" `gconftool-2 --get /apps/metacity/general/theme`
    printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "Icons:" `gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme`
    echo --------------------------------------------------------------


    Which is a trimmed down version of the script cybrjackle posted here: https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?s=&show...ndpost&p=202482

  4. I f you use distrowatch as a indicator, this might be a sign


    Mandriva is now on 9 and falling


    PClinuxOS is on 5 and rising fast


    Yes, but as Ladislav tells us, these are merely for fun, and given that it is over 7 days, they are not statictically important in the grand scheme of things. For example Xubuntu is high on the list, obviously the announcements concerning the distro in the last few days have attracted this attention!!! However look further, i.e. 30 days and onward, Xubuntu creeps down the list, 7 days is too short term to reflect an general opinion on popularity for something that is released once a year.

  5. But not every desktop-user is ready for Linux. :D




    Because for the majority, there will be one point in our lives when we have to use MS products. These are seen as an industry standard due to poor government regulation and a clever business/marketing strategy. Ubuntu brings people to linux that possibly wouldn't have considered it before. IMHO this means more to the linux community as a whole than who is a fork of who!

  6. I remembered from a previous post here (but can't find it), Linus Torvalds prefers KDE ;)


    Ooh Ooh Ooh, that's verging on flame territory, there was me thinking you were a nice monkey! :cheeky:


    (before anyone gets excited, please note that I am joking :P)

  7. I would only reboot the x server. It should not be affecting the system. When I switch sessions with my nvidia drivers, x always restarts. Sounds like the ati driver is not doing that, so use a control-alt-back to reboot x.


    It ain't a problem with the ati drivers, they work fine on Fedora, but like the O/P I was getting the whole black screen fiasco, but then I scribbed my Mandy partition.

  8. or keep your malicous thoughts to yourself. You do not cause problems, you solve them. If you can't grasp that basic concept because you either do not care, are too complacent, or have no clue.... you do not need to be a mod any more. Simple.


    For one, there was nothing in that post that gave any definite indication of malicious intent. At the end of the day the mod was giving his honest "opinion", that is all you can derive from what was actually said, and to be quite frank, there's nothing to say that a moderator cannot air his/her opinion, they are after all human, and like many have said, it is after all a thankless job. You think after all these years that some people would be able to read what is written on a message board and appreciate that the lack of body language and vocal tone gives some ambiguity with regard to the interpretation of the words printed there. Given this it would have been wiser to question the motives of the poster instead of assuming that they were malicious



    2. I have not accused hanes of trolling, but said that imho the post is trollish. That is a very different thing!


    Like I said above, I seen nothing to indicate a personal attack, unfortunately some people will see it that way, and i'm not singling out the people that have expressed their concern here, there are others who will have kept such thoughts to themselves. Again one of those pitfalls in bringing people of differing personalities, from different political & cultural backgrounds.


    So lets finish off this discussion with a :beer:

  9. What I forgot to tell ian is that I do this from within mandrake in a chroot environment. Anyway, here goes.


    The original instructions are over 45 pages long so this is my condensed version. You'll have to modify it if needed.


    4. mount -t proc proc /mnt/gentoo/proc


    Dunno how relevant this is, but I noticed that the manual now asks that in addition to the command above you do the following after:


    mount -o bind /dev /mnt/gentoo/dev

  10. I do either a stage 1 or stage 2 install. Mostly stage 2's. One of the reasons I like them over stage 3 is there is more control and flexibility. And I like the text install method. They don't give instructions anymore as they say they are for developers but I continue to download the stage2 tarball and do my install the old way.


    Ye dinnae fancy fixing my install, dunno how much I have broken my kernel, still can't get audio or ethernet to work despite compiling the modules and loading them (things were so much simpler with 2005 and genkernel, trust me to want more).


    I'll be yer groupie forever, see i'm ready:



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