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Posts posted by Reiver_Fluffi

  1. Given all this it's not surprising that their share price has fallen by ~90% in one year (no stock splits to consider here), and are seeking finance from VCF's at the same time as reporting yet another operating loss. The latter brings a whole new level of scepticism when you look at the idea that the venture capital money was to invest in new strategies, more likely it was to alleviate the pressure on what I imagine was a worsening liquidity problem. It gives me no surprise that the financial information on Mandriva's "investor" area is so limited, it is more than likely hiding issues with working capital management that would put off potential investors. The Mandriva management seriously need to remove their heads from their backsides and learn to do business rather than play shop like a bunch of four year-old's, there's only so much debt you can manage before the bubble bursts!

  2. and it's just my humble opinion too :) As for me calling saying it's a "common opinion" -- i meant that I have seen it expressed in many places by other people.


    Though I don't see how that theme is "innovative"





    (although not necessarily pure in this case)


    In the context of originality and innovation.

  3. Every criticism you made is either a matter of your personal choice or unjustified, I do not see how that translates to common opinion. If it were common opinion were that round edges were "generally terrible" then why are there so many, and that some are popular? You criticise the button placement, saying that it is inconsistent, inconsistent with what? Other themes? What was wrong with innovation and orgininality (although not necessarily pure in this case)? You remark that the appearance was unbalanced, sorry but by virtue of the fact that there is one button on one side, and three on the other, it is natural for metacity themes to be unbalanced!


    It might not be the best theme in the world, but it doesn't merit it being described with one derogatory word.



  4. There's been no announcement on the mailing list yet, but the homepage for Fedora states in so much that Fedora 8 is now available, and provides links to torrents & mirrors


    Edit, it's official now, I just received the announcement:


    (To the tune of Michael Jackson's "Thriller")


    It's close to midnight and something cool is coming through the "tubes"

    It's looking real tight, a distro for the experts and the n00bs

    With Live CDs* so you can try it out before installing

    Or DVDs so you can have the packages you choose

    No way to lose


    'Cause it's Fedora, Fedora 8

    We'd love to have you join us and together we'll be great

    Using Fedora, Fedora 8

    Just click the link and rescue your computer's future today


    Hotplugging speakers, you realize PulseAudio is sweet

    You feel the power of kernel 2.6.23

    You close your eyes but then you can't see all the gorgeous artwork

    You want online? New NetworkManager helps you explore

    And try out BigBoard


    'Cause it's Fedora, Fedora 8

    This is the leading edge of free and open source today

    You've got Fedora, Fedora 8

    A brand-new shiny desktop with the latest, greatest awaits



    Now firewalls, you will find, are a ball to configurate

    Virtual hosts you can manage the most secure way

    (It makes your day)

    Now you can authenticate


    They're out to get you, security enhancements stop them cold

    You want your codecs? Codeina is the legal way to go

    We've got the spins -- developers, electronics, and gaming

    And that's not all, we wanted to make sure your Java's free

    So we've got IcedTea


    Inside Fedora, Fedora 8

    We promise Number 9 is no more than six months away, world

    Fedora, Fedora 8

    So get aboard the torrent, share Fedora, score a new Fedora, by next May

    'Cause it's Fedora, Fedora 8

    You get to keep both pieces anytime that something breaks, girl

    Fedora, Fedora 8

    If only Vincent Price could read this killer filler:


    "Werewolf" moves across the land

    Router meltdowns close at hand

    Sysadmins in search of blood

    For those who caused this bandwidth flood

    And whosoever took the risk

    But failed to make an extra disc

    Must face the Bastard Op from Hell

    And lose his access to the shell


    The best of Linux now is here

    To kill the FUD and strike with fear

    The hearts of those who steal your rights

    And hide their code far from your sight

    Closed source takes away what's yours

    But you'll never shake the horror

    Until you taste the freedom and

    The power of FEDORA!


    [*Note: Some Live images are actually too big for CDs and require DVDs

    or USB storage for use. Refer to

    http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CustomSpins for more information.]





    To get Fedora, visit:



    = WHAT'S NEW? =


    To read about all the latest changes, visit:



    For a summary, visit:



    = JOIN US! =


    To find ways you can help and participate, visit:




    *) This mail was brought to you by the Fedora Docs team.



    Jesse Keating

    Fedora -- All my bits are free, are yours?


    EDIT fixed broken links, my bad :lol2:

  5. Ian, it looks to me that the O/P seen the page you link and that was what he was rantng about (well at least they both bear the nvidia quadro logo). I think the point is that the corporate server is poorly marketed on Mandriva's site, that page is very basic and in no way inticing, a total contrast to say the product page for the powerpack. I don't see one selling point on that page, just a list of specs, which are meaningless on their own. The O/P is right, there is no way that any potential customer would be interested in the product after looking at that lack-lustre attempt to sell it to them, there's nothing there to compell anyone to be interested.

  6. There doesn't need to be bribery involved here. There is a strong argument (as much as I hate to say it) for the Nigerians to adopt Windows, is the fact that the majority of the westernised world "depends" on Windows and compatible software, Microsoft will have driven that message to the Nigerians, that will have some part to play in the U-turn. It's a dire situation to which progress is being made, but not of benefit to Mandriva in this situation.

  7. Well, the "communication thing" definitely got better since Adam began to take care of communicating with the "outer world". The financial situation? ... Cannot comment on that as I don't know the companys financial data and it's future-strategy in detail.


    I agree with you, Adam has made a difference, but it's nothing compared to, say for example, the Ubuntu marketing machine, far from it.

  8. Tip for Mandriva: Find some people to check your grammar/spelling/etc (preferrably ones that speak english natively). Reading through the letter, there are quite a few mistakes, especially for a business correspondence. I realize this is his personal blog (it IS an open letter, though), but seriously, it looks bad when you criticize someone but can't use proper English (especially when the receiving party is English-speaking - I would say the same if it was in any other language).


    I say this partially because of this open letter, but also because I've seen Mandriva make such mistakes in more official forms before. I know French is their native language, and for all I care they could do everything in French, but if you are going to write in another language...


    I was thinking the same, but couldn't think of a constructive way to say it (work tired me out ;))

  9. I have managed to vote twice on that poll from the same IP, says a lot about the credibility of that poll, and a fact that Lenovo will be well aware of. In all honesty I believe that the end result will come down to "which community/organisation" will work best with Lenovo. I can not see this being Mandriva given the ineptitude of their management with regard to communication and financial management.


    (who moved this before I managed to finish my reply, grrrr).

  10. From what I have seen on the Ubuntu forums, the performance from fglrx+AIGLX is a bit choppy. I have yet to get AIGLX working with Ubuntu or Mandriva with open or closed drivers (of which my card is supported by both) :angry:

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