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Xinerama and desktop manager in 9.2


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Having now successfully got my second graphics card working, I've now hit a second problem. When I turn Xinerama on the computer 'sort of' freezes when I try to log out. I say sort of because I can move the mouse but nothing else works. Not ctrl/alt/delete not ctrl/alt/F1 to get to a text login screen or ctrl/alt/backspace to restart the X server. The only things that work are the off switch and the reset button. I just get my default background colour and the standard X cursor when there is no window manager.


This only happens when I enable xinerama, if I just have the two displays working without it, everything works ok. I can restart the X server before I log in (through ctrl/alt/backspace) so it doesn't appear to be restarting the X server that is causing the problem. The problems occurs whether I use GNOME or KDE and whether I use GDM, KDM or MDKDM (or whatever the mandrake version is called) and pretty much all combinations of these. I can reboot safely rather than logout.


Any ideas?


If you need the information I'm using a Nvidia GForce and a Matrox Millenium as my two graphics cards.



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Thanks, that helps. I hadn't thought of using ctrl/alt/backspace to log out. However, I would still like to solve the problem properly. If you just need a second screen you might try disabling Xinerama. This gives you a completely seperate second screen, where logging out works. The problem is that you can't drag stuff from one screen to the other you have to start stuff in the screen you want to work on.


The real killer for me is OpenOffice.org which will only run on one screen at a time no matter which screen it is launched on. I like to have my slideshow program (Impress or Powerpoint) on one screen with my word processor on the other. This isn't possible when running without Xinerama since second OOo window opens on the same screen as the first and you can't drag between them. But if you're programming you probably don't need OOo and this might work for you.


So does anyone out there have a solution to our problem?

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First , the Xinerama is obviously not quite right.

Sorry but if your using mdkdm (the default i can\t be specific)


(nor have I any intention of ever learning a new dm - perhaps someone who uses the Mandrake cludge can convert this - sorry but I won\t have an undocumented login manager on my system EVER - its not I think mandy would put in a backdoor and lets face it its a pretty good place to put one for root access but a matter of principle)


In /etc/X11/xdm (if your using xdm) is a file Xsessions

the last line is the display and command to start.

This needs a -Xinerama (to start it by default)


If you use gdm this is still used by default.... as well

kdm has a different one and i dont have it installed to check


Anyway.... you should be able to test it by executing it by hand.

You need to stop your running display manager first.

i.e. /etc/init.d/dm stop

(which if your running X will dump you at a console login)


There is NOTHING you can do about OO except use Xinerama ... if you try and warp it to another DISPLAY you take the whole MDI thing across.


Illl look for some examples in my backups of a mutlidisplay mixed Xinerama and seperate X servers if this might help....

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Thanks, but I'm afraid it doesn't work. Adding -Xinerama to

exec /etc/X11/Xsession $*

in my /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession file still has the problem and adds another one, I can no longer pick my desktop, but always use KDE even though I'm using GDM. I have tried adding the -Xinerama both before and after the $*. I have also tried adding

Option "Xinerama" "true"

to the ServerFlags section of the XF86Config-4 file as suggested by the xinerama HOWTO. Still no luck.


It also doesn't work if I change to using XDM.

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