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Are there command line "drak" tools? [solved]

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I got myself totally hosed last night by trying to install an nvidia driver from the nvidia site. I ended up with a kernel/driver mismatch that I couldn't resolve. I finally urpme'd everything nvidia and then urpmi'd the nvidia driver and went into mc/edit to change xorg.conf to "nv" instead of nvidia. So at least I could boot into 2009.0 with one of my two screens.


So this morning, I tried to use Mandriva Control Center to get the appropriate nvidia (proprietery) driver and got myself hosed again. I think there may again be editing of the xorg.conf file needed (to go from "nv" to "nvidia"?) but I can't get there. The system is trying to boot into the graphical environment and I just end up with a cursor in the upper left corner, with no prompt or anything so that I can enter commands.


So, I booted into safe mode and brought up mc but it doesn't display quite right. The little "




[moved from Software by spinynorman]

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I know you have had much trouble with 2009.0. Do you still have your 2008.1 DVD? I think I would be tempted to reinstall 2008.1 and wait for 2009.1 or even 2010.0. KDE4 should have reached equilibrium by then.


On another note. Yes VI is a pain, but it is adequate if all you are doing is changing nvidia to nv. I can walk you through this if you are interested.

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Well, if all I have available is safe mode at the moment, how can I use that to get my id from trying to boot into the graphical environment? - or to crate a new id that doesn't boot into the graphical environment. I need at least this much to try to do anything.

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So I thought that maybe there was a drake tool available that could be executed from the command line so that I could tell the system not to boot my id straight into the graphical environment. Also is there an editor somewhere that can be executed from the command line (NOT VI) that can be used to edit xorg.conf?

You can use drakboot, then uncheck the 'launch the graphical environment when your system starts' box, and click on OK.


I prefer nano over vi for an editor, but you have to install it first. Also here's a post from AussieJohn on how to use vim/vi for your problem.


And just for the record, I've been using Mandriva 2009.0 with the KDE 3.5.10 DE since it was released without any problems at all. :)

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Hi, I had a similar thing upon a kernel update. When I got the screen with the cursor in the upper left I used ctrl + alt + F1 and then logged into that terminal and used XFdrake in there I could then select the required driver.

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Ah, drakboot, ok. Thanks. That is what I was looking for. For editing I would usually use mc to get to the file and then use the embedded editor within mc.


What other command line "drak" items are available? This would be useful to know. I didn't even know that drakboot existed.


I tried 3.5.10 with 2009.0, but that was after having tried kde4 and there ended up being a mishmash of both on the system such that neither of them worked right.


I was reading some posts on other forums that indicated that the nvidia driver from Mandriva was the reason my cam (Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000 with gqcam) was not working right. These other people had replaced that driver with the one from the nvidia site and it fixed their problem. That was how I got into this mess to begin with. I downloaded and installed the driver, logged off and was hosed.

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Hi, I had a similar thing upon a kernel update. When I got the screen with the cursor in the upper left I used ctrl + alt + F1 and then logged into that terminal and used XFdrake in there I could then select the required driver.

Hmmm. You could "select" a driver? They have drivers listed? I'll have to take a look at that. The problem may just be that xorg.com has an "nv" instead of an "nvidia" in it. I just don't know. I had gone into control center under the video section and it said that there was a more capable proprietary driver available and asked if I would like to use it. I said yes, so it did the install and then told me that I needed to log off and then back on for it to take effect. It didn't indicate that I needed to do anything else. Well I logged off and was then hosed and couldn't get back in.

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What other command line "drak" items are available? This would be useful to know. I didn't even know that drakboot existed.


You can look around after installing bash-completion, then relogin and try drak+<TAB>.




With 2009.0, you can use this feature with urpmi by default, too.



Have fun,



Edited by scoonma
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Ok, I'm up and running kinda. I only able to use one monitor of the two and am using the nvidia driver from Mandriva. I can't execute the nvidia-settings program because it doesn't exist on my system any more, and it seems I can't download it from Nvidia because it installs along with the driver. So, I will have to modify the xorg.conf by hand I guess. The other option is this nice PCLOS disk that my buddy just gave me. I'll look around a bit more about how to get this second monitor working, but I'm starting to get claustrophobic without it.

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II am back up and functioning with two screens. Luckily I keep a backup copy of my xorg.conf and a couple of other important files in a directory in my home directory. Guess I'll stop trying to get that camera to work until 2009.1, since that is what started all my problems.


Thanks everybody for your help.

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