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Need help with 2 minor issues [solved]


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Hi all,


I am a relatively new Linux user, ran Ubuntu for a little while and recently decided to try out Mandriva.


After fighting with the install, due more to hardware changes made just prior to install than to the actual installation, I have to say that most things are running smoothly.


I have only 2 main problems I am looking for help with at the moment.


1) Every 10 - 15 minutes or so, the system will hang. Usually just for a couple of seconds, but on occasion it has been as long as a minute or two. It never crashes out, just hangs as though processing something (though no other indications of processing occur). Just wondering if there is anything I can do to fix this.


2) I run the Gnome desktop, even though I prefer many KDE apps for some of my common tasks. For instance I use Akregator as my RSS reader. Akregator runs well, but the notifier icon doesn't appear in my tray, and the buttons don't have icons on them in the program itself. The icon/button is there, I can click on them and they do what they are supposed to do, but they are "invisible". Any help with this would be appreciated.


Thanks in advance for the help.

Edited by seebor
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Every 10 - 15 minutes or so, the system will hang. Usually just for a couple of seconds, but on occasion it has been as long as a minute or two. It never crashes out, just hangs as though processing something (though no other indications of processing occur). Just wondering if there is anything I can do to fix this.


Can you tell us what services you have running?


You need to run the Mandriva Linux Control Center (mcc) to see a list of services (under System). I am a KDE user, and I am not sure if the GNOME desktop is configured the same way. Do you see a menu item called Configure Your Computer? This is how mcc is launched under KDE.


Alternately, you can start it from the command line with "mcc"

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Hello and welcome to this board :)


This is just a post asking for some clarification.


1) Every 10 - 15 minutes or so, the system will hang. Usually just for a couple of seconds, but on occasion it has been as long as a minute or two. It never crashes out, just hangs as though processing something (though no other indications of processing occur). Just wondering if there is anything I can do to fix this.
I have a similar issue with my laptop and it seems to be related to the ATI Radeon XPress chipset (crapset?); I wish I had the solution…

Do you perhaps have an ATI chipset too?


2) I run the Gnome desktop, even though I prefer many KDE apps for some of my common tasks. For instance I use Akregator as my RSS reader. Akregator runs well, but the notifier icon doesn't appear in my tray, and the buttons don't have icons on them in the program itself. The icon/button is there, I can click on them and they do what they are supposed to do, but they are "invisible". Any help with this would be appreciated.
My wife has a similar problem with her recent installation of Mandriva 2009.1 RC1: icons in MCC (Gnome desktop) do not appear.

So you guess what the question is: do you use latest stable Mandriva (2009.0), or the newer release candidate (2009.1 RC1)?



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Thanks for the responses.



As for my services, the list shows the following:












































I have to admit, I have no idea what most of those are/do. I am also not 100% certain if they are all running, as some of them (specifically the boinc-client for example) are for programs that I were not running while I type this.



I am not totally familiar with what my machine has in it as I have only had it for a few days, however, looking into it I found this description of my motherboard. Asus K8N4-E Deluxe Motherboard - an AMD Athlon64 socket 754 nForce4 motherboard (from pcstats.com).


As to the question of which release I am running, checking the System tab on the System Monitor, it tells me that I am running:

Releae 2009.0 (zarapha)

Kernel Linux 2.6.27-desktop586-0.rc8.2mnb

GNOME 2.24.0


Thanks again for the help.

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For the Akregator problem make sure oxygen-icon-theme is installed.


Also try installing and running htop, see if anything is consuming the CPU or RAM.


theYenYeti: the mcc icons problem is a different issue, fixed since yesterday in cooker.

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The oxygen-icon-theme fixed the problem. Thank you.


As for the hanging issue, I have a hypothesis that will be tested in a day or so. Looking around dealing with a few other issues that have popped up, I realized that I never installed the drivers for my video card. This will have to wait to be fixed, as I just ordered a new card and don't want to install drivers just to have to uninstall them and install the new ones (switching from an ATI card to an nVidia, hence the change).


Is it possible that the lack of video drivers could be contributing to this issue?

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Is it possible that the lack of video drivers could be contributing to this issue?

You do have the measly proprietary ATi (fglrx) driver installed. Else the atieventsd daemon wouldn't be there.

If you keep the ATi card, then by all means drop the proprietary driver and switch to the opensource one, which is way more predictable. Or, of course, switch to an nvidia card, which is properly supported by proprietary drivers under Linux.

Edited by scarecrow
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I have a similar issue with my laptop and it seems to be related to the ATI Radeon XPress chipset (crapset?); I wish I had the solution…

Do you perhaps have an ATI chipset too?

switching from an ATI card to an nVidia
It appears that upgrading my video card took care of the hanging issue

So it seems I was right about the hanging issue. I wish I could change my card too… but it's a laptop…

Glad you got it sorted in the end though.



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