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Upgrade 2008.1 to 2009 Bad Sig on package [solved]


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I'm trying to upgrade my main system from 2008.1 to 2009 by following the Release notes section 2.1.2.


I updated 2008.1 as instructed. I deleted the 2008 media, and then added the 2009 media via Easy-Urpmi.


I ran the command 'urpmi --auto-select --replacefiles 2>&1 | tee upgrade.log'


Urpmi has downloaded 1506/1735 files. I now have a error message.


The following package has a bad signature:

/var/cache/urpmi/rpms/libpcks11-helper1-1.05-2mdv2009.0.i586rpm: Invalid Key ID (OK(DSA/SHA1, Thur 02 OCT 2008 07:59:02 PM EDT, ID e7898ae070771ff3))


How do I fix this? I'm stuck part way through an upgrade. I have not booted the system yet. I'm entering this form the system.


I tried deleting the file, and re-running the command 'urpmi --auto --auto-select --replacefiles' but it got the same error again.



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I'm uploading the output from the command. Since I have not booted yet, lots of things are not working, I can not launch a konsole. I had to do a Ctrl + Alt + F1 to get a command line to run the command. I sent it to the attached file. output.txt


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Everything seems to be in order.


Try clearing the cache, as root in terminal:

rm -fv /var/cache/urpmi/partial/libpcks11-helper* /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/libpcks11-helper*

then try again. If it still complains about the key, choose yes to continue, the key the package is signed with is the right one.

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Here is an update. Before I booted the system, I switched to the gui and ran Update Your System from MCC. That installed another 67 packages, and appeared to run without error.


I then booted the system, and it came up with out any problems. So I'm now running 2009 :D .


I did some testing, and most things seem O.K.


Samba, printing, NSF are all fine, without any problems.


I ran Update Your System once in 2009, and another group of packages ( about 12 ) were not up to date. When I tried to update them, I got the same message about a bad Sig on the same package. I selected Yes to continue.


I then got a conflict on Ark version 3.5.9 conflicting with the packages to install. I had to remove Ark 3.5.9, then the other packages installed.


I have a problem with the Nvidia configuration. I Think I will open a new thread for that, and for now call this solved.


Thank-you for the help...

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