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Menu in Kicker KDE


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The only stuff I have in the Kicker menu is bookmarks, Quick Browser and a few other items. All my other menus are gone. It looks like each time I restart Mdk the menu disappears.


This has happened before, but I was able to fix it in MCC/System/Menudrake. That doesn't work anymore. How can I get my menu back?

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i'm at work, so i don't have KDE in front of me. but, have you tried going to KCC (KDE Control Center), then go to "look & feel". there's settings in there for what you want to appear in the Kicker menu. as to why they dissapeared in the first place........... :?



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if reinstalling menudrake didn't work, answering a couple of questions might help in troubleshooting this problem.


what version of MDK are you using?

what version of KDE?

before this happened, what were you doing? IE: did you try a KDE upgrade & this started happening? did you install a package/program/security-bug fix & this started happening?


if the menudrake reinstall doesn't work, here's a couple of other things you could try.


upgrade to KDE3.1.3 or 4, if you aren't using one of those already. the MDK version of KDE is 3.1.1 (or 0....i forget right now). Texstar has rpm's for the latest KDE version. beware if you use Texstar's KDE rpm. it will remove your cdrom icons from your desktop if you're using "supermount". there's an easy work around for that though, discussed elsewhere in this forum & on Texstar's site.


worst case scenerio, remove the whole KDE package via MCC, then reinstall KDE from the cd's via MCC. i'd only try that as a last resort, though, because you will lose all personal KDE settings & it would be dependency & package hell. ok, maybe not hell, but it would be a drastic measure, IMHO.



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I'm downloading 9.2 rc2 right now and plan to install tomorrow. I'm not going to bother upgrading KDE 3.1.0 on 9.1, I'll just limp along like this until rc2 is set up.


This all started about the time I installed Fluxbox and started configuring and experimenting. Pretty sure that's the cause.


The menudrake reinstall made no difference, I'll tinker around a bit more, see what I can find. Thanks for the ideas

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This might help you out, I got it from PCLO, basically the same problem with the K-menu.


"Drop to the console su - to root and type:


update-menus -v


It will run through a bunch of stuff and just press return when it stops and exit out of the console and the icons will re-appear at the next login."

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I have very nearly the same problem. BobGuy's suggestion (update-menus -v) didn't seem to help. My K menu has nothing above "configure KDE" and the KDE Control Panel is empty. My application buttons next to the kicker are gone too. The menus are also all empty in gnome, but in other window managers (IceWM and Fluxbox) all the applications are in the menus.


I installed fluxbox yesterday, but I think it was after this problem had occurred. I'm pretty sure that the problem started when I went into menudrake and tried to add a menu entry for MozillaFirebird. I had an icon for it already but wanted to have it on the menus too. Once I hadded it in menudrake, pressed save, then re-logged in, everything was screwed up.


When I go into menudrake, as far as i can tell everything is still there. it just doesn't show up on the actual menu. ?

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just wondrin'............where did you guys install Flux from? i installed Texstar's rpm of Flux 2 weeks ago. i also use KDE as my main desktop. i have had no problems with KDE since installing the Flux rpm from Texstar. maybe there was something funky with the Flux packages you installed. were they .tar/gz files? did you get any weird errors when installing them if they were? hmmm.......



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  • 3 weeks later...

I was having a similar problem. I had seen the menu's disappear before but Menudrake always fixed it. I installed fluxbox and the menu disappeared/emptied and menudrake wouldn't fix it.


I ran the "update-menus -v" as root and it gave the following error.


In file "/etc/menu/menudrakeentry", at (or in the definition that ends at) line 7:

[...] package="menu" section="Fluxbox/Styles/" title=""

[...] ^

Missing (or empty) tag: title

This tag needs to defined for the menuentry to make sense.

Note, BTW, that update-menus re-arranges the order of the

tags found in the menu entry files, so that the part above

isn't literal

/etc/menu-methods//gnome-mime-data-applications: Aborting


I went in and edited the menudrakeentry file and put flux into the title field and everything is back to normal now after updating the menu again.

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